Новости класс паладин днд

воина веры, требует особого разговора. Особенности и способности нового класса D&D Paladin. Ключевые изменения Паладина в этом игровом тесте — это прежде всего переработка и изменение существующего материала, в том числе найденного в предыдущих материалах Unearthed Arcana. Well, lucky you, we are discussing the best Race for a paladin in 5e DnD in this article.

D&D 5th Edition

Многие паладины преданы богам добра, но сила паладина происходит скорее от собственного стремления к справедливости, чем от божества. Статья автора «Клубок Приключений» в Дзене: Привет, сегодня мы поговорим о самом блистательном, самом карательном, самом светоносном классе в DnD — мы поговорим о Паладине. Part of our D&D 5E Basic Build Series, this Paladin uses the Oath of Devotion to add additional party protection in the form of charm immunity.

Paladin Handbook: DnD 5th Edition Class Guide – RPGBOT

The Dragonborn Paladin is an iconic class and race combination in DnD 5e. We take a look at why it's so good, and how to build it yourself. Это прекрасная способность делающая паладина тем самым классом с «огого критами» которого так любят и уважают. The Dragonborn Paladin is an iconic class and race combination in DnD 5e. We take a look at why it's so good, and how to build it yourself. Part of our D&D 5E Basic Build Series, this Paladin uses the Oath of Devotion to add additional party protection in the form of charm immunity. Прежде чем начать создавать персонажа паладин в игре Dungeons & Dragons (DnD), вам нужно определиться с его расой и классом.

Paladin NPCs & How to Use Them for EVERY Tier of Play

Проблема в том, что формы эти бесполезные. Друид в них теряет по Кд, урон не повышается, хиты свои же, кастовать в них нельзя. Проще тратить на что-то другое. Круг луны: - В дикой форме можно бить бонусным действием безоружной атакой, превращение бонусным действием и можно кастовать заклинания ограждения.

И даже если в ограждения добавили хил не спасает ситуацию. Паладин: - Наложение рук теперь не лечит болезни, а только нимает состояние отравление и хилит. Теперь паладинам опасно ходить в бордели.

Нет ситуативных модификаторов по нежити и исчадиям. Карать только раз в ход. Нельзя юзать кару, если уже использовал заклинание в ходу.

Остальное - долгожданно. Много раз люди просили смайтить не только мили. И теперь за один ход нельзя будет потратить половину своих ячеек.

И действует не только на раунд.

Both Channel Divinity options are stellar picks, and your choice between them should be guided by the style of your DM. If they like to throw monster after monster at you, Rebuke the Violent will be essential to mirror the blows dealt to your party. But if creative roleplay better suits your campaign, Emissary of Peace allows you to avoid even the most certain of conflicts. Upon reaching fourth level, take the Tough feat.

At level eight, increase your Cha score so you can make better use of your absolutely excellent spell list, and put your Oath spells to maximum use. From here, your Paladin should be set up to use the Aura of the Guardian class feature efficiently. Keep plugging Cha and Con, letting damage dealing fall to other party members. Rock Gnome Lancer For a slightly sillier, and outright peculiar playstyle, consider building your Paladin as a mounted lancer, harrying the enemy with recurring charges. Playing a mounted character can be tricky, although Paladins get around the most persistent problems using their Find Steed spell.

Employed correctly, mounts grant mobility improvements, as well as combat advantages, such as letting you disengage without provoking an attack of opportunity. Ability Scores Nothing fancy here. Details Pick Gnome 5e as your race. As small creatures, they can ride medium mounts, including mastiffs, ponies, hippogriffs, and other tamable creatures, letting you enter dungeons or cramped spaces with relative ease. Be sure to pick a lance for your weapon, as its the highest damage-dealing martial option, and pad yourself with plate armor.

At third level, choose the Oath of Devotion. Its list of protective and condition spells is reliable, if unremarkable.

В сущности, можно описать его в нескольких ключевых понятиях — Честь, Милосердие, и Справедливость. Постараемся разобрать эти понятия чуть подробней. Итак, Честь. Надо сказать, что Честь — штука весьма относительная. Ведь у тех же рыцарей средневековья не считалось зазорными бесчестным поступком изнасиловать свою крестьянку вспомним про право первой ночи или убить ударом в спину сарацина, еврея или другого «нехристя». Но у паладина нет чести. У него есть Честь, как добродетель, как возведенная в абсолют истина.

Он ко всем относится так, как хотел бы, чтобы относились к нему. Он никогда не запятнает себя подлым поступком, предательством, изменой. Он никогда не ударит в спину, не будет использовать яд или черное колдовство, не будет скрывать своего имени и звания, даже если это будет грозить большими неприятностями. Он не нарушит Слово или правила дуэльного поединка. Как говорили Соламнийские рыцари Кринна — «Моя честь — это моя жизнь». Но не надо думать, что если человек честен, то он глуп или узколоб. Совершенно не обязательно. И бесчестный поступок и военная хитрость — это совершенно разные вещи. Да, паладин не станет отравлять воду в осажденной крепости или брать заложников, но вот тайно проникнуть в крепость ночью, дабы открыть ворота или совершить ловкий обманный маневр, чтобы окружить противника, — это никак не противоречит кодексу Чести.

Милосердие — одна из самых сложных добродетелей в ролевых играх. Когда у персонажа уровня так 10 счет убитых врагов переваливают за вторую сотню — это даже не смешно. Но паладин постарается, если есть возможность, решить дело миром. Если не он давал жизнь, то он не в праве и отбирать ее, если есть другой выход. Каждый умерший злодей — лишь отсрочка, потому что ему на смену появится новый. Каждый раскаявшийся злодей — победа, потому что стало меньше одним плохим человеком и одним хорошим — больше. Убийство в бою, когда ты защищаешься сам или защищаешь других, — это одно. Убийство беззащитного человека, который потерял сознание, выронил меч, упал и т. А именно — недопустимое поведение.

Да, с точки зрения эффективности — это разумный ход. Но не забывайте, паладин — человек Веры. Веры в свои идеалы. И в этих запретах и ограничениях не его слабость, а его сила, но этого вопроса мы коснемся чуть позже.

You know the type celestial, fiend, or undead of any being whose presence you sense, but not its identity the vampire Count Strahd von Zarovich, for instance. Within the same radius, you also detect the presence of any place or object that has been consecrated or desecrated, as with the hallow spell. When you finish a long rest, you regain all expended uses. Lay on Hands Your blessed touch can heal wounds. You have a pool of healing power that replenishes when you take a long rest. With that pool, you can restore a total number of hit points equal to your paladin level x 5. As an action, you can touch a creature and draw power from the pool to restore a number of hit points to that creature, up to the maximum amount remaining in your pool. Alternatively, you can expend 5 hit points from your pool of healing to cure the target of one disease or neutralize one poison affecting it. You can cure multiple diseases and neutralize multiple poisons with a single use of Lay on Hands, expending hit points separately for each one. This feature has no effect on undead and constructs. Fighting Style At 2nd level, you adopt a style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options. Great Weapon Fighting When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit. Protection When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. You must be wielding a shield. The extra damage is 2d8 for a 1st-level spell slot, plus 1d8 for each spell level higher than 1st, to a maximum of 5d8. The damage increases by 1d8 if the target is an undead or a fiend. Spellcasting By 2nd level, you have learned to draw on divine magic through meditation and prayer to cast spells as a cleric does.

Paladin 5e Class Guide for Dungeons and Dragons

Spellcasting has seen three major changes for Paladins that are as follows: Spell preparation is no longer tied to the level of Paladin spell slots. Paladins can change one prepared spell when finishing a long rest. Paladins no longer have cantrips as in previous playtests. Instead, they receive the Weapon Mastery feature. Lay on Hands is now a Bonus Action, meaning players can use it alongside attacking, healing, using a spell, or any other move that requires an Action. Aura of Protection has returned to 6th-level and will now become inactive if the Paladin is incapacitated. Adjure Foes will now do nothing on a successful save. Aura of Courage has returned to being a 10th-level feature.

What is the Paladin Sacred Oath? At the 3rd level, Paladins take a Sacred Oath. This commits your character to the holy quest they are on as well as giving them special Oath Spells.

There are three Sacred Oaths to choose from in 5e. Each oath has specific tenets, spells, and abilities. Paladins who take the Oath of Devotion are sometimes known as holy warriors or white knights. They are committed to the highest ideals of justice and virtue. What are the tenets of the Oath of Devotion? The tenets of the Oath of Devotion are rooted in justice, virtue, and order. These are: Honesty: You cannot lie or cheat Courage: You are never too afraid to act Compassion: You help others, show mercy, and protect those who cannot protect themselves Honor: You treat all fairly and do as much good as possible Duty: You feel a strong sense of duty to those you protect and those you follow What are the Oath of Devotion spells? Every few levels, Paladins get new spells based on their oath. At lower levels, you can cast protection from evil and good, sanctuary , lesser restoration , and zone of truth. Other Oath of Devotion abilities The Oath of Devotion offers several other abilities depending on your level.

The weapon will also emit a bright light and become magical useful against monsters who only take damage from magical weapons. Turn Undead: Hold up your Holy Symbol and chant a prayer. Undead enemies who fail a Wisdom saving throw will run away from you for one minute or until hit. Aura of Devotion: At 7th level, you can make yourself and friendly creatures within 10ft of you immune from charm spells. Purity of Spirit: At 15th level, you always receive the effect of the protection from evil and good spell. Holy Spirit: At 20th level, you can emit a radiant light for one minute and 30ft around you, causing 10 radiant damage to enemies within it. Oath of the Ancients The Oath of the Ancients is connected to nature, the Fey, and the eternal struggle between light and darkness. Paladins who take the Oath of the Ancients do so because they love the world and all living things on it and they are committed to protecting life and beauty. They are often called fey knights, green knights, or horned knights. What are the tenets of the Oath of the Ancients?

These are: Kindle the Light: You always try to kindle a light of hope in the world through mercy and kindness. Shelter the Light: You protect goodness and beauty in the world. Preserve Your Own Light: Delight in the beauty of the world. Be the Light: Let your love of the world be an inspiration for all around you. What are the Oath of the Ancients spells? If you take the Oath of the Ancients, at lower levels you can cast ensnaring strike, speak with animals , moonbeam , and misty step. As your level increases, you will eventually be able to cast plant growth, protection from energy, ice storm , stoneskin, commune with nature, and tree stride. Other Oath of the Ancients abilities Like the other Sacred Oaths, the Oath of the Ancients will grant you special abilities at certain levels. Turn the Faithless: You can force fey or fiends to run away from you in fear. Aura of Warding: At 7th level, you and your friends nearby are resistant to damage from spells.

This guide treats Paladin as a Charisma primary class rather than Strength for the purpose of enhancing the strong points of Paladin, an approach encouraged for all Paladins. Background Sailor Skills — Intimidation, Perception. Perception is the most used skill in the game and important to every character. Athletics from Sailor we already have, and can thus replace with any other skill. This is situational, but being able to secure free passage on a ship can be a boon in some campaigns. A magic weapon. This is likely out of your control, but for this build, a magic spear or quarterstaff would be ideal. If you find a magic halberd or glaive, you can work with those too. Some monsters have resistance or immunity to non-magical weapon attacks, and being able to bypass that resistance with your attacks is important. Level 1 Strategy In combat, we want to be attacking twice with our glaive while wearing our chain mail.

Whenever an enemy enters our reach which will be 10 feet at this point , take the free opportunity attack. Save Lay on Hands for between combat healing unless an ally has gone down, in which case you should give them one point of healing. Level 2 Paladin Fighting Style — Dueling. Note: Your reach is now 5 feet. Note that Divine Smite specifically says you deal the damage when you hit a creature, so it will never be wasted on a miss, and if you score a critical hit, you can choose to use a Divine Smite on that hit and double the damage.

Oathbreaker paladins are free to pursue dark goals, or accompany some more roguish characters, such as a party of warlocks, bards, and rogues, on adventures.

Oath Spells: Some of the options are bad and will never be used, but there are a few gems on this list. Go from being outnumbered to an overwhelming force in the blink of an eye. As long as you have the materials prepared ahead of time, your reinforcements can arrive when you most need them. Use it to animate a dead body to kill enemies and animate them tomorrow for a never-ending cycle. Confusion is unreliable compared to other single-target enchantment spells like Hold Person, given the randomness of its effect. Touch a target in a crowd and watch them deteriorate before confronting them for the kill.

Dominate Person is a powerful way to temporarily gain an extra party member. Control Undead is on theme, but less relevant. Control Undead: Rather than turning undead, you can redirect them. This only works on minor threats, however, as any serious undead threat is going to be too powerful for you to control. Putting a swath of creatures into a frightened panic in your presence allows your allies to mop them up relatively easily. The damage bonus will stack considerably.

Supernatural Resistance: Resistance to nonmagical damage makes you very difficult to kill when facing down minor enemies. Dread Lord: This ability does a ton of damage. Using it in conjunction with your channel divinity will allow you to chase enemies down and cause psychic damage to them, get an extra attack, and also take your normal attack. Animal Handling: Nature paladins and those who engage in mounted combat should grab this skill when available. Arcana: Divine casters usually take Religion over Arcana. Athletics: Strength is one of your main stats.

Deception: Paladins are straight-talking Lawful Good guys, but they do have Charisma as a main stat… History: Not terribly important Insight: The one Wisdom skill you should concern yourself with. Intimidation: Another great Charisma skill for you. Investigation: Not your strong suit. Perception: Spot enemies sneaking up on you. Performance: Not your job. Persuasion: This is your most important skill.

Sweet talk your way out of or into anywhere. Stealth: Not another Dexterity skill… Survival: Nature paladins only. Backgrounds Acolyte: Thematically this might make sense, as you get two skills off the paladin skill list, but neither are very useful given your ability score priorities. Versatile, but not ideal. Criminals are evil. Entertainer: bad skills for a heavily armored tank.

Faction AgentSCAG: A fantastic choice, given the versatility in skill selection, and two bonus languages along with 15 GP, which happens to be the most of any background. Though they do make you more balanced. FisherGoS: Neither skill provided by this background is terribly relevant for Paladins. However, there are better backgrounds for that particular archetype. Hermit: Medicine and Religion are your two most useful class skills. MarineGoS: In a sea-faring campaign, this is the perfect background.

Vehicle proficiency helps you contribute to the crew. Two great skills off your list, vehicle proficiency, and a feature that helps advance the plot if your DM is clever about it. Noble: History is less useful than religion for you specifically, but persuasion is your main skill. Sage: Not relevant for a Paladin. Sailor: Athletics and Perception is a solid combination. Proficiencies with water vehicles and free passage to new places opens up avenues of exploration.

ShipwrightGoS: The vehicle proficiency is the only things of value from this background. SmugglerGoS: Evil and antihero Paladins look no further! Deception and Athletics are two great skills for your archetype. Soldier: Athletics and Intimidation are both in your wheelhouse, and land vehicle proficiency will help on your travels. Urchin: Not relevant for a Paladin. You can use your single-cast 1st level spell for a smite.

Athlete: Not useful for Paladin. Actor: Not useful for Paladin. Crossbow Expert: Not useful for Paladin. However, there are still better feat options available for you. Dungeon Delver: Not useful for Paladin. Elemental Adept: Not useful for Paladin.

Heavily Armored: Redundant. Heavy Armor Master: A solid feat, especially at low levels. Inspiring Leader: Using this during every short rest will send the party into your next encounter with a decent reserve of temporary hit points. Keen Mind: Not useful for Paladin. Lightly Armored: Irrelevant. Linguist: Take the time to get tongues on an item or lean on other party members.

Lucky: An all-around great feat for any class. Mage Slayer: Casters are typically squishy enough for you to take them out with damage without needing too much help. Martial Adept: This feat is really only good for Fighters. Medium Armor Master: You should be using heavy armor. Moderately Armored: Irrelevant. Mounted Combat: This feat is mediocre as written, but if your DM allows you to get creative with it, and what mount you have, you can really shine as a cavalier.

Observant: Not useful for Paladin. Polearm Master: Gaining the extra abilities with reach weapons is amazing for Paladins.

Paladin 5e Guide: What Are The Paladins in DnD 5E?

Go through our paladin 5E class guide & learn their features, strengths, builds, etc. Паладин — один из часто встречающихся классов в ролевых играх, представляющий из себя воина веры. Anti-Paladins are the fanatical zealots serving evil deities as crusaders, commanders, and champions. Пройдя долгий путь со времен предыдущих выпусков Dungeons & Dragons, класс паладинов, на самом деле, один из лучших классов в 5-м издании.

Paladin 5e Class Guide for Dungeons and Dragons

Channel Divinity: One bad option and one perfect option make your choice on which to use easy. This is the bad option. Vow of Enmity: Here we go! Starting a boss fight? You have advantage against him.

Relentless Avenger: Slower enemies will have a hard time getting away from you. Consider taking Polearm Master to further increase your threat radius and keep chasing them down. Soul of Vengeance: An extra attack each round against your target of Vow of Enmity greatly increases your damage output. Avenging Angel: Flight for an hour a day is pretty rad.

The fear aura will hold lesser foes at bay while you take on the big bad, preventing you from being swarmed. All the abilities are great, but only apply in certain situations. If your campaign setting calls for it, this is one of the strongest paladin subclasses. However, in a vacuum when compared to the others, it underperforms.

Oath Spells: A wide variety of spells that are mostly situational or overlap with other party roles. Ahead of a fight with casters, this is a solid buff, but otherwise it wastes an action you would otherwise use smiting. Abjure the Extraplanar: Situational. Aura of the Sentinel: An initiative boost for entering combat in tight formation.

Vigilant Rebuke: Situational. Good against some casters. This Sacred Oath is more important for villainous archetypes than the others and gives an evil-aligned campaign a solid tank option. Oathbreaker paladins are free to pursue dark goals, or accompany some more roguish characters, such as a party of warlocks, bards, and rogues, on adventures.

Oath Spells: Some of the options are bad and will never be used, but there are a few gems on this list. Go from being outnumbered to an overwhelming force in the blink of an eye. As long as you have the materials prepared ahead of time, your reinforcements can arrive when you most need them. Use it to animate a dead body to kill enemies and animate them tomorrow for a never-ending cycle.

Confusion is unreliable compared to other single-target enchantment spells like Hold Person, given the randomness of its effect. Touch a target in a crowd and watch them deteriorate before confronting them for the kill. Dominate Person is a powerful way to temporarily gain an extra party member. Control Undead is on theme, but less relevant.

Control Undead: Rather than turning undead, you can redirect them. This only works on minor threats, however, as any serious undead threat is going to be too powerful for you to control. Putting a swath of creatures into a frightened panic in your presence allows your allies to mop them up relatively easily. The damage bonus will stack considerably.

Supernatural Resistance: Resistance to nonmagical damage makes you very difficult to kill when facing down minor enemies. Dread Lord: This ability does a ton of damage. Using it in conjunction with your channel divinity will allow you to chase enemies down and cause psychic damage to them, get an extra attack, and also take your normal attack. Animal Handling: Nature paladins and those who engage in mounted combat should grab this skill when available.

Arcana: Divine casters usually take Religion over Arcana. Athletics: Strength is one of your main stats. Deception: Paladins are straight-talking Lawful Good guys, but they do have Charisma as a main stat… History: Not terribly important Insight: The one Wisdom skill you should concern yourself with. Intimidation: Another great Charisma skill for you.

Investigation: Not your strong suit. Perception: Spot enemies sneaking up on you. Performance: Not your job. Persuasion: This is your most important skill.

Sweet talk your way out of or into anywhere. Stealth: Not another Dexterity skill… Survival: Nature paladins only. Backgrounds Acolyte: Thematically this might make sense, as you get two skills off the paladin skill list, but neither are very useful given your ability score priorities. Versatile, but not ideal.

Criminals are evil. Entertainer: bad skills for a heavily armored tank. Faction AgentSCAG: A fantastic choice, given the versatility in skill selection, and two bonus languages along with 15 GP, which happens to be the most of any background. Though they do make you more balanced.

FisherGoS: Neither skill provided by this background is terribly relevant for Paladins. However, there are better backgrounds for that particular archetype. Hermit: Medicine and Religion are your two most useful class skills. MarineGoS: In a sea-faring campaign, this is the perfect background.

Vehicle proficiency helps you contribute to the crew. Two great skills off your list, vehicle proficiency, and a feature that helps advance the plot if your DM is clever about it. Noble: History is less useful than religion for you specifically, but persuasion is your main skill. Sage: Not relevant for a Paladin.

Sailor: Athletics and Perception is a solid combination. Proficiencies with water vehicles and free passage to new places opens up avenues of exploration. ShipwrightGoS: The vehicle proficiency is the only things of value from this background. SmugglerGoS: Evil and antihero Paladins look no further!

Deception and Athletics are two great skills for your archetype. Soldier: Athletics and Intimidation are both in your wheelhouse, and land vehicle proficiency will help on your travels. Urchin: Not relevant for a Paladin. You can use your single-cast 1st level spell for a smite.

Instead, they receive the Weapon Mastery feature. Lay on Hands is now a Bonus Action, meaning players can use it alongside attacking, healing, using a spell, or any other move that requires an Action. Aura of Protection has returned to 6th-level and will now become inactive if the Paladin is incapacitated. Adjure Foes will now do nothing on a successful save. Aura of Courage has returned to being a 10th-level feature. Radiant Strikes now work on both melee weapons and Unarmed Strikes. Restoring Touch has been moved to a 14th-level class feature. Divine Conduit has been removed from the class features, with Aura Expansion returning at 18th-level.

This can be used to regain 10 hit points, cast a Paladin spell as a bonus action, or give nearby enemies a disadvantage on their saving throws against your spells and abilities.

A Paladin who takes the Oath of Vengeance has an unwavering commitment to punishing evil beings. Vengeful Paladins will be enraged at evil and violent acts — and their response may be extreme. Some call these Paladins dark knights or avengers. What are the tenets of the Oath of Vengeance? The tenets of the Oath of Vengeance are the most different from the other Sacred Oaths. Unlike the Oath of Devotion or the Oath of the Ancients, they often lack mercy and forgiveness. Instead, they are rooted in cruel vengeance against those who have committed sins. The tenets of the Oath of the Ancients are: Fight the Greater Evil: You will always attack the greater evil in a scene rather than lesser evils. No Mercy for the Wicked: You never show mercy to your true enemies, but you may be merciful towards inconsequential foes.

By Any Means Necessary: You care little about consequences or morals outside of your search for vengeance. Restitution: You help those who are harmed by your enemies. What is the Oath of Vengeance spells? The Oath of Vengeance also comes with its own spells. Other Oath of Vengeance abilities As you level up, your Oath of Vengeance will give you special abilities. These are: Channel Divinity: Like the other Sacred Oaths, at the 3rd level, you will be able to channel divinity. If you take the Oath of Vengeance, you gain the following abilities: Abjure Enemy: You choose one enemy within 60ft to frighten, causing it to freeze in fear where it stands. Vow of Enmity: Gain an advantage on your attacks against one nearby enemy. Relentless Avenger: At the 7th level, after attacking an enemy you can also move at half your speed afterward.

This helps you stop enemies from fleeing. Soul of Vengeance: At 15th level, if you use your Vow of Enmity on an opponent, you can make an extra attack on that enemy. Avenging Angel: At 20th level, you can transform into a winged avenger for one hour. You will grow wings and be able to fly and enemies will run in fear from you. What are the Paladin spells in 5e? Paladins have access to many of the same spells as Clerics. Unlike Clerics, however, Paladins use Charisma to cast their spells. This means when a spell refers to your spellcasting ability, you use your Charisma modifiers. Paladins can cast spells from the 2nd level and, like other spellcasters, have a set amount of spell slots per level that are replenished after a long rest.

At 2nd level, Paladins have two levels 1 spell slots. This means on any given mission they can bring two level 1 spell. The best Paladin spells at level 1 are: Bless : Up to three creatures near you can add 1d4 to their next attack roll or saving throw. Cure wounds: Touch a creature to heal them 1d8 plus your Charisma modifier worth of hit points. Protection from evil and good: Touch a creature and they are protected against certain types of creatures.

Такое поведение может замедлить всю игру, когда стереотипный узколобый паладин будет пытаться делать все по правилам и делать все, что в его силах. При этом паладин может также раздражать не только членов своей группы, но и других игроков невыносимыми, самодовольными диалогами и действиями, действуя как отвратительная карикатура на этот класс.

Любой класс можно свести к карикатуре, но это скорее для паладинов, которые имеют более четко определенные цели и методы, встроенные в их класс. Как и разбойники, паладины, вероятно, будут делать раздражающие вещи только потому, что «это то, что сделал бы мой персонаж». Священная клятва паладина является ориентиром только для персонажа, а не для игрока. Отыгрыш Палдина должен иметь в виду цель персонажа Лучшие идеи отыгрыша паладина включают использование основных черт этого класса в качестве вдохновения для более уникальных и творческих идей для персонажа. Это то, что отличает паладинов от других классов. У любого персонажа могут быть личные цели как личности, но класс паладина практически определяется наличием праведного дела, за которое нужно сражаться, даже в большей степени, чем клерики. Цель паладина может быть либо личной, либо общей по своей природе, либо их комбинацией, и игрок может использовать это в ролевой игре, стараясь не вставлять ее в каждое отдельное взаимодействие.

The Ultimate D&D 5E Paladin Class Guide (2024)

Tier 1 paladins are mostly likely to be encountered by player characters between levels 1 and 4, although they may crop up as allies or henchpeople of more powerful beings at later levels. Нам представили переработанный классы друида и паладина, а также изменённые заклинания для них. Особенности и способности нового класса D&D Paladin. Ключевые изменения Паладина в этом игровом тесте — это прежде всего переработка и изменение существующего материала, в том числе найденного в предыдущих материалах Unearthed Arcana. Part of our D&D 5E Basic Build Series, this Paladin uses the Oath of Devotion to add additional party protection in the form of charm immunity.

DnD 5. История знакомства. Нам не страшен паладин

Part of our D&D 5E Basic Build Series, this Paladin uses the Oath of Devotion to add additional party protection in the form of charm immunity. воина веры, требует особого разговора. The key changes to the Paladin in this playtest are primarily reworks and changes to existing material, including those found in previous Unearthed Arcana materials.

Руководство по 5-ой редакции Dungeons & Dragons для начинающих: Часть 4, Классы.

Паладин теперь будет иметь доступ к функции «Мастерство владения оружием» и внес несколько изменений в некоторые заклинания и умения. Мастерство владения оружием наделяет оружие, используемое в бою, уникальными эффектами, причем разное оружие имеет разные эффекты, например, наложение помех или рассекание дополнительного врага. Кара паладина заменила Божественную кара и изучается на 2-м уровне. Это дает паладинам список эксклюзивных для класса заклинаний поражения, которые всегда готовы, а новые заклинания открываются по мере повышения их уровня. Их также можно использовать, не расходуя ячейку заклинаний один раз, прежде чем потребуется длительный отдых. Изученные удары и соответствующие им уровни следующие: 2-й — Божественный удар, Громовой удар 5-й — Сияющий удар 9-й — Ослепляющий удар 13-й — Ошеломляющий удар 17-й — Изгоняющий удар Канал Божественности — эта функция имеет новое правило, касающееся мультиклассирования, и указывает, если вы имеют более одного класса с функцией Божественного Канала, например, Клерик, использование этой функции классом может быть потрачено только на опции Божественного Канала этого класса. Произведение заклинаний претерпело три основных изменения для паладинов, а именно: Подготовка заклинаний больше не привязана к уровню ячеек заклинаний паладина. Паладины могут изменить одно заготовленное заклинание по завершении продолжительного отдыха. У паладинов больше нет колдовства, как в предыдущих игровых тестах.

Once you gain access to an oath spell, you always have it prepared. Channel Divinity Your oath allows you to channel divine energy to fuel magical effects. Each Channel Divinity option provided by your oath explains how to use it. When you use your Channel Divinity, you choose which option to use. You must then finish a short or long rest to use your Channel Divinity again. Some Channel Divinity effects require saving throws. When you use such an effect from this class, the DC equals your paladin spell save DC. Ability Score Improvement When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. Extra Attack Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. You must be conscious to grant this bonus. At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet. Improved Divine Smite By 11th level, you are so suffused with righteous might that all your melee weapon strikes carry divine power with them. Whenever you hit a creature with a melee weapon, the creature takes an extra 1d8 radiant damage. If you also use your Divine Smite with an attack, you add this damage to the extra damage of your Divine Smite. Cleansing Touch Beginning at 14th level, you can use your action to end one spell on yourself or on one willing creature that you touch. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier a minimum of once. You regain expended uses when you finish a long rest. Sacred Oaths Becoming a paladin involves taking vows that commit the paladin to the cause of righteousness, an active path of fighting wickedness. Oath of Devotion The Oath of Devotion binds a paladin to the loftiest ideals of justice, virtue, and order.

Произведение заклинаний претерпело три основных изменения для паладинов, а именно: Подготовка заклинаний больше не привязана к уровню ячеек заклинаний паладина. Паладины могут изменить одно заготовленное заклинание по завершении продолжительного отдыха. У паладинов больше нет колдовства, как в предыдущих игровых тестах. Вместо этого они получают функцию «Мастерство владения оружием». Аура защиты вернулась на 6-й уровень и теперь становится неактивной, если Паладин выведен из строя. Adjure Foes теперь ничего не делает при успешном сохранении. Аура отваги снова стала особенностью 10-го уровня. Божественный проводник был удален из классовых функций, а расширение ауры вернулось на 18-й уровень. Наконец, Holy Nimbus теперь дает преимущество при спасбросках от эффектов от Fiends и Undead.

Oath of Redemption. Small villages and townships on the fringes of the nation have been under attack or besieged by supernatural events. Tier 3 Paladins Tier 3 paladins are most likely to be encountered by PCs from levels 11 to 16, although you may insert them earlier as a potential patron or mentor figure. Unless your setting has uniquely powerful NPCs, tier 3 paladins should be very rare. Or perhaps they live a more lowkey existence on the fringes of society, battling planar threats before they become widely known. Add the 15th level oath feature from a paladin subclass. An ancient forest is dying and no one is quite sure why. The reclusive guardian of the forest seeks aid in searching the area for the cause. Oath of the Ancients. A once honorable paladin sold out his order in exchange for money or power. He must be brought to justice, or convinced to atone for his mistakes. Tier 4 Paladins Tier 4 paladins are most likely to be encountered by PCs from levels 17 to 20, although you may insert them earlier as a potential patron or mentor figure. A tier 4 paladin is comparable in many respects to a level 20 adventurer, there may only be one such figure in your entire setting.

Руководство по 5-ой редакции Dungeons & Dragons для начинающих: Часть 4, Классы.

Some of these feats are better than others, depending on your character build. Ensnaring Strike and Speak with Animals spells and the ability to restrain creatures with Channel Divinity at 3rd level. Moonbeam and Misty Step spells at 5th level and an aura that grants spell resistance to nearby allies at 7th level. This nature-themed subclass leans into the control aspect of the Paladin, adding multiple methods for restraining enemies. Misty Step is also useful on just about every character in DnD.

Overall, a solid subclass with an easy-to-parse set of tenets. Protection from Evil and Good and Sanctuary spells and the ability to add damage and a light effect to your weapon with Channel Divinity at 3rd level. Lesser Restoration and Zone of Truth spells at 5th level and an aura that protects against charm at 7th level. This is a balanced Paladin archetype that focuses somewhat on damage and utility.

Paladins already have access to the Protection and Truth spells, and the other bonus spells are okay. Protecting against charm can be big against a spell like Hypnotic Pattern , but this aura is definitely on the weaker side. Hold Person and Misty Step spells at 5th level and the ability to instantly chase an enemy after hitting them with an opportunity attack. This subclass is all about control, mobility, and pursuit.

Misty Step is great, and Hold Person sets you up for big damage critical strikes. The chase effect is situationally nice, but this subclass does miss out on the utility of a party-wide aura. Oathbreaker DMG. Hellish Rebuke and Inflict Wounds spells and the ability to control undead creatures with Channel Divinity at the 3rd level.

Crown of Madness and Darkness spells at 5th level and an aura that causes nearby fiends and undead to take extra damage at 7th level. Controlling undead creatures can be cool, but unless your campaign features a lot of them, this subclass is ultimately one of the weaker ones. Conquest XGtE. Armor of Agathys and Command spells and the ability to frighten creatures in a large area with Channel Divinity at 3rd level.

This subclass is all about controlling big crowds of enemies. All four low-level spells that Conquest Paladins get are great and useful to have prepared at all times. Redemption XGtE. Sanctuary and Sleep spells and the ability to either boost your Persuasion checks or use a reaction to deal mirrored damage at an enemy attacker with Channel Divinity at the 3rd level.

Calm Emotions and Hold Person spells at 5th level and an aura that transfers damage taken by an ally to you instead at 7th level. Sleep and Hold Person are good spells, and the ability to have both a useful out-of-combat Channel Divinity is nice, even if the rebuke power is ultimately more powerful when used in the right situation.

От сеттинга к сеттингу способы этого таинства весьма разнятся. Но чаще всего паладин — это человек, посвятивший себя служению гораздо большему, чем земные цели, и даже в большей степени, чем какой-то из богов. Не важно, родился ли он со знанием своего предназначения или обрел его гораздо позже, ответил ли он на Зов, или выбора у него не было.

Важно то, что он наполнен внутренним светом, убежденностью и верой, что он точно знает Путь, по которому идет, и готов сражаться до последней капли крови за Правду и Добро. Ну и чем это отличается от «Рыцаря-в-доспехах-на-коне-с-двуручником-сокрущающим-зло? Во-первых, обратите внимание, что паладин служит не конкретному богу Добра и Справедливости хотя в рамках псевдохристианского сеттинга он будет служить именно Господу, как единственному источнику Благодати в мире , а неперсонифицированным силам, олицетворяющим эти качества, возведенные в абсолют. Если сказать то же самое более простыми словами, то получается, что паладин сражается за Добро, а не за Бога добра или доброго бога в этом и разница между паладином и крестоносцем — воином веры, т. И даже если паладин номинально поклоняется какому-нибудь богу типа Торма или Пелора, он в первую очередь служит Правде, Добру и Справедливости.

И если бог поставит свои интересы выше этих понятий, то паладин вполне может вступить в конфронтацию… если даже не с самим богом будем реальны в оценках , то с его прислужниками. По устоявшейся традиции за его основу принимается средневековый кодекс рыцаря, а точнее то, как его описали романтически настроенные поэты и писатели эпохи Возрождения. В сущности, можно описать его в нескольких ключевых понятиях — Честь, Милосердие, и Справедливость. Постараемся разобрать эти понятия чуть подробней. Итак, Честь.

Надо сказать, что Честь — штука весьма относительная. Ведь у тех же рыцарей средневековья не считалось зазорными бесчестным поступком изнасиловать свою крестьянку вспомним про право первой ночи или убить ударом в спину сарацина, еврея или другого «нехристя». Но у паладина нет чести. У него есть Честь, как добродетель, как возведенная в абсолют истина. Он ко всем относится так, как хотел бы, чтобы относились к нему.

Он никогда не запятнает себя подлым поступком, предательством, изменой. Он никогда не ударит в спину, не будет использовать яд или черное колдовство, не будет скрывать своего имени и звания, даже если это будет грозить большими неприятностями. Он не нарушит Слово или правила дуэльного поединка. Как говорили Соламнийские рыцари Кринна — «Моя честь — это моя жизнь». Но не надо думать, что если человек честен, то он глуп или узколоб.

Совершенно не обязательно. И бесчестный поступок и военная хитрость — это совершенно разные вещи. Да, паладин не станет отравлять воду в осажденной крепости или брать заложников, но вот тайно проникнуть в крепость ночью, дабы открыть ворота или совершить ловкий обманный маневр, чтобы окружить противника, — это никак не противоречит кодексу Чести. Милосердие — одна из самых сложных добродетелей в ролевых играх. Когда у персонажа уровня так 10 счет убитых врагов переваливают за вторую сотню — это даже не смешно.

Но паладин постарается, если есть возможность, решить дело миром.

That being said, players will eventually have the ability to turn to smaller-sized creatures and customize their animal form, including creating optional hybrid versions which could potentially allow for a druid to transform into something like an owlbear. Later levels will also be able to shift in and out of wildshape without wasting an action. Finally, the ability is now available to Druids at 1st level, rather than 2nd level. Now, players will be able to infuse elemental magic into their animal form, allowing them to become creatures such as fire-infused wolf or lightning-infused owl. Additionally, in this new form they will now deal damage of that elemental type. For example, a fire wolf might shoot flames out of its mouth.

With the death of Gulo, peace in the land has once again been established. But more than once, someone has thought of reviving the great dragon Gulo from his sleep beneath Yorebridge Castle. Some think it is just a rumor, while others are sure that someone is trying to recreate one of the most powerful dragons in history! It will be up to Hunter and Zaela to stop these people before they destroy the world all over again! Personality: Xanthe is an idealist. She is determined to protect the weak and weak of heart. She will always try to do the right thing and see the good in others— even when it seems impossible. Her ambition is to travel around the world and do good wherever she goes. Appearance: Xanthe is a tall, thin halfling with dark green hair. She is very muscular from years of training and fighting. Her striking, blue eyes make her appear even taller. When she is on her horse, she dons a beautiful long, white robe that features a depiction of Helm on the back. Start of Character: She is intent on helping the war effort of the Grabisco Kingdom and finding adventure wherever it takes her. He was taken in by an order of paladins and raised as one of their own. He became famed for his numerous heroic deeds, including slaying a dragon. He was dubbed a paladin of light. He has set out to rid the world of the evil that lurks in the dark. His current task is to gather a group of adventurers to destroy the Dark Master, who has corrupted the Kingdom of Grabisco. Larak is a likable fellow. As a Paladin of Light, he travels the Kingdom of Grabisco, performing miracles and fighting evil whenever it rears its ugly head. He is passionate about his work, and tough in combat, although he prefers to negotiate with enemies before resorting to violence. Larak is one of the seven Paladins of Light that disappeared during the Great War. They remain missing to this day. A faithful paladin, Larek is plagued by doubt after learning that the Dark Master was truly his brother Setral. The loss of his brother Setral at the hands of Gol-Tavan will only strengthen his resolve in fighting the dark forces through magic and faith. Personality: While he has a sense of humor, Larek is serious about fighting. He is very respectful to his superiors and others in positions of authority. He is absolutely loyal to his friends.

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