Марти макфлай на английском

Marty McFly, Jr.: [in background watching TV] Oh great, the atrocity channel! Marty McFly is a fictional character that serves as the main character in the Back to the Future films. In all three films, he is portrayed by Canadian actor Michael J. Fox.

Марти МакФлай - Marty McFly

The problems he faces in his time-traveling adventures, however, require concentrated effort to overcome, and diligent planning to get things back where they need to be. When normally his Se-dom would push him to take risks and meet challenges, in this case he hears himself sounding like his spineless old man. To compensate for his uncertainty, he overreacts whenever anyone confronts him on his fear—which only ends up getting him into more trouble. Fortunately, Marty receives some wise counsel from his great-great grandfather McFly that steers him away from the compulsive need to respond to every challenge.

Годы посещения 1885, 1955, 1985 альтернативный график , 2015 Мартин Шеймус «Марти» МакФлай — вымышленный персонаж и главный герой франшизы «Назад в будущее». Во всех трех фильмах его играет канадский актер Майкл Дж.

МакФлай также появляется в мультсериале , где его озвучил Дэвид Кауфман. В 2019 году журнал Empire назвал МакФлая 12-м величайшим киногероем всех времен. Мало что известно о жизни персонажа до первого фильма «Назад в будущее» , за исключением того факта, что он поджег ковер в гостиной, когда ему было 8 лет в заявлении Марти своим будущим родителям. Несмотря на то, что в фильме это никогда не объяснялось явно, Боб Земекис подтвердил, что Марти встретил своего друга доктора Эммета «Дока» Брауна, когда ему было около 14 лет, после того как он услышал, что Браун был опасным сумасшедшим. Марти, будучи «краснокровным американским подростком», хотел пойти и лично посмотреть, в чем дело.

Он пробрался в лабораторию Дока и был очарован всеми его изобретениями. Когда Док поймал его, он был рад, что кто-то заинтересовался его работой, и началась их дружба. Он также талантливый скейтбордист и отлично стреляет из пистолета. Он оттачивал этот навык, играя в стрелялки, такие как Wild Gunman, в местном магазине 7-Eleven. В альтернативной временной шкале, показанной в « Назад в будущее, часть II» , к 2015 году жизнь Марти вышла из-под контроля из-за травмы руки, из-за которой он не мог играть на гитаре.

Эта травма произошла в 1985 году после того, как Марти принял вызов школьного врага Дугласа Дж. Нидлза на шоссейную гонку после того, как его назвали цыпленком, и врезался в Rolls-Royce. В 1885 году прадед Биффа Таннена, Буфорд, провоцирует Марти на выяснение отношений, в котором Марти побеждает, несмотря на отказ вытащить пистолет против Буфорда. Вернувшись в 1985 год, он вспоминает и это событие, и совет своего прапрадеда Шеймуса МакФлая и отказывается от участия в вызове Needles, избегая столкновения, которое разрушило бы его перспективы на успех как гитариста.

Если будут из читателей знатоки темы - дополните или поправьте нас, если что. Данное заболевание помешало продолжению актерской карьеры Майкла, и в 2000 году он прекратил активные съемки.

С тех пор в сфере Кинематографа он, в основном, занимался озвучиванием анимационных персонажей. Актер озвучивал главных героев в таких проектах, как "Атлантида: Затерянный мир" и "Стюарт Литтл". Писатель - он выпустил уже три автобиографии. Однако он думал не только о своем здоровье, но и о состоянии других людей, страдающих болезнью Паркинсона. Такие порывы привели его к профессиональному исследованию болезни, поиску и разработке лекарств.

Why did you have to tear up that letter. If only I had more time... Wait, a minute, I got all the time I want! I got a time machine! I could just go back early and warn him. All right.

Film Theory: Does Marty McFly Actually DIE In Back To The Future?

When you consider how much his daughter looks like him (yes I know it is the same actor) there is an argument to be made that the McFly genes are quite strong. enter image description here. In fact the whole town of Hill Valley has a somewhat pecular stroke of luck with strong look alikes. Marty McFly; Марті Макфлай; Marty McFly; Marty McFly; Марти Мекфлај; Marty McFly; Марти Макфлай; Marty McFly; Марці Мак-Флай; personaje ficticio de la franquicia Back to the Future; a Vissza a jövőbe-trilógia főszereplője; Charakter aus dem Film Zurück in die Zukunft. By doing that Marty McFly accidentally creates a separate future timeline where his dad is murdered, his creepy old best friend is insane and his mom suddenly looks like she’s starring in porn flick. Marty McFly Lyrics: (Answering Machine) / Yo, Josh, like where have you been man? You haven't posted any new songs you haven't uploaded any new videos, like, what's up, man? Мартин Шеймус Макфлай (англ. Martin «Marty» Seamus McFly)[1], более известный как Марти Макфлай (Marty McFly) — главный герой фантастической приключенческой трилогии «Назад в будущее», созданной Робертом Земекисом в 1985—1990 годах.

Marty McFly, Jr. Quotes in Back to the Future Part II (1989)

Вернувшись в 1985 год, он вспоминает и это событие, и совет своего прапрадеда Шеймуса МакФлая и отказывается от участия в вызове Needles, избегая столкновения, которое разрушило бы его перспективы на успех как гитариста. Кинособытия и путешествия во времени Полный сюжет трилогии см. В первом фильме « Назад в будущее » доктор Браун показывает Марти машину времени в форме Делориана , которую он изобрел после кражи плутония используемого в качестве топлива для цепей времени автомобиля у ливийских террористов, которые хотели его для создания ядерного оружия. Во время этого обмена врач застрелен разъяренными террористами, а Марти убегает от них на машине времени, случайно попадая в 1955 год. Там он встречает своих родителей-подростков и нарушает ход их встречи.

Он связывается с доктором Брауном 1955 года и с его помощью воссоединяет своих родителей и возвращается в альтернативный 1985 год, где его отец Джордж - писатель, а Бифф, школьный хулиган его отца, становится их смотрителем. Он также узнает, что доктор Браун все еще жив и что он носил бронежилет после того, как Марти предупредил его о его судьбе в 1955 году. Во втором фильме « Назад в будущее, часть 2» доктор Браун переносит Марти и Дженнифер в 2015 год. Они поженились, и их сын-подросток Марти-младший был арестован, что стоило жизни всей семье МакФлаев.

Дженнифер теряет сознание из-за Брауна и Марти из 1985 г. Его сын должен был встретиться с внуком Биффа, Гриффом, который вынуждает его совершить преступление вместе с Гриффом и его бандой. Замаскированный Марти предотвращает это и попадает в рывок на ховерборде. Это приводит к аресту Гриффа и его банды, вместо Марти-младшего.

Дженнифер, которую оставили, полиция забирает обратно в свой дом в 2015 году после того, как отследила ее по отпечаткам пальцев. Марти и доктор Браун спасают ее, в то время как старейшина Бифф без их ведома крадет их машину времени и возвращается в 1955 год, где он дает своему младшему «я» Альманах из будущего для использования в азартных играх. Когда все они возвращаются в 1985 год, они обнаруживают, что Хилл-Вэлли превратилась в антиутопию, а Бифф стал одним из самых богатых и коррумпированных людей в стране.

The model came with a Bigsby back when it came out, although the company removed it shortly after. However, these days, ES-345 is way more similar to ES-335.

The differences are mostly just aesthetic. Both the stereo connectivity and the Varitone circuit are gone. Also, Gibson still makes them without the Bigsby vibrato. However, guitar lovers might recall Marty holding other guitars in these films. Erlewine is a guitar company started by Mark Erlewine.

He also worked with some of the biggest names in the world of guitar. The likes of Billy Gibbons and Jerry Garcia used his instruments.

One day in 1985, a week in 1955, a day in 2015, a nightmarish day in 1985, a day trip back to 1955, and five days in 1885, before returning to his own, original time. Marty survives all this by staying on the move and improvising in the moment, never giving up or slowing down when the obstacles pile up and time gets tight. Fueled by his stubborn Fi, Marty jumps into confrontations with Biff and then figures it out from there, outwitting and outrunning him time after time. He get beat up by Biff and his goons for the sake of his mother, and breaks the rules of time-travel to leave Doc a note about his impending death.

The Doc set all his clocks 25 minutes slow-- Strickland: [suddenly appearing from behind] "Doc"? Emmett Brown, McFly? Tardy slip for you Ms. And one for you, McFly. I believe that makes four in a row. This so called Dr. Marty: [sarcastically] Oh, yes, sir. Strickland: You got a real attitude problem, McFly. You remind me of your father when he went here.

He was a slacker, too. Marty: Can I go now, Mr. Strickland: I noticed your band is on the roster for the dance auditions after school today. Why even bother, McFly? No McFly ever amounted to anything in the history of Hill Valley! Marty: Yeah, well, history is gonna change. Any girl who just calls up a boy is just asking for trouble. Girls chasing boys. When I was your age I never chased a boy or called a boy or sat in a parked car with a boy.

Linda: Then how am I supposed to ever meet anybody? Lorraine: Well, it will just happen, like the way I met your father. Linda: That was so stupid! Grandpa hit him with the car. Lorraine: [wistfully] It was meant to be. Lorraine: What was it, George? George: [distracted, not really listening] What, Lorraine? Lorraine: Anyway, your Grandpa hit him with the car, and brought him into the house.

Marty McFly png images

In the film, Marty owns a yellow Erlewine Chiquita guitar. You can see him playing it through the big amplifier known as CRM-114 in the film. The scale length is 19 inches and the entire guitar is 27. But at the same time, it comes with 23 frets. The instrument comes with one regular humbucker and a single volume knob. With such a short scale, your regular 9s or 10s will only maintain proper tension in a standard tuning three semitones higher. The company recommends 13s as the best option. Apart from its famous BTTF appearance, Chiquita is regarded as a great practice instrument and a travel companion.

But for lack of experience, how to behave in such a situation, endangers his birth. However, loyal friend Doc comes to the rescue. In Part II, Marty and Doc continue to experiment and travel to the future in 2015 to save their children. Therefore, the guy does not hesitate for a minute and goes to save his best friend in the past. For the main characterActor Michael J Fox was chosen. Fox in the best way reincarnated in the image, and when you see the actor, you immediately remember the cool daredevil Marty. By the way, actor Fox is known for his medical developments and achievements. Recommended: For money in a fairy tale to the frog-traveler. Or a new slot machine "Frog" with an unusual bonus distribution The Fairy Land slot machine is so popular among the population of many countries, not only because it has good winning opportunities, but also because of its colorfulness, brightness and originality of the idea.

Он встретил своего друга д-р. Эммет «Док» Браун , когда ему было около четырнадцати лет, когда он услышал, что Браун опасный сумасшедший. Марти, будучи «чистокровным американским подростком», хотел сам посмотреть, в чем дело. Он нашел лабораторию Дока и был очарован всеми его изобретениями. Когда Док поймал его, он был рад, что кто-то, кому понравилась его работа, и их дружба началась там. Он также талантливый скейтбордист и оказался отличным стрелком из пистолета - навык, который он отточил, бесконечно играя в стрелялки, такие как Wild Gunman в местном 7-Eleven. Марти - дружелюбный, покладистый, но склонный к несчастным случаям обыватель , которому иногда может не хватать навыков критического мышления; тем не менее он храбр перед лицом опасности, может быть очень сообразительным и умным. Он продемонстрировал некоторые хорошие и базовые навыки уличного боя и часто наносит удары в рукопашных схватках.

Back to the Future immerses you in all the breathtaking action, groundbreaking comedy and sheer movie-making magic of one of the most brilliantly inventive, wildly entertaining motion picture triumphs in Hollywood history! Select Your Destination:.

Marty McFly Back to the Future Costume Guide

Buford Mad Dog Tannen The character is portrayed as a tall, aggressive, dim-witted and misogynistic bully who obtains what he wants by intimidating others into doing his work for him, or by cheating. He and his family members are shown to misuse idioms in ways that make them appear stupid and pathetic despite their intention to insult or scare. His favorite insult is "butthead". Rather than studying in high school, he is depicted as preferring to bully George McFly into doing his homework for him while he drinks and hangs out with his friends. Feared by most of his schoolmates, he is less brave without his gang Match, Skinhead, and 3-D. Biff had been living with his grandmother, Gertrude Tannen, at 1809 Mason Street for some time by November 1955. In 1955, Biff was depicted as frequently having been seen driving his black 1946 Ford Deluxe convertible around Hill Valley. The alternate 1985 reveals that Lorraine, widowed after the murder of George McFly, ended up marrying Biff, in 1973, so that her children could live a better life.

By 2015, Biff has a teenage grandson, Griff, suggesting that Biff had at least one child by 1985. The animated series reveals that Biff has a son, Biff Jr. When he was 12, he nearly stood up for a friend, Billy Stockhausen , who was being bullied, but did not and has hated himself for it ever since. George was probably bullied from a very early age, not just by Biff but by other classmates such as Mark Dixon and even by some adults including Stanford S. Strickland He had been attracted to Lorraine for some time by 1955 they may have met for the first time upon entering high school but was too scared to ask her out. On November 5 , 1955, George and Lorraine fell in love, when Sam knocked George over in his car due to George falling out of a tree into the road he had been " birdwatching ", watching Lorraine get undressed from the tree. The Baines family took George into the house and Lorraine felt sorry for him.

In a "Florence Nightingale" effect, she fell in love with him and they had their first date a week later, at the Enchantment Under the Sea dance. George had been considering college but waited until the deadline to decide whether or not to send in the application.

Who knows. When Marty returns to present day 1985, it could have been years since his parents would have perhaps originally noted the uncanny resemblance between their son and that kid from high school 20 years previous. So, many years later, they still might remember that interesting kid who got them together on their first date," Gale explained.

Michael Fox plays him. Michael J. Fox, who is from Canada, plays him in all three movies. David Kaufman voices McFly in the animated series, which also has him in it. In the video game Telltale Games, he is voiced by A. Empire magazine named McFly the 12th best movie character of all time in 2019. He is the first person to go back in time and the first person to go from one time period to another. In 1985, he went to Hill Valley High School as well. His best friend was Dr. Emmett Brown, who showed him how to make his first working invention. Two years later, he started the Michael J. Fox Foundation to raise money for research into a cure. Fox talked about how his illness had hurt his work in an interview. He used to walk fast, but now it feels like every step is a math problem, so he walks slowly. And when he was acting, he often went straight to the funny part. Fox said that his mother was worried about him making the sequel to the now-iconic movie Back to the Future. Know The Bachelor contestants who will be on the E!

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Marty McFly From Back To The Future Illness And Health Problems Explained

Listen to music by Marty McFly on Apple Music. Find top songs and albums by Marty McFly including Johnny B. Goode (feat. The Starlighters), Roads (Radio) and more. illustration of dinosaur of hoverboard, Marty McFly T-Shirt Sticker, Dinosaur Rock, comics, us Man, graffiti png. 600x852px 448.88KB. Marty McFly Graphic design Logo Back to the Future, Marty Mcfly, text, poster, sports Equipment png thumbnail. Back To The Future II Movie hand-drawn unique pop culture prints in a retro future style. Capturing the cool vibe of the character 'Marty McFly' played by Michael J Fox, designed by Mark Frain. Unwitting Instigator of Doom: His getting arrested and then handed a lengthy prison sentence, along with his sister's getting an even longer sentence for trying to bust him out — and presumably also Marty Sr. getting fired from his job — ends up tearing the McFly family apart. Marty Mcfly. The lead character from the Back To The Future Trilogy, played by Michael J Fox, known as an artist for the cover of Johnny B Goode by Chuck Berry from Back To The Future 1. There is also an indie rock band from the Philippines that goes by the same name.


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  • Marty McFly Quotes - Back To The Future

Biography Marty McFly (Michael J Fox)

illustration of dinosaur of hoverboard, Marty McFly T-Shirt Sticker, Dinosaur Rock, comics, us Man, graffiti png. 600x852px 448.88KB. Marty McFly Graphic design Logo Back to the Future, Marty Mcfly, text, poster, sports Equipment png thumbnail. two men sitting next to each other in front of a sign that says, marty whatever happens don't ever go to 2020. The role of Marty is played by Michael J. Fox and as per the audience, he has worn some of the most casually cool and adored attires out of all the characters of the movie. Our category consists of a wide range of exact replicas of the attire worn by Marty Mcfly in the movie. Top Tracks. Discover top playlists and videos from your favorite artists on Shazam! Владелец сайта предпочёл скрыть описание страницы. Мартин «Марти» Шеймус МакФлай (англ. Martin «Marty» Seamus McFly) — главный герой фантастической приключенческой трилогии «Назад в будущее». Ученик средней школы Хилл-Вэлли.

Screen Rant

Это и было началом их отношений". But the history of the characters that Bob Zemeckis and I created is this… For years, Marty was told that Doc Brown was dangerous, a crackpot, a lunatic. So, being a red-blooded American teenage boy, age 13 or 14, he decided to find out just why this guy was so dangerous. Both of them were the black sheep in their respective environments. Doc gave Marty a part-time job to help with experiments, tend to the lab, tend to the dog, etc.

When Doc caught him, he was glad to have someone interested in his work, and their friendship began. In the film, he is also a talented skateboarder and proves to be an excellent pistol shot, a skill he has honed by playing shooting games such as Wild Gunman at his local 7-Eleven. This injury occurs in 1985 after Marty accepts his school nemesis Douglas J.

In the first film , Back to the Future, Dr. During this exchange, the enraged terrorists shoot the doctor, and Marty escapes from them in the time machine, accidentally traveling back to 1955. There, he encounters his teenage parents and disrupts how they meet. Marty contacts the 1955 Dr. He also discovers that Dr. Brown is still alive because he had worn a bulletproof vest after Marty warned him about his fate in 1955. Brown brings Marty and Jennifer to 2015.

They had married, and their teenage son, Marty Jr, was arrested, costing the whole McFly family. Jennifer is knocked unconscious by Brown, and Marty from 1985 disguises himself as his son and comes into contact with the elder Biff. The disguised Marty prevents this from happening and gets into a hoverboard dash, resulting in Griff and his crew getting arrested instead of Marty Jr. Jennifer, who was left behind, is taken back to her 2015 home by the police after tracing her there using her fingerprints.

Jennifer was left behind. The police use her fingerprints to find her and take her back to her home in 2015.

She is saved by Marty and Dr. When they all go back to 1985, they find that Hill Valley has turned into a dystopia and that Biff has become one of the richest and most corrupt people in the country. Marty and Dr. Brown go back in time to 1955 once more to steal the Almanac from 1955 Biff, which they do. But when lightning hits the DeLorean, Dr. Brown is sent to 1885.

Marty gets a letter from Brown on September 2, 1885, which was written on that date. In the third movie, Marty talks to Dr. Brown from 1955 again and tells him everything. They find out that the doctor was killed five days after writing the letter and that he hid the DeLorean in a cave. He looks for Dr. Brown and finds out that he has changed careers and is now a blacksmith.

Brown meet Clara Clayton, a teacher, while they are planning their escape. The doctor falls in love with her. Brown decides to stay with Clara, and Marty goes back in time to 1985.

Ваше имя Марти Макфлай? Marty McFly goes back and changes history.

Марти МакФлай отправляется в прошлое и меняет историю. А в фильме "Назад в будущее" Марти МакФлай Познакомился со своей чрезвычайно привлекательной молодой мамой. Эм, Марти МакФлай и дэлориан? Marty McFly and his mother. Видимо, он хочет собрать все ингредиенты для кровавого заклинания и "Марти Макфлайнуть" в 1950-е.

Is it Marty McFly?

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