Видео выступления гитлера

Американское издание Mashable опубликовало фотографии Адольфа Гитлера, где он репетирует речи для публичных выступлений в 1925 году, отрабатывая жестикуляцию и позы. Демократия,Либерализм,Консерватизм,Борьба,за,существование,наука,космос,Германия,Европеоиды,белая раса,Adolf Hitler (Military Commander),Speech (Quotat / адольф гитлер. Весь видео и аудио контент ВГТРК — фильмы, сериалы, шоу, концерты, передачи, интервью, мультфильмы, актуальные новости и темы дня, архив и прямой эфир всех телеканалов и. Wolfsschanze, January 30, 1944. In the fifth year of this the greatest war, no one can remain ignorant of the causes and, hence, the meaning and purpose, of this international war. After all, the time has long. выступление гитлера в 1939. Dashing V. Анализ выступления Гитлера.

Знаменитая речь Йозефа Геббельса от 18 февраля 1943 года.

Не прав окажется тот, кто станет расценивать мою любовь к миру и мое терпение как слабость или даже трусость. Я объявил, что граница между Францией и Германией — окончательна. Я неоднократно предлагал Англии дружбу и, если необходимо, самое близкое сотрудничество, но такие предложения не могут быть только односторонними. Они должны найти отклик у другой стороны. Я предназначен, чтобы решить: первое — проблему Данцига; второе — проблему Коридора, и третье — чтобы обеспечить изменение во взаимоотношениях между Германией и Польшей, которая должна гарантировать мирное сосуществование. Поэтому я решил бороться, пока существующее польское правительство не сделает этого, либо пока другое польское правительство не будет готово сделать это. Я решил освободить германские границы от элементов неуверенности, постоянной угрозы гражданской войны. Я добьюсь, чтобы на восточной границе воцарился мир, такой же, как на остальных наших границах.

Я не буду воевать против женщин и детей. Я приказал, чтобы мои воздушные силы ограничились атаками на военные цели.

Выступление Гитлера в Мюнхене 1938. Третий Рейх выступление Гитлера. Адольф Гитлер жестикуляция. Адольф Гитлер репетирует перед зеркалом.

Адольф Гитлер репетирует речь перед зеркалом, 1925. Речь Гитлера на русском. Данциг Гитлер. Речь Гитлера в Нюрнберге. Выступление Гитлера в Нюрнберге. Отто Кац.

Гитлер скрестил руки. Гитлер и магия. Гитлер выступления со скрещенными руками. Адольф Гитлер 1934 выступление. Враг Гитлера номер 1. Адольф Гитлер ораторское искусство.

Гитлер 1932 год. Приход Гитлера к власти фильм. Речь Гитлера после прихода к власти. Адольф Гитлер в толпе. Адольф Гитлер в молодости в толпе. Документальный фильм Гитлер восхождение.

Первое выступление Гитлера. Апокалипсис: восхождение Гитлера сериал 2011. Советская газета 1939. Газета 1939 года. Советские газеты о войне в Польше. Поздравление Сталина Гитлеру.

Адольф выступает. Адольф Гитлер фотосессия оратора. Адольф Гитлер в 1919. Йозеф Геббельс тотальная война. Министр пропаганды Германии Йозеф Геббельс. Йозеф Геббельс выступает.

Йозеф Геббельс пропагандист фашизма. Генрих Гофман фотограф Гитлера. Кричащий Адольф Гитлер. Адольф Гитлер фотосессия 1925. Адольф Гитлер репетирует. Адольф Гитлер выступление фото.

Гитлер репетирует. Адольф Гитлер репетирует речь. Выступления Гитлера кинохроника. Гитлер реальное выступление. Гитлер видео выступления. Адольф Гитлер восхождение дьявола.

Сериал Гитлер: восхождение дьявола 1 Hitler: the Rise of Evil, 2003. Гитлер восхождение дьявола ева Браун.

Wilson of their self-determination and of their right to self-determination. Economically these people were deliberately ruined and afterward handed over to a slow process of extermination. These truths cannot be abolished by phrases. They are testified to by deeds. The misery of the Sudeten Germans is without end.

They want to annihilate them. They are being oppressed in an inhuman and intolerable manner and treated in an undignified way. When 3,500,000 who belong to a people of almost 80,000,000 are not allowed to sing any song that the Czechs do not like because it does not please the Czechs or are brutally struck for wearing white stockings because the Czechs do not like it, and do not want to see them, and are terrorized or maltreated because they greet with a form of salutation that is not agreeable to them, although they are greeting not Czechs but one another, and when they are pursued like wild beasts for every expression of their national life. This may be a matter of indifference to several representatives of our democracies or they may possibly even be sympathetic because it concerns only 3,500,000 Germans. I can only say to representatives of the democracies that this is not a matter of indifference to us. And I say that if these tortured creatures cannot obtain rights and assistance by themselves, they can obtain both from us. An end must be made of depriving these people of their rights.

I have already said this quite clearly in my speech of February 22. It was a short-sighted piece of work when the statesmen at Versailles brought the abnormal structure of Czechoslovakia into being. It was possible to violate the demands of millions of another nationality only so long as the brother nation itself was suffering from the consequences of general maltreatment by the world. To believe that such a regime could go on sinning without hindrance forever was possible only through a scarcely credible degree of blindness. I declared in my speech of February 22 before the Reichstag that the Reich would not tolerate any further continued oppression of 3,500,000 Germans, and I hope that the foreign statesmen will be convinced that these were no mere words. The National Socialist State has consented to very great sacrifices indeed, very great national sacrifices for the sake of European peace; not only has it not cherished so-called thoughts of revenge, but on the contrary it has banished them from all its public and private life. As always, I attempted to bring about, by the peaceful method of making proposals for revision, an alteration of this intolerable position.

It is a lie when the outside world says that we only tried to carry through our revisions by pressure. For twenty years there was the opportunity for the Czechoslovak government of carrying out these revisions by peaceful settlements and understanding. All these proposals, as you know, have been rejected by the Czechs - proposals of giving the Sudeten German minority a humane treatment and the respect they deserve. You know the proposals that I have made to fulfill the necessity of restoring German sovereignty over German territories. You know the endless attempts I made for a peaceful clarification and understanding of the problem of Austria. It was all in vain. I must here state something definitely; German has kept these obligations; the minorities who live in Germany are not persecuted.

No Frenchman can stand up and say that any Frenchman living in the Saar territory is oppressed, tortured, or deprived of his rights. Nobody can say this. For six months I have calmly watched developments, although I never ceased to give warnings. In the last few days I have increased these warnings. I left no doubt that people who wanted to compare the Germany of to-day with the former Germany would be deceiving themselves.

Несмотря на его попытку, удар не достиг цели, и Гитлер выжил, покинув место за несколько минут до взрыва. Фильм восстанавливает социально-политический контекст того времени, показывая события, связанные с Георгом Эльзером и его попыткой убийства фюрера.

Предвыборная речь Гитлера

Англии придется вложить в войну невероятно много сил. Руководители у наших противников — ниже среднего уровня. Это — никакие не повелители, не люди действия. Наряду с персональными факторами для нас благоприятна и политическая обстановка: на Средиземном море — соперничество Италии, Франции и Англии, в Восточной Азии — напряженные отношения между Японией и Англией, на Ближнем Востоке — напряженность, вызывающая тревогу всего магометанского мира. Английская империя уже из последней войны вышла не усиленной. Господство на море оказалось недостигнутым. Конфликт между Англией и Ирландией. Возросла независимость Южно-Африканского Союза. Приходится идти на уступки Индии.

Англия находится в состоянии крайней угрозы. Нездоровая индустриализация. Любой британский государственный деятель может глядеть в будущее лишь с тревогой. Положение Франции также ухудшилось, особенно в Средиземном море. Благоприятным для нас является, далее, следующее: На Балканах со времени Албании установилось равновесие. Югославия несет в себе зародыш разложения вследствие своих внутренних условий. Румыния сильнее не стала. Она открыта для нападения и уязвима.

Ей угрожает Венгрия и Болгария. Со времени смерти Кемаля Турцией правят мелкие личности, бесхребетные, слабые люди. Через два-три года всех этих счастливых обстоятельств не будет. Никто не знает, как долго я еще проживу. Поэтому пусть столкновение произойдет лучше сейчас. Образование Великой Германии явилось большим политическим свершением. В военном же отношении оно было рискованным, так как было достигнуто посредством блефа со стороны политического руководства. Необходимо испробовать военную силу.

Причем, если возможно, не в генеральном сведении счетов, а путем решения отдельных задач. Отношения с Польшей стали невыносимыми. Проводившаяся мною до сих пор политика вступила в противоречие со взглядами народа. Мои предложения Польше Данциг и коридор были сорваны вмешательством Англии. Польша изменила свой тон по отношению к нам. Состояние напряженности длительное время невыносимо. Допустить переход инициативы в чужие руки нельзя. Сейчас момент благоприятнее, чем через 2—3 года.

Покушение на меня или Муссолини могло бы изменить обстановку не в нашу пользу. Жить вечно под прицелом направленных друг против друга винтовок невозможно. Любое предложенное нам компромиссное решение потребовало бы от нас изменения нашего мировоззрения и жестов доброй воли. С нами снова заговорили на языке Версаля. Возникла опасность потери престижа. Сейчас вероятность того, что Запад не вмешается, еще велика. Мы должны пойти на риск с не останавливающейся ни перед чем решимостью. Политик должен брать на себя риск точно так же, как полководец.

Мы стоим перед суровой альтернативой: либо нанести удар самим, либо раньше или позже наверняка оказаться уничтоженными.

Это захватывающий рассказ о дерзком акте сопротивления, который изменил историю мира, демонстрируя неудавшуюся попытку борьбы против тирании и фашизма. В фильме представлены реконструкции ключевых моментов и событий, связанных с этим трагическим и важным эпизодом в истории.

Но фотограф сохранил их у себя в студии. Позже он опубликовал их в мемуарах «Гитлер был мне другом», пишет Mashable.

Издание опубликовало 14 снимков Гитлера, сделанных Хоффманом.

Спустя несколько месяцев Немецкая рабочая партия была переименована в Национал-социалистическую немецкую рабочую нацистскую партию NSDAP. После поражения немецкого империализма от стран Антанты в Первой мировой войне в ноябре 1918 года Гитлер остался служить в армии Рейхсвере и первоначально вступил в небольшую партию, уведомив об этом свое армейское командование. Националистические, антисемитские и антимарксистские взгляды той группы, к которой он присоединился, полностью соответствовали его собственным взглядам. Членская карточка Гитлера в Немецкой рабочей партии Спустя годы его непосредственный начальник, капитан Карл Майр, заявил, что Гитлеру было приказано присоединиться к небольшой фашистской группе, чтобы помочь ей расти.

Взорвать Гитлера

Hofbrauhaus interior where Hitler spoke National Socialist German Workers Party Public meeting in the Great Hall of the Hofbräuhaus Friday 15 August 1920 Adolf Hitler ~~Why We Are Antisemites. 'Super Lady' Official Music Video. автор: Videomax 45594175 просмотров. 03:03 HAZBIN HOTEL - You Didn't Know (RUS cover) by HaruWei, Kirya. Еще звуки с голосом Адольфа Гитлера 58 звуков + 1074 похожих. Звук с оригинальным голосом Адольфа Гитлера.

Adolf Hitler Speech - Скачать mp3 бесплатно

Полная речь в Берлинском Дворце Спорта 19 февр | Germanische ᚢ Tradition. Адольф Гитлер - Полная речь в Берлинском Дворце Спорта 19 февраля 1933 года. Смотрите видео Выступления Гитлера в высоком качестве. по мере разрастания дискуссии вероятность сравнения, упоминающего нацизм или Гитлера, стремится к единице. Полный текст обращения Гитлера от 22 июня 1941 года, в котором он разъяснял для немецкого народа причины нападения Германии на СССР.

Речи гитлера видео с переводом

Речь Гитлера на съезде НСДАП 1934. Выступления Гитлера кинохроника. Гитлер реальное выступление. Гитлер видео выступления. Фильм рассказывает историю плотника Георга Эльзера, который в 1939 году попытался убить Гитлера, установив взрывное устройство в мюнхенской пивной. Поделиться. Копировать ссылку. О видео. Покупки. Включить звук. Чем же так удалось Гитлеру задурить мозги немцам? Благодаря текущему видео мы можем посмотреть полную речь выступления Гитлера с переводом на русский язык.

"Why We Are Antisemites" - Text of Adolf Hitler's 1920 speech at the Hofbräuhaus

Однако продолжалось это не слишком долго. Если верить Олегу Пленкову, автору книги «Третий Рейх. Арийская культура», последнее радиообращение фюрера, которое воодушевило немцев, состоялось 31 декабря 1944 года. В своей речи Гитлер выразил уверенность в окончательной победе нацистской Германии. Впрочем, некоторое разочарование слушатели этого выступления все-таки испытали: дело в том, что лидер страны не уточнил, какими именно средствами он собирался добыть желанный триумф. Но, оказалось, что Гитлер «образца 1944 года» обладал все-таки большим оптимизмом, чем Гитлер «образца 1945 года». Последнее радиообращение Как вспоминал военный переводчик Имануил Левин в своей книге «Записки военного переводчика: Язык и «языки», настрой, который продемонстрировал Адольф Гитлер в речи, произнесенной по радио 30 января 1945 года из своего бункера, очень разнился с прежним его приподнято-нервозным состоянием. По мнению Левина, ничего общего со знакомым голосом бесноватого фюрера, мрачный и даже замогильный тон оратора уже не имел. И это неудивительно: как утверждает Норман Олер, автор книги «Третий рейх на наркотиках», тогда Красная Армия захватила плацдарм на западном берегу Одера, в районе Кюстрина, создав тем самым непосредственную угрозу Берлину.

As time has gone on the thought and practical life of our people have been led astray into ways that are unnatural to them and injurious. One of the causes which brought about this condition of affairs must be attributed to the fact that the structure of our State and our methods of government were foreign to our own national character, our historical development and our national needs. The parliamentary-democratic system is inseparable from the other symptoms of the time. A critical situation cannot be remedied by collaborating with the causes of it but by a radical extermination of these causes. Hence under such conditions the political struggle must necessarily take the form of a revolution. Nor would it be possible to bring this about by collaborating with these institutions, but only by establishing a new movement which will fight against them for the purpose of carrying through a radical reformation in political, cultural and economic life. And this fight will have to be undertaken even at the sacrifice of life and blood, if that should be necessary. In this connection it is worthy of remark that when the average political party wins a parliamentary victory no essential change takes place in the historical course which the people are following or in the outer aspect of public life; whereas a genuine revolution that arises from a profound ideological insight will always lead to a transformation which is strikingly impressive and is manifest to the outside world. Surely nobody will doubt the fact that during the last four years a revolution of the most momentous character has passed like a storm over Germany. Who could compare this new Germany with that which existed on the 30th. I am speaking of a National Socialist Revolution; but this revolutionary process in Germany had a particular character of its own, which may have been the reason why the outside world and so many of our fellow-countrymen failed to understand the profound nature of the transformation that took place. I do not deny that this peculiar feature, which has been for us the most outstanding characteristic of the lines along which the National Socialist Revolution took place—a feature which we can be specially proud of—has hindered rather than helped to make this unique historic event understood abroad and among some of our own people. For the National Socialist Revolution was in itself a revolution in the revolutionary tradition. What I mean is this: Throughout thousands of years the conviction grew up and prevailed, not so much in the German mind as in the minds of the contemporary world, that bloodshed and the extermination of those hitherto in power—together with the destruction of public and private institutions and property—were essential characteristics of every true revolution. Mankind in general has grown accustomed to accept revolutions with all these consequences somehow or other as if they were legal happenings. I do not mean that people endorse all this tumultuous destruction of life and property; but they certainly accept it as the necessary accompaniment of events which, because of this very reason, are called revolutions. Herein lies the difference between the National Socialist Revolution and other revolutions, with the exception of the Fascist Revolution in Italy. The National Socialist Revolution was almost entirely a bloodless proceeding. When the party took over power in Germany, after overthrowing the very formidable obstacles that had stood in its way, it did so without causing any damage whatsoever to property. I can say with a certain amount of pride that this was the first revolution in which not even a window-pane was broken. If this revolution was bloodless that was not because we were not manly enough to look at blood. I was a soldier for more than four years in a war where more blood was shed than ever before throughout human history. I never lost my nerve, no matter what the situation was and no matter what sights I had to face. The same holds good for my party colleagues. But we did not consider it as part of the program of the National Socialist Revolution to destroy human life or material goods, but rather to build up a new and better life. And it is the greatest source of pride to us that we have been able to carry through this revolution, which is certainly the greatest revolution ever experienced in the history of our people, with a minimum of loss and sacrifice. Only in those cases where the murderous lust of the Bolsheviks, even after the 30th of January, 1933, led them to think that by the use of brute force they could prevent the success and realization of the National Socialist ideal—only then did we answer violence with violence, and naturally we did it promptly. Certain other individuals of a naturally undisciplined temperament, and who had no political consciousness whatsoever, had to be taken into protective custody; but, generally speaking, these individuals were given their freedom after a short period. Beyond this there was a small number who took part in politics only for the purpose of establishing an alibi for their criminal activities, which were proved by the numerous sentences to prison and penal servitude that had been passed upon them previously. We prevented such individuals from pursuing their destructive careers, inasmuch as we set them to do some useful work, probably for the first time in their lives. I do not know if there ever has been a resolution which was of such a profound character as the National Socialist Revolution and which at the same time allowed innumerable persons who had been prominent in political circles under the former regime to follow their respective callings in private life peacefully and without causing them any worry. Not only that, but even many among our bitterest enemies, some of whom had occupied the highest positions in the government, were allowed to enjoy their regular emoluments and pensions. That is what we did. But this policy did not always help our reputation abroad. If the revolution in Germany had taken place according to the democratic model in Spain these strange apostles of non-intervention abroad would probably find that there was nothing which they need to worry about. People closely acquainted with the state of affairs in Spain have assured us that if we place the number of persons who have been slaughtered in this bestial way at 170. Measured by the achievements of the noble democratic revolutionaries in Spain, the quota of human beings allotted for slaughter to the National Socialist Revolution would have been about 400. That we did not carry out this mass-slaughter is apparently looked on as a piece of negligence on our part. We see that the democratic world-citizens are by no means gracious in their criticism of this leniency. We certainly had the power in our hands to do what has been done in Spain. And probably we had better nerves than the murderer who steals upon his victim unawares, shunning the open fight, and who is capable only of murdering defenseless [sic] hostages. We have been soldiers and we never flinched in the face of battle throughout that most gruesome war of all times. Our hearts and, I may also add, our sound common sense saved us from committing any acts like those which have been done in Spain. Taking it all in all, fewer lives were sacrificed in the National Socialist Revolution than the number of National Socialist followers who were murdered in Germany by our Bolshevik opponents in the year 1932 alone, when there was no revolution. This absence of bloodshed and destruction was made possible solely because we had adopted a principle which not only guided our conduct in the past but which we shall also never forget in the future. This principle was that the purpose of a revolution, or of any general change in the condition of public affairs, cannot be to produce chaos but only to replace what is bad by substituting something better. In such cases, however, something better must be ready at hand. On the 30th. All the means employed in carrying on that struggle were strictly within the law as it then stood and the protagonists in the fight were the National Socialists. Before the new State could be actually established and promulgated, the idea of it and the model for its organization had already existed within the framework of our party. All the fundamental principles on which the new Reich was to be constructed were the principles and ideas already embodied in the National Socialist Party. As a result of the constitutional struggle to win over our German fellow-countrymen to our side the party had established its predominance in the Reichstag and for a whole year before it actually assumed power it already had the right to demand this power for itself, even according to the principles of the parliamentary-democratic system. But it was essential for the National Socialist Revolution that this party should put forward demands which of themselves would involve a real revolutionary change in the principles and institutions of government hitherto in force. When certain individuals who were blind to the actual state of affairs thought that they could refuse to submit to the practical application of the principles of the movement which had been entrusted with the government of the Reich, then, but not until then, the party used an iron hand to make these illegal disturbers of the peace bend their stubborn necks before the laws of the new National Socialist Reich and Government. With this act the National Socialist Revolution came to an end. For as soon as the party had taken over power, and this new condition of affairs was consolidated, I looked upon it as a matter of course that the Revolution should be transformed into an evolution. The new development which now set in, however, meant that there had to be a new orientation not merely of our ideas but also in regard to the practical policy which we had to carry out. Even today certain individuals who have fallen in the march of events refuse to adapt themselves to this change. They cannot understand it because it is beyond their mental horizon or outside the sphere of their egotistic interests. Our National Socialist teaching has undoubtedly a revolutionizing effect in many spheres of life and has interfered and acted under the revolutionary impulse. The main plank in the National Socialist program is to abolish the liberalistic concept of the individual and the Marxist concept of humanity and to substitute therefore the folk community, rooted in the soil and bound together by the bond of its common blood. A very simple statement; but it involves a principle that has tremendous consequences. This is probably the first time and this is the first country in which people are being taught to realize that, of all the tasks which we have to face, the noblest and most sacred for mankind is that each racial species must preserve the purity of the blood which God has given it. And thus it happens that for the first time it is now possible for men to use their God-given faculties of perception and insight in the understanding of those problems which are of more momentous importance for the preservation of human existence than all the victories that may be won on the battlefield or the successes that may be obtained through economic efforts. It is not for men to discuss the question of why Providence created different races, but rather to recognize the fact that it punishes those who disregard its work of creation. Unspeakable suffering and misery have come upon mankind because they lost this instinct which was grounded in a profound intuition; and this loss was caused by a wrong and lopsided education of the intellect. Among our people there are millions and millions of persons living today for whom this law has become clear and intelligible. What individual seers and the still unspoiled natures of our forefathers saw by direct perception has now become a subject of scientific research in Germany. And I can prophesy here that, just as the knowledge that the earth moves around the sun led to a revolutionary alternation in the general world-picture, so the blood-and-race doctrine of the National Socialist Movement will bring about a revolutionary change in our knowledge and therewith a radical reconstruction of the picture which human history gives us of the past and will also change the course of that history in the future. And this will not lead to an estrangement between the nations; but, on the contrary, it will bring about for the first time a real understanding of one another. At the same time, however, it will prevent the Jewish people from intruding themselves among all the other nations as elements of internal disruption, under the mask of honest world-citizens, and thus gaining power over these nations. We feel convinced that the consequences of this really revolutionizing vision of truth will bring about a radical transformation in German life. For the first time in our history, The German people have found the way to a higher unity than they ever had before; and that is due to the compelling attraction of this inner feeling. Innumerable prejudices have been broken down, many barriers have been overthrown as unreasonable, evil traditions have been wiped out and antiquated symbols shown to be meaningless. From that chaos of disunion which had been caused by tribal, dynastic, philosophical, religious and political strife, the German nation has arisen and has unfurled the banner of a reunion which symbolically announces, not a political triumph, but the triumph of the racial principle. For the past four-and-a-half years German legislation has upheld and enforced this idea. Just as on January 30th, 1933, a state of affairs already in existence was legalized by the fact that I was entrusted with the chancellorship, whereby the party whose supremacy in Germany had then become unquestionable was not authorized to take over the government of the Reich and mould the future destiny of Germany; so this German legislation that has been in force for the past four years was only the legal sanction which gave jurisdiction and binding force to an idea that had already been clearly formulated and promulgated by the party. When the German community, based on the racial blood-bond, became realized in the German State we all felt that this would remain one of the finest moments to be remembered during our lives. Like a blast of springtime it passed over Germany four years ago. The fighting forces of our movement who for many years had defended the banner of the Hooked Cross against the superior forces of the enemy, and had carried it steadily forward for a long fourteen years, now planted it firmly in the soil of the new Reich. Within a few weeks the political debris and the social prejudices which had been accumulating through a thousand years of German history were removed and cleared away. May we not speak of a revolution when the chaotic conditions brought about by parliamentary-democracy disappear in less than three months and a regime of order and discipline takes their place, and a new energy springs forth from a firmly welded unity and a comprehensive authoritative power such as Germany never before had? So great was the Revolution that its intellectual foundations are not even yet understood but are superficially criticized by our contemporaries. They talk of democracies and dictatorships; but they fail to grasp the fact that in this country a radical transformation has taken place and has produced results which are democratic in the highest sense of the word, if democracy has any meaning at all. With infallible certainty we are steering towards an order of things in which a process of selection will become active in the political leadership of the nation, as it exists throughout the whole of life in general. By this process of selection, which will follow the laws of Nature and the dictates of human reason, those among our people who show the greatest natural ability will be appointed to positions in the political leadership of the nation. In making this selection no consideration will be given to birth or ancestry, name or wealth, but only to the question of whether or not the candidate has a natural vocation for those higher positions of leadership. In this country that principle will have its political counterpart. Is there a nobler or more excellent kind of Socialism and is there a truer form of Democracy than this National Socialism which is so organized that through it each one among the millions of German boys is given the possibility of finding his way to the highest office in the nation, should it please Providence to come to his aid. And that is no theory. In the present National Socialist Germany it is a reality that is considered by us all as a matter of course. I myself, to whom the people have given their trust and who have been called to be their leader, come from the people. All the millions of German workers know that it is not a foreign dilettante or an international revolutionary apostle who is at the head of the Reich, but a German who has come from their own ranks. And numerous people whose families belong to the peasantry and working classes are now filling prominent positions in this National Socialist State. Some of them actually hold the highest offices in the leadership of the nation, as Cabinet Ministers, Reichsstatthalter and Gauleiter. But National Socialism always bears in mind the interests of the people as a whole and not the interests of one class or another. The National Socialist Revolution has not aimed at turning a privileged class into a class which will have no rights in the future. Its aim has been to grant equal rights to those social strata that hitherto were denied such rights. We have not ruined millions of citizens by degrading them to the level of enslaved workers. Our aim has been to educate slaves to be German citizens. One thing will certainly be quite clear to every German; and this is that revolutions as acts of terror can only be of short duration. If revolutions are not able to produce something new they will end up by devouring the whole of the national patrimony which existed before them. From the assumption of power as an act of force the beneficial work of peace must be promptly developed. But those who abolish classes for the purpose of putting new classes in their place sow the seeds of new revolutions. The bourgeois citizen who has the ruling power in his hands today will become a proletarian if he is banished to Siberia tomorrow and condemned to enforced lab our there. He will then yearn for hisday of deliverance, just as did the proletarian of former times, who now thinks that his turn has come to play the despot. Therefore the National Socialist Revolution never aimed at bringing in one class of the German people and turning out another. One the contrary, our objective has been to make it possible for the whole German people to work, not only in the economic but also in the political field, and to guarantee this possibility by organizing the various classes into one national unit. The National Socialist Movement, however, limits its sphere of internal activity to those individuals who belong to one people and it refuses to allow the members of a foreign race to wield an influence over our political, intellectual, or cultural life. And we refuse to accord to the members of a foreign race any predominant position in our national economic system. In this folk-community, which is based on the bond of blood, and in the results which National Socialism has obtained by making the idea of this community understood among the public, lies the most profound reason for the marvelous success of our Revolution. Confronted with this new and vigorous ideal, all idols and relics of the past which had been upheld by dynastic interests, tribal affiliations and even party interests, now began to lose their glamour. That is why the whole party system of former times completely collapsed in a few weeks, without giving rise to the feeling that something had been lost. They were superseded by a better ideal. A new movement took their place. A reorganization of our people into a national unit that includes all those whose lab our is productive simply pushed aside the old organizations of employers and employees. The symbolic emblems of the recent past, which was a period of disintegration and disability, were banished, not—as in 1918 or 1919—through a resolution voted by a committee appointed to invent a new symbol for the Reich, as if the choice were to depend on the results of a prize competition. Since that day it has become the consecrated symbol of his national resurgence on land and sea and in the air. There could be no more eloquent proof of how profoundly the German people have understood the significance of this change and new development than the manner in which the nation sanctioned our regime at the polls on so many occasions during the years that followed. So, of all those who like to point again and again to the democratic form of government as the institution which is based on the universal will of the people, in contrast to dictatorships, nobody has a better right to speak in the name of the people than I have. Among the results of this phase of the German Revolution I may enumerate the following: — 1 Since that time there is only one trustee of supreme power among the German people and that trustee is the whole people itself. Anyone who compares this state of affairs with the condition of Germany before January 1933 will realize what a tremendous transformation is indicated by these few short statements. But this transformation is only a result that has followed from carrying a fundamental axiom of the National Socialist doctrine into practical effect. This axiom is that the only reasonable meaning and purpose of all human thought and conduct cannot be to create or to maintain structures, organizations or functions made by men, but only to preserve and develop the innate character of the people itself; for Providence has given us this character as the groundwork of all our constructive efforts. Through the successful issue of the National Socialist Movement the people as such was placed above any organization, construction or function, as the sole element that is always there and will permanently abide. The meaning and purpose which Providence had in mind when it created the different races cannot be investigated by us, human beings, and no theory about it can be laid down. But the meaning and purpose of human organizations and of all human activities can be measured by asking what value they are for the maintenance of the race or people, which is the one existing element that must abide. The people—the race—is the primary thing. Party, State, Army, the national economic structure, Justice etc, all these are only secondary and accidental. They are only the means to the end and the end is the preservation of this nation. These public institutions are right and useful according to the measure in which their energies are directed towards this task. If they are incapable of fulfilling it, then their existence is harmful and they must either be reformed or removed and replaced by something better. It is absolutely necessary that this principle should be practically recognized; for that is the only way in which men can be saved from becoming the victims of a devitalized set of dogmas in a matter where dogmas are entirely out of place, and from drawing dogmatic conclusions from the consideration of ways and means, when the final purpose itself is the only valid dogma. All of you, gentlemen and members of the German Reichstag, understand the meaning of what I have just said. But on this occasion I am speaking to the whole German people and therefore I should like to bring forward a few examples which show how important these principles were proved to be when they were put into practice. There are many people for whom this is the only way of explaining why we talk of a Nationalist Socialist Revolution, though no blood was shed and no property wrecked.

Taking it all in all, fewer lives were sacrificed in the National Socialist Revolution than the number of National Socialist followers who were murdered in Germany by our Bolshevik opponents in the year 1932 alone, when there was no revolution. This absence of bloodshed and destruction was made possible solely because we had adopted a principle which not only guided our conduct in the past but which we shall also never forget in the future. This principle was that the purpose of a revolution, or of any general change in the condition of public affairs, cannot be to produce chaos but only to replace what is bad by substituting something better. In such cases, however, something better must be ready at hand. On the 30th. All the means employed in carrying on that struggle were strictly within the law as it then stood and the protagonists in the fight were the National Socialists. Before the new State could be actually established and promulgated, the idea of it and the model for its organization had already existed within the framework of our party. All the fundamental principles on which the new Reich was to be constructed were the principles and ideas already embodied in the National Socialist Party. As a result of the constitutional struggle to win over our German fellow-countrymen to our side the party had established its predominance in the Reichstag and for a whole year before it actually assumed power it already had the right to demand this power for itself, even according to the principles of the parliamentary-democratic system. But it was essential for the National Socialist Revolution that this party should put forward demands which of themselves would involve a real revolutionary change in the principles and institutions of government hitherto in force. When certain individuals who were blind to the actual state of affairs thought that they could refuse to submit to the practical application of the principles of the movement which had been entrusted with the government of the Reich, then, but not until then, the party used an iron hand to make these illegal disturbers of the peace bend their stubborn necks before the laws of the new National Socialist Reich and Government. With this act the National Socialist Revolution came to an end. For as soon as the party had taken over power, and this new condition of affairs was consolidated, I looked upon it as a matter of course that the Revolution should be transformed into an evolution. The new development which now set in, however, meant that there had to be a new orientation not merely of our ideas but also in regard to the practical policy which we had to carry out. Even today certain individuals who have fallen in the march of events refuse to adapt themselves to this change. They cannot understand it because it is beyond their mental horizon or outside the sphere of their egotistic interests. Our National Socialist teaching has undoubtedly a revolutionizing effect in many spheres of life and has interfered and acted under the revolutionary impulse. The main plank in the National Socialist program is to abolish the liberalistic concept of the individual and the Marxist concept of humanity and to substitute therefore the folk community, rooted in the soil and bound together by the bond of its common blood. A very simple statement; but it involves a principle that has tremendous consequences. This is probably the first time and this is the first country in which people are being taught to realize that, of all the tasks which we have to face, the noblest and most sacred for mankind is that each racial species must preserve the purity of the blood which God has given it. And thus it happens that for the first time it is now possible for men to use their God-given faculties of perception and insight in the understanding of those problems which are of more momentous importance for the preservation of human existence than all the victories that may be won on the battlefield or the successes that may be obtained through economic efforts. It is not for men to discuss the question of why Providence created different races, but rather to recognize the fact that it punishes those who disregard its work of creation. Unspeakable suffering and misery have come upon mankind because they lost this instinct which was grounded in a profound intuition; and this loss was caused by a wrong and lopsided education of the intellect. Among our people there are millions and millions of persons living today for whom this law has become clear and intelligible. What individual seers and the still unspoiled natures of our forefathers saw by direct perception has now become a subject of scientific research in Germany. And I can prophesy here that, just as the knowledge that the earth moves around the sun led to a revolutionary alternation in the general world-picture, so the blood-and-race doctrine of the National Socialist Movement will bring about a revolutionary change in our knowledge and therewith a radical reconstruction of the picture which human history gives us of the past and will also change the course of that history in the future. And this will not lead to an estrangement between the nations; but, on the contrary, it will bring about for the first time a real understanding of one another. At the same time, however, it will prevent the Jewish people from intruding themselves among all the other nations as elements of internal disruption, under the mask of honest world-citizens, and thus gaining power over these nations. We feel convinced that the consequences of this really revolutionizing vision of truth will bring about a radical transformation in German life. For the first time in our history, The German people have found the way to a higher unity than they ever had before; and that is due to the compelling attraction of this inner feeling. Innumerable prejudices have been broken down, many barriers have been overthrown as unreasonable, evil traditions have been wiped out and antiquated symbols shown to be meaningless. From that chaos of disunion which had been caused by tribal, dynastic, philosophical, religious and political strife, the German nation has arisen and has unfurled the banner of a reunion which symbolically announces, not a political triumph, but the triumph of the racial principle. For the past four-and-a-half years German legislation has upheld and enforced this idea. Just as on January 30th, 1933, a state of affairs already in existence was legalized by the fact that I was entrusted with the chancellorship, whereby the party whose supremacy in Germany had then become unquestionable was not authorized to take over the government of the Reich and mould the future destiny of Germany; so this German legislation that has been in force for the past four years was only the legal sanction which gave jurisdiction and binding force to an idea that had already been clearly formulated and promulgated by the party. When the German community, based on the racial blood-bond, became realized in the German State we all felt that this would remain one of the finest moments to be remembered during our lives. Like a blast of springtime it passed over Germany four years ago. The fighting forces of our movement who for many years had defended the banner of the Hooked Cross against the superior forces of the enemy, and had carried it steadily forward for a long fourteen years, now planted it firmly in the soil of the new Reich. Within a few weeks the political debris and the social prejudices which had been accumulating through a thousand years of German history were removed and cleared away. May we not speak of a revolution when the chaotic conditions brought about by parliamentary-democracy disappear in less than three months and a regime of order and discipline takes their place, and a new energy springs forth from a firmly welded unity and a comprehensive authoritative power such as Germany never before had? So great was the Revolution that its intellectual foundations are not even yet understood but are superficially criticized by our contemporaries. They talk of democracies and dictatorships; but they fail to grasp the fact that in this country a radical transformation has taken place and has produced results which are democratic in the highest sense of the word, if democracy has any meaning at all. With infallible certainty we are steering towards an order of things in which a process of selection will become active in the political leadership of the nation, as it exists throughout the whole of life in general. By this process of selection, which will follow the laws of Nature and the dictates of human reason, those among our people who show the greatest natural ability will be appointed to positions in the political leadership of the nation. In making this selection no consideration will be given to birth or ancestry, name or wealth, but only to the question of whether or not the candidate has a natural vocation for those higher positions of leadership. In this country that principle will have its political counterpart. Is there a nobler or more excellent kind of Socialism and is there a truer form of Democracy than this National Socialism which is so organized that through it each one among the millions of German boys is given the possibility of finding his way to the highest office in the nation, should it please Providence to come to his aid. And that is no theory. In the present National Socialist Germany it is a reality that is considered by us all as a matter of course. I myself, to whom the people have given their trust and who have been called to be their leader, come from the people. All the millions of German workers know that it is not a foreign dilettante or an international revolutionary apostle who is at the head of the Reich, but a German who has come from their own ranks. And numerous people whose families belong to the peasantry and working classes are now filling prominent positions in this National Socialist State. Some of them actually hold the highest offices in the leadership of the nation, as Cabinet Ministers, Reichsstatthalter and Gauleiter. But National Socialism always bears in mind the interests of the people as a whole and not the interests of one class or another. The National Socialist Revolution has not aimed at turning a privileged class into a class which will have no rights in the future. Its aim has been to grant equal rights to those social strata that hitherto were denied such rights. We have not ruined millions of citizens by degrading them to the level of enslaved workers. Our aim has been to educate slaves to be German citizens. One thing will certainly be quite clear to every German; and this is that revolutions as acts of terror can only be of short duration. If revolutions are not able to produce something new they will end up by devouring the whole of the national patrimony which existed before them. From the assumption of power as an act of force the beneficial work of peace must be promptly developed. But those who abolish classes for the purpose of putting new classes in their place sow the seeds of new revolutions. The bourgeois citizen who has the ruling power in his hands today will become a proletarian if he is banished to Siberia tomorrow and condemned to enforced lab our there. He will then yearn for hisday of deliverance, just as did the proletarian of former times, who now thinks that his turn has come to play the despot. Therefore the National Socialist Revolution never aimed at bringing in one class of the German people and turning out another. One the contrary, our objective has been to make it possible for the whole German people to work, not only in the economic but also in the political field, and to guarantee this possibility by organizing the various classes into one national unit. The National Socialist Movement, however, limits its sphere of internal activity to those individuals who belong to one people and it refuses to allow the members of a foreign race to wield an influence over our political, intellectual, or cultural life. And we refuse to accord to the members of a foreign race any predominant position in our national economic system. In this folk-community, which is based on the bond of blood, and in the results which National Socialism has obtained by making the idea of this community understood among the public, lies the most profound reason for the marvelous success of our Revolution. Confronted with this new and vigorous ideal, all idols and relics of the past which had been upheld by dynastic interests, tribal affiliations and even party interests, now began to lose their glamour. That is why the whole party system of former times completely collapsed in a few weeks, without giving rise to the feeling that something had been lost. They were superseded by a better ideal. A new movement took their place. A reorganization of our people into a national unit that includes all those whose lab our is productive simply pushed aside the old organizations of employers and employees. The symbolic emblems of the recent past, which was a period of disintegration and disability, were banished, not—as in 1918 or 1919—through a resolution voted by a committee appointed to invent a new symbol for the Reich, as if the choice were to depend on the results of a prize competition. Since that day it has become the consecrated symbol of his national resurgence on land and sea and in the air. There could be no more eloquent proof of how profoundly the German people have understood the significance of this change and new development than the manner in which the nation sanctioned our regime at the polls on so many occasions during the years that followed. So, of all those who like to point again and again to the democratic form of government as the institution which is based on the universal will of the people, in contrast to dictatorships, nobody has a better right to speak in the name of the people than I have. Among the results of this phase of the German Revolution I may enumerate the following: — 1 Since that time there is only one trustee of supreme power among the German people and that trustee is the whole people itself. Anyone who compares this state of affairs with the condition of Germany before January 1933 will realize what a tremendous transformation is indicated by these few short statements. But this transformation is only a result that has followed from carrying a fundamental axiom of the National Socialist doctrine into practical effect. This axiom is that the only reasonable meaning and purpose of all human thought and conduct cannot be to create or to maintain structures, organizations or functions made by men, but only to preserve and develop the innate character of the people itself; for Providence has given us this character as the groundwork of all our constructive efforts. Through the successful issue of the National Socialist Movement the people as such was placed above any organization, construction or function, as the sole element that is always there and will permanently abide. The meaning and purpose which Providence had in mind when it created the different races cannot be investigated by us, human beings, and no theory about it can be laid down. But the meaning and purpose of human organizations and of all human activities can be measured by asking what value they are for the maintenance of the race or people, which is the one existing element that must abide. The people—the race—is the primary thing. Party, State, Army, the national economic structure, Justice etc, all these are only secondary and accidental. They are only the means to the end and the end is the preservation of this nation. These public institutions are right and useful according to the measure in which their energies are directed towards this task. If they are incapable of fulfilling it, then their existence is harmful and they must either be reformed or removed and replaced by something better. It is absolutely necessary that this principle should be practically recognized; for that is the only way in which men can be saved from becoming the victims of a devitalized set of dogmas in a matter where dogmas are entirely out of place, and from drawing dogmatic conclusions from the consideration of ways and means, when the final purpose itself is the only valid dogma. All of you, gentlemen and members of the German Reichstag, understand the meaning of what I have just said. But on this occasion I am speaking to the whole German people and therefore I should like to bring forward a few examples which show how important these principles were proved to be when they were put into practice. There are many people for whom this is the only way of explaining why we talk of a Nationalist Socialist Revolution, though no blood was shed and no property wrecked. For a long time our ideas of law and justice had been developing in a way that led to a state of general confusion. This was partly due to the fact that we adopted ideas which were foreign to our national character and also partly because the German mind itself did not have any clear notion of what public justice meant. This confusion was evidenced more strikingly by the lack of inner clarity as to the function of law and justice. There are two extreme poles which are characteristic of this mental lack: —- 1 The opinion that the law as such is its own justification and hence cannot be made the subject of any critical analysis as to its utility, either in regard to its general principles or its relation to particular problems. According to this notion, the law would remain even though the world should disappear. Between these two extreme poles the idea of defending the larger interests of the community was introduced very timidly and under the cloak of an appeal to reasons of state. In contradistinction to all this, the National Socialist Revolution has laid down a definite and unambiguous principle on which the whole system of legislation, jurisprudence and administration of justice must be founded. It is the task of justice to collaborate in supporting and protecting the people as a whole against those individuals who, because they lack a social conscience, try to shirk the obligations to which all the members of the community are subject, or directly act against the interests of the community itself. In the new German legal system which will be in force from now onwards the nation is placed above persons and property. The principle expressed in that brief statement and everything it implies has led to the greatest reform ever introduced in our German legal structure. The first decisive action taken in accordance with the fundamental principle I have spoken of was the setting up not only of one legislator but also of one executive. The second measure is not yet ready but will be announced to the nation within a few weeks. In the German penal code, which has been drawn up with this wide general perspective in view, German justice will be placed for the first time on a basis which ensures that for all time to come its duty will be to serve in maintaining the German race. Although the chaos which we found before us in the various branches of public life was very great indeed, the state of dissolution into which German economic life had fallen was still greater. And this was the feature of the German collapse that impressed itself most strikingly on the minds of the broad masses of the people. The conditions that then actually existed have still remained in their memories and in the memory of the German people as a whole. As outstanding examples of this catastrophe we found these two phenomena: — 1 More than six millions of unemployed. The area covered by the German agricultural farms that were on the point of being sold up by forced auction was as large as the whole of Thuringia more than 8. In the natural course of events the falling off in production on the one side and the decrease in purchasing power, on the other, must necessarily bring about the disruption and annihilation of the great mass of the middle class also. How seriously this side of the German distress was then felt might subsequently be measured by the fact that I had to ask for full owners for the period of four years especially for the purpose of reducing unemployment and putting a stop to the dissolution of the German agricultural population. I may further state that in 1933 the National Socialists did not interfere with any activities which were being carried out by others and which at the same time promised success. The Party was called to take over the government of the country at a moment when the possibilities of redeeming the situation in any other way had been exhausted and particularly when repeated attempts to overcome the economic crisis had failed. After four years from that date I now face the German people and you, gentlemen and members of the Reichstag, to give an account of what has been accomplished. On this occasion I do not think you will withhold your sanction from what the National Socialist Government has done and you will agree that I have fulfilled the promises I made four years ago. It was not an easy undertaking. I am not giving away any secrets when I tell you that at that time the so-called economic experts were convinced that the economic crisis could not be overcome. In the face of this staggering situation which, as I have said, appeared hopeless to the minds of the experts, I still believed in the possibility of a German revival and particularly in the possibility of an economic recovery. My belief was grounded on two considerations: — 1 I have always had sympathy for those excited people who invariably talk of the collapse of the nation whenever they find themselves confronted with a difficult situation. What do they mean by a collapse? The German people were already in existence before they made any definite appearance in history as it is known to us. Now, leaving out entirely what their pre-historic experiences may have been, it is certain that during the past two thousand years of history, through which that portion of mankind which we call the German People has passed, unspeakable miseries and catastrophes must have befallen them more than once. Famines, wars and pestilences have overwhelmed our people and wreaked terrible havoc among them. It must give rise to unlimited faith in the vital resources of a nation when we recall the fact that only a few centuries ago our German people, with a population of more than eighteen millions, were reduced by the Thirty Years War to less than four millions. Let us also remember that this once flourishing land was pillaged, dismembered and devastated, that its cities were burned down, its hamlets and villages laid waste, that its fields were left uncultivated and barren. Some ten years afterwards our people began again to increase in number. The cities were rebuilt and began to be filled with a new life. The fields were ploughed once more. Songs were heard along the countryside, in concord with the rhythm of that work which brought new life and livelihood to the people. Let us look back over the development, or at least that part of it known to us, through which our people have passed since those dim historic ages down to the present time. We shall then recognize how puny is all the fuss that these weakling fools make who immediately begin to talk about the collapse of the economic structure—and hence of human existence—the first moment a piece of printed paper loses its face value somewhere in the world. Germany and the German people have mastered many a grave catastrophe. Of course, we must admit that the right men were always needed to formulate the necessary measures and enforce them without paying any attention to those negative persons who always think that they know more than others. A bevy of parliamentarian weaklings are certainly not the kind of men to lead a nation out of the slough of distress and despair.

Я решил освободить германские границы от элементов неуверенности... Формальным casus belli стала провокация в Гляйвице — сфальсифицированный инцидент, завершавший операцию «Гиммлер » и призванный продемонстрировать, что поляки якобы напали первыми. Прошедшей ночью польские солдаты впервые учинили стрельбу на нашей территории. Erster Soldat des Deutschen Reiches , самопровозглашенным званием[ источник не указан 604 дня ], фактически эквивалентным генералиссимусу [ источник не указан 604 дня ]. Это стало очередным шагом в укреплении позиции Гитлера как верховного главнокомандующего нем. Oberbefehlshaber der Deutschen Wehrmacht : Отныне я — первый солдат германского Рейха. Я снова надел форму, которая была для меня дорога и священна. Я не сниму ее до тех пор, пока не будет одержана победа, ибо поражения я не переживу. Но в тот день я не встретил в Берлине ни одного немца, который обратил бы внимание на слова Гитлера о том, что он и мысли не допускал о возможном поражении» [7]. Первая леди США Элеонора Рузвельт по этому поводу оставила запись в дневнике: «Сегодня в 5 часов утра у нас зазвонил телефон, и именно президент из Вашингтона сообщил мне печальную новость о том, что Германия вторглась в Польшу и что её самолеты бомбят польские города.

Самая речь гитлера

Усиливало эффект ритмичное скандирование толпы, которое четко модулировали радиотехники. Нетрудно догадаться, что подобные эмоциональные речи отлично поднимали солдатский дух. Однако продолжалось это не слишком долго. Если верить Олегу Пленкову, автору книги «Третий Рейх. Арийская культура», последнее радиообращение фюрера, которое воодушевило немцев, состоялось 31 декабря 1944 года. В своей речи Гитлер выразил уверенность в окончательной победе нацистской Германии. Впрочем, некоторое разочарование слушатели этого выступления все-таки испытали: дело в том, что лидер страны не уточнил, какими именно средствами он собирался добыть желанный триумф. Но, оказалось, что Гитлер «образца 1944 года» обладал все-таки большим оптимизмом, чем Гитлер «образца 1945 года».

Последнее радиообращение Как вспоминал военный переводчик Имануил Левин в своей книге «Записки военного переводчика: Язык и «языки», настрой, который продемонстрировал Адольф Гитлер в речи, произнесенной по радио 30 января 1945 года из своего бункера, очень разнился с прежним его приподнято-нервозным состоянием.

В начале 1919 года рабочий класс заставил социал-демократов учредить Советскую республику [Баварская Советская Республика], ставшую финальным эпизодом немецкой Ноябрьской революции 1918 года. Советское правительство было подавлено месяцем позже правым военизированным формированием Фрайкор и националистическим социал-демократическим правительством, после чего последовало крайне правое правление с опорой на террор.

В результате этого сложилась среда, питавшая подъем фашистских партий, в том числе нацистов, в последовавший затем период политической истории.

Ну, конечно, «международное еврейство»! И с тех самых пор, и вплоть до 1945 г. В общем, Гитлер начал навязчиво намекать нацистам среднего и низшего звена на то, что уничтожение евреев, развернувшееся на всей территории оккупированной Европы — это чудесное исполнение его » пророчества» от января 1939 г. О том, что оно исполняется по его же тайному приказу Гиммлером, фюрер, разумеется, умалчивал. Об этом знали только самые-самые «посвященные». А теперь снова возвращаемся в мюнхенскую пивную.

Вот так, недвусмысленно, сославшись в очередной раз на то «пророчество», Гитлер 8 ноября 1942 г. Была в Германии и другая сила, огромная сила, которая узнала, что национал-социалистические пророчества — не просто слова; эта огромная сила, из-за которой все наши беды — международное еврейство. Вспомните заседание в Рейхстаге, когда я сказал: «Если еврейство воображает, что может развязать мировую войну для уничтожения европейских рас, то ошибается: результатом будет не истребление европейских рас, а истребление евреев в Европе». Мои пророчества всегда высмеивали. Из тех, кто тогда смеялся, сегодня бесчисленное множество уже отсмеялось. Здесь нужно добавить. О важности Сталинграда и доверчивом «герре Сталине» Пригрозив евреям, Гитлер перешел к остальным своим врагам. Он назвал Рузвельта «главным гангстером» среди «этой банды, которой мы противостоим».

Также фюрера сильно возмутила англо-советская пропаганда, не заметившая, что немцы уже захватили всю Европу и часть северной Африки. И это уникально в масштабе всей Истории» сам себя не похвалишь — никто не похвалит Продолжая выступление, Гитлер начал «юморить». Он немного потроллил доверчивого «герра Сталина», который ждал в 1942 г. И напомнил своим слушателям о важности Сталинграда как перевалочного пункта. Мы люди скромные, цинично заявил Гитлер, нам многого не нужно, в Сталинграде осталось незахваченными всего парочка небольших местечек. При этом, говорит Гитлер, мы не торопимся их захватывать, зачем устраивать кровавый «второй Верден», мы и так постепенно возьмем Сталинград пздт, как Троцкий. Затронул он и тему затянувшегося штурма Севастополя немцами. По версии фюрера, и здесь не нужно торопиться, зачем устраивать массовую бойню как будто начатая им война не массовая бойня , нужно просто чуть подождать, и все решится.

По крайней мере, говорит Гитлер, не русские стоят на Севилье и Перинеях, а мы у Сталинграда и на Тереке. То, что я поступаю не так, как хотелось бы другим, объясняется вот чем: я сначала обдумываю, чего, по всей вероятности, хотят другие, а потом делаю принципиально иначе. Если герр Сталин, как видно, ожидал, что мы ударим в центре, то я вовсе не пожелал наступать там, не столько потому, что герр Сталин, вероятно, думал так, а потому, что мне это было не столь уж и важно. Я хотел выйти к Волге, причем именно в определенном месте, у определенного города. Случайно, он носит имя самого Сталина, но не думайте, что я рвался туда по этой причине. На самом деле этот город мог называться как угодно. Он важен исключительно тем, что это важный пункт, ведь там мы отрезаем транспортные пути, по которым перевозятся 30 миллионов тонн грузов, в том числе 9 миллионов тонн нефти. Туда стекалась вся пшеница из гигантских областей Украины, Кубани, чтобы затем быть транспортированной на север.

Там добывалась марганцевая руда. Там находился гигантский перевалочный пункт. Я хотел захватить это всё. И вы знаете, мы люди скромные, нам много не надо, мы это и получили; там остались невзятыми всего каких-то несколько совсем мелких местечек. Некоторые говорят: а почему же вы не сражаетесь там? Да потому, что я не хочу иметь там второй Верден, а предпочитаю добиться этого при помощи совсем небольших ударных групп. Время не имеет значения. По Волге теперь не ходит ни одно судно — вот что самое главное!

Нас также упрекают: почему мы так долго выжидали под Севастополем? Да потому, что я и там не хотел устраивать гигантскую массовую бойню. И так пролилось крови больше, чем достаточно. Но Севастополь пал в наши руки, и Крым тоже оказался в наших руках. Мы настойчиво и упорно достигали цель за целью. И если враг, со своей стороны, собирается наступать, не подумайте только, что я хочу его упредить! Пусть себе наступает, если ему охота, ибо оборона дело все-таки более дешевое. Пусть себе наступает, он при этом тяжко истечет кровью, а мы сможем заткнуть бреши.

Во всяком случае, русские не стоят на Пиренеях или у Севильи, а ведь это такое же расстояние, как для нас сегодня расстояние до Сталинграда или, скажем, до Терека. А мы все-таки там стоим, и это не оспоришь. В конце концов, это факт. Занавес В той ноябрьской речи Гитлер еще много чего наговорил. Он пообещал вскорости ответить англичанам на «жестокие атаки авиации на немецкие города» как будто не он первым начал такие атаки на английские города в 1940 , пообещал замирить тыл, пообещал поставить ресурсы завоеванных «русских областей» на пользу всей Европе врал, собака, не краснея — не Европе, а только Германии!

At that point in the conflict, Hitler shifted his central strategy to focus on breaking the alliance of his main opponents Britain, the United States and the Soviet Union by forcing one of them to make peace with him. Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime set up networks of concentration camps before and during World War II to carry out a plan of genocide.

The children pictured here were held at the Auschwitz concentration camp in Nazi-occupied Poland. Survivors at the Wobbelin concentration camp in northern Germany were found by the U. Ninth Army in May 1945. Here, one man breaks out in tears when he finds he is not leaving with the first group to be taken to the hospital. Survivors at Buchenwald concentration camp are shown in their barracks after liberation by the Allies in April 1945. The camp was located in a wooded area in Ettersberg, Germany, just east of Weimar. Elie Wiesel, the Nobel Prize winning author of Night, is on the second bunk from the bottom, seventh from the left.

While being rescued after the liberation of Auschwitz, he had reportedly gone insane after witnessing mass horrors and tragedies at the camp. Allied troops are shown in May 1945 discovering Holocaust victims in a railroad car that did not arrive at its final destination. It was believed this car was on a journey to the Wobbelin concentration camp near Ludwigslust, Germany where many of the prisoners died along the way. A total of 6 million lives were lost as a result of the Holocaust. Here, a pile of human bones and skulls is seen in 1944 at the Majdanek concentration camp in the outskirts of Lublin, Poland. Majdanek was the second largest death camp in Nazi-occupied Poland after Auschwitz. A body is seen in a crematory oven in the Buchenwald concentration camp near Weimar, Germany in April 1945.

Auschwitz camp, as seen in April 2015. Nearly 1. Although Auschwitz had the highest death rate, it also had the highest survival rate of all the killing centers. Prosthetic legs and crutches are a part of a permanent exhibition in the Auschwitz Museum.

Выступление Адольфа Гитлера перед высшим военным руководством 22 августа 1939 г.

Но это было лишь началом непрерывной череды все новых и новых вымогательств. Победа в Польше, достигнутая исключительно силами немецкой армии, побудила меня снова обратиться к западным державам с мирным предложением. Оно было отклонено международными и еврейскими поджигателями войны. Но причина его отклонения уже тогда заключалась в том, что Англия все еще надеялась, что ей удастся мобилизовать против Германии европейскую коалицию, включая балканские страны и Советскую Россию. В Лондоне решили направить послом в Москву мистера Криппса. Он получил четкое задание при любых обстоятельствах восстановить отношения между Англией и Советской Россией и развивать их в английских интересах. О прогрессе этой миссии сообщала английская пресса, если тактические соображения не вынуждали ее к молчанию. Осенью 1939 года и весной 1940 года первые последствия стали свершившимися фактами.

Приступив к подчинению военной силой не только Финляндии, но и прибалтийских государств, Россия внезапно стала мотивировать эти действия столь же лживыми, как и смехотворным утверждением, будто эти страны нужно защищать от угрозы извне или предупредить ее. Но при этом могла иметься в виду только Германия, так как ни одна другая держава вообще не могла ни проникнуть в зону Балтийского моря, ни вести там войну. Несмотря на это, я опять смолчал. Но правители в Кремле сразу же пошли дальше. В то время, как Германия войной 1940 года в соответствии с т. Согласно одному заявлению, сделанному тогда лично Молотовым, уже весной 1940 года только в прибалтийских государствах находились 22 русские дивизии. Так как русское правительство само постоянно утверждало, что их призвало местное население, целью их дальнейшего пребывания там могла быть только демонстрация против Германии.

В то время, как наши солдаты 10 мая 1940 года сломили франко-британскую силу на Западе, сосредоточение русских войск на нашем восточном фронте постепенно принимало все более угрожающие размеры. Поэтому с августа 1940 года я пришел к выводу, что интересы Рейха будут нарушены роковым образом, если перед лицом этого мощного сосредоточения большевистских дивизий мы оставим незащищенными наши восточные провинции, которые и так уже не раз опустошались. Произошло то, на что было направлено англо-советское сотрудничество, а именно: на Востоке были связаны столь большие немецкие силы, что руководство Германии не могло больше рассчитывать на радикальное окончание войны на Западе, особенно в результате действий авиации. Это соответствовало цели не только британской, но и советской политики, ибо как Англия, так и Советская Россия хотели, чтобы эта война длилась как можно дольше, чтобы ослабить всю Европу и максимально обессилить ее. Угрожающее наступление России также в конечном счете служило только одной задаче: взять в свои руки важную основу экономической жизни не только Германии, но и всей Европы или, в зависимости от обстоятельств, как минимум уничтожить её. Но именно Германский Рейх с 1933 года с бесконечным терпением старался сделать государства Юго-Восточной Европы своими торговыми партнерами. Поэтому мы были больше всех заинтересованы в их внутренней государственной консолидации и сохранении в них порядка.

Вторжение России в Румынию 1940 г. Вопреки нашим принципам и обычаям я в ответ на настоятельную просьбу тогдашнего румынского правительства, которое само было повинно в таком развитии событий, дал совет ради мира уступить советскому шантажу и отдать Бессарабию. Но румынское правительство считало, что сможет оправдать этот шаг перед своим народом лишь при том условий, если Германия и Италия в порядке возмещения ущерба, дадут как минимум гарантию нерушимости границ оставшейся части Румынии. Я сделал это с тяжелым сердцем. Причина понятна: если Германский Рейх дает гарантию, это означает, что он за нее ручается. Мы не англичане и не евреи. Я верил до последнего часа, что послужу делу мира в этом регионе, даже если приму на себя тяжелые обязательства.

Но чтобы окончательно решить эти проблемы и уяснить русскую позицию по отношению к Рейху, испытывая давление постоянно усиливающейся мобилизации на наших восточных границах, я пригласил господина Молотова в Берлин. Советский министр иностранных дел потребовал прояснения позиции или согласия Германии по следующим 4 вопросам: 1-й вопрос Молотова: Будет ли германская гарантия Румынии в случае нападения Советской России на Румынию направлена также против Советской России? Мой ответ: Германская гарантия имеет общий и обязательный для нас характер. Россия никогда не заявляла нам, что, кроме Бессарабии, у нее вообще есть в Румынии еще какие-то интересы 7. Оккупация Северной Буковины 1940 г. Поэтому я не думаю, что Россия теперь вдруг вознамерилась предпринять какие-то дальнейшие действия против Румынии. Готова ли Германия не оказывать Финляндии поддержки и, прежде всего, немедленно отвести назад немецкие войска, которые продвигаются к Киркенесу на смену прежним?

Мой ответ: Германия по-прежнему не имеет в Финляндии никаких политических интересов, однако 4.

Членская карточка Гитлера в Немецкой рабочей партии Спустя годы его непосредственный начальник, капитан Карл Майр, заявил, что Гитлеру было приказано присоединиться к небольшой фашистской группе, чтобы помочь ей расти. Вскоре стало ясно, что Гитлер может стать ее лидером. В сентябрьской записке Майру по вопросу о евреях Гитлер писал, что антисемитизм должен основываться на «рассудке», а не на «эмоциях», потому что «его конечной целью должно стать непоколебимое уничтожение евреев в целом». Мюнхен, столица южно-германского государства Бавария, переживал мощный подъем революционной борьбы, развернувшейся в конце войны.

Эта мелодия была выбрана, поскольку в Третьем рейхе ее объявили «вредными еврейскими животными подпрыгиваниями» хотя запрещена она и не была. Ролики показывались в кинотеатрах перед сеансами и пользовались большой популярностью у зрителей.

Большое Всем спасибо! Эта информация публикуется впервые!

Последнее интервью Гитлера перед своей кончиной. В котором он рассказал, кто виноват во Второй Мировой Войне, как он относится к Евреям и его предсказания о России и Русских? Любой человек хочет исповедаиься перед смертью и то,что сказал Гитлер вполне может быть правдой..

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