Новости тампа бэй лайтнинг

Хоккеисты «Тампа-Бэй Лайтнинг» одержали волевую победу над «Эдмонтон Ойлерз» в домашнем поединке регулярного чемпионата НХЛ. Встреча, которая состоялась в Тампе на льду «Амали Арена», завершилась победой «Тампа-Бэй Лайтнинг» со счетом 6:4 (1:2, 1:1, 4:1). Тампа-Бэй Лайтнинг. Спорт — 3 апреля 22:14. Оттава Сенаторз и ставку с коэффициентом 1.93. Игра проводится в рамках турнира: NHL. Начало: 20 февраля 03:00. Российский защитник хоккейного клуба «Тампа-Бэй Лайтнинг» Михаил Сергачёв получил травму в первом же после восстановления от предыдущего повреждения.

Тампа-Бэй Лайтнинг – Оттава Сенаторз 20.02.2024, Регулярный сезон, НХЛ 23/24

состав, главный тренер, расписание, результаты матчей, турнирная таблица, статистика хоккеистов, самые последние новости на сегодня, трансферы, свежие фото, видео. Перед третьим периодом при счете 1:6 тренер «Тампы» Джон Купер заменил вратаря Андрея Василевского, пропустившего шесть шайб после 22 бросков. События и новости 24 часа в сутки по тегу: ТАМПА-БЭЙ ЛАЙТНИНГ. Эксклюзивные расследования, оригинальные фото и видео, «живые» истории, топовые эксперты, онлайн трансляции со всей планеты и горячие тренды соцмедиа и блогов. Страница команды Тампа-Бэй на предлагает live-результаты, расписание, таблицы и подробности матчей.

Тампа-Бэй Лайтинг (Tampa Bay Lightning)

"Флорида" уверенно разгромила "Тампа-Бэй Лайтнинг" со счетом 9:2 - The Tampa Bay Lightning are getting a new look on the ice. The team revealed its newest jersey on Thursday.
Тэг «Тампа-Бэй Лайтнинг» - Общественная служба новостей Теперь «Пантерз» вернутся в Южную Флориду с пятью выигранными матчами подряд и девятью из последних десяти. В Восточной конференции на данный момент они лидируют. Давайте разберемся, как прошла эта странная, но веселая ночь в Тампе.
Хоккей, США: live-результаты Тампа-Бэй, расписание, завершенные матчи На нашем сайте Вы можете посмотреть в прямом эфире хоккейный матч Тампа-Бэй – Оттава, который пройдёт 20 февраля 2024.

Tampa Bay Lightning Live Stream Free Online

Ethan Gauthier (F) из Drummondville Voltigeurs в Tampa Bay Lightning. Zach Bogosian (D) из Tampa Bay Lightning в Minnesota Wild. В День Президентов, в одном из последних матчей насыщенного дня игр НХЛ, «Тампа-Бэй Лайтнинг» будет стремиться к серьезному восстановлению в игре против «Оттава Сенаторс». Нападающий «Миннесота Уайлд» Кирилл Капризов заявил, что форвард «Тампа-Бэй Лайтнинг» Никита Кучеров по итога сезона-2023/24 должен получить «Харт Трофи» — приз лучшему игроку регулярного чемпионата Национальной хоккейной лиги (НХЛ). 20 февраля в рамках очередного игрового дня в НХЛ состоится матч между "Тампа-Бэй Лайтнинг" и "Оттава Сенаторз". Встреча начнется в 03:00 по московскому времени.

Tampa Bay Lightning Live Stream Free Online

Петтерссон — 29 Хегландер, Линдхольм , 25:37 — 1:3. Миллер — 26 бол. Болди — 20 Эрикссон Эк, Меррилл , 31:00 — 2:4. Миллер — 27 Сутер , 34:30 — 2:5. Зуккарелло — 10 бол.

Эрикссон Эк — 28 бол. Капризов — 21 бол. Эрикссон Эк — 29 бол. Росси — 15 Луккини, Леттьери , 44:48 — 7:5.

Капризов — 22 Болди , 45:12 — 8:5. Задоров — 3 Миллер, Сутер , 48:26 — 8:6. Босер — 31 Хьюз, Гронек , 57:52 — 8:7. Бродин — 4 п.

Капризов — 23 п. Вратари: Густавссон Флери, 40:00 — Десмит 57:40 — 57:52, 58:23 — 59:58. Карлссон — 17 Мартинес, Стоун , 4:25 — 0:2. Морелли — 1 бол.

Колесар — 5 Мартинес, Морелли , 38:44 — 0:4. Вратари: Блэквуд — Томпсон.

Вы можете ознакомиться с турнирной таблицей чемпионата, текущими результатами команд и расписанием предстоящих матчей на странице: Турнирная таблица НХЛ. В составе команды Тампа Бэй 24 игроков.

Jon Cooper — главный тренер команды Тампа Бэй.

Источник изображения: pxhere Российский форвард "Тампы" Никита Кучеров отметился голевой передачей в этом матче, увеличив отрыв от нападающего "Колорадо" Натана Маккиннона в гонке бомбардиров НХЛ до пяти очков. После проведенных 56 матчей "Тампа" занимает пятое место в Восточной конференции с 65 очками.

Бутлерова, д. Все материалы сайта доступны по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution 4. Вы должны указать имя автора создателя произведения материала и стороны атрибуции, уведомление об авторских правах, название лицензии, уведомление об оговорке и ссылку на материал, если они предоставлены вместе с материалом.

"Тампа" Кучерова сокрушена его соотечественниками

В прошлом сезоне команды играли трижды, и команда, которая играла дома, все время выигрывала. Дважды это была канадская команда, один раз - американская. Этот матч особенно высветил проблемы хозяев при игре на своей половине площадки. В то же время "Оттава" - соперник более низкого класса, чем "Пантерз", но все равно обладает очень высоким атакующим потенциалом. У гостей достаточно мастеров, чтобы создавать и высоко реализовывать моменты, поэтому стоит поставить больше 3 за 2,19 на индивидуальный тотал "Оттавы". В то же время атака "Тампа-Бэй" в домашних матчах по-прежнему выглядит неплохо для сезона в целом. Атака генерируется за счет активных действий Никиты Кучерова, Брэдена Пойнта и Энтони Чирелли, но этого часто бывает недостаточно против серьезных соперников.

Несмотря на это, победа над «Коламбус Блю Джекетс» дает надежду болельщикам «Сенаторз» на возможное возвращение к стабильной игре. Пусть и далее последовали два поражения.

С учетом предыдущих встреч команд, где «Тампа» чаще выходила победителем, и текущей формы, хозяева выглядят более предпочтительным выбором для ставок. Букмекеры также считают их фаворитами, назначая коэффициент на победу в 1.

Итоги дня Насыщенный четверг в НХЛ. Российский защитник «Тампа-Бэй Лайтнинг» Михаил Сергачев успешно перенес операцию по поводу переломов костей левой ноги, сообщается в официальном аккаунте клуба Национальной хоккейной лиги НХЛ в соцсети X. Русский форвард решил больше не злить канадцев на Матче звезд, но его все равно освистали А Шестеркин стал победителем звездного турнира.

Об этом сообщает официальный сайт лиги.

Что входит в штат Флорида? Флорида Florida , штат на Ю. Включает полуостров Флорида, прилегающую часть материка и острова Флорида-Кис. Площадь 151,7 тыс.

Yahoo Sports

Все о хоккейной команде Тампа-Бэй Лайтнинг: последняя информация о составах команды, трансферах и слухах, статистика игроков, положение клуба в турнирных таблицах, рейтинги, результаты игр, последние новости. 20 февраля в рамках очередного игрового дня в НХЛ состоится матч между "Тампа-Бэй Лайтнинг" и "Оттава Сенаторз". Встреча начнется в 03:00 по московскому времени. новости, последние на сегодня за 2024 год. Читайте все самые свежие и актуальные новости на

"Тампа" Кучерова сокрушена его соотечественниками

Конечно, мы отдаем должное вратарю по итогам игры, в которой «Флорида» забросила девять шайб. Бобровский сделал 28 сейвов и, согласно Natural Stat Trick, отразил 6 из 6 опасных бросков «Тампы». Большинство его спасений совершены при уже значительном преимуществе в счете «Пантерз». Но оно вполне могло растаять, если бы не 72-й номер. За шесть последних встреч он пропустил всего 10 шайб и нейтрализовал 174 из 184 выстрелов по своим воротам.

Вашему вниманию предоставлена статистика игроков, статистика команды и прогноз на матчи с участием Тампы-Бэя Лайтнинг, надёжные ставки и высокие коэффициенты. Следите за результатами команды Тампа-Бэй Лайтнинг в различных хоккейных лигах и кубках. Смотрите важнейшие матчи с участием Тампа-Бэй Лайтнинг.

После проведенных 56 матчей "Тампа" занимает пятое место в Восточной конференции с 65 очками. Автор: Валерия Орлова.

В частности, слетев в 2-х крайних турах Чикаго Блэкхоукс 2:3 и Анахайму Дакс 1:5. Так что, по всей видимости, и сегодня ОС не ждет ничего хорошего! Тампа-Бэй Лайтнинг Что касается Тампы Бэй, то она традиционно очень мощно выглядит в родных стенах, в том числе, и в теперешнем регулярном соревновании.

История команды

  • Хайлайты Тампа-Бэй - Оттава, видеообзор матча от 20 февраля 2024
  • Хоккеиста Михаила Сергачёва унесли на носилках из-за травмы ноги
  • Тампа-Бэй Лайтнинг - Оттава Сенаторз прогноз на матч 20 февраля 2024 года
  • Страницы в категории «ХК Тампа-Бэй Лайтнинг»
  • Тампа-Бэй Лайтнинг победили Нэшвилл Предаторз на предсезонке НХЛ
  • Хоккеиста Михаила Сергачёва унесли на носилках из-за травмы ноги

Дубль и пас Кучерова принесли «Тампе» победу над «Сиэтлом»

Tampa Bay Lightning / Тампа-Бэй Лайтнинг right away. Вашингтон Кэпиталз, который состоится в 03:00 23 Февраля 2024 в рамках турнира НХЛ: лучшие коэффициенты, широкая линия - в БК Леон! Фан-клуб клуба НХЛ Тампа-Бэй Лайтнинг.


  • Материалы по теме: Тампа-Бэй Лайтнинг | Аргументы и Факты
  • Хоккеист Сергачёв получил жуткую травму в матче НХЛ с «Нью-Йорк Рейнджерс»
  • Telegram: Contact @tbl_ru
  • Читайте также
  • Во Флориде отметили игру Бобровского против «Тампы»: не дал растаять преимуществу

Очень странные дела в «Тампе». Самый русский клуб НХЛ разваливается на глазах!

Тампа Бэй участвует в чемпионате НХЛ. Вы можете ознакомиться с турнирной таблицей чемпионата, текущими результатами команд и расписанием предстоящих матчей на странице: Турнирная таблица НХЛ. В составе команды Тампа Бэй 24 игроков.

Давайте разберемся, как прошла эта странная, но веселая ночь в Тампе. Это была еще одна сильная игра Сергея Бобровского, выигравшего шесть встреч подряд, в которых он выходил в старте. Конечно, мы отдаем должное вратарю по итогам игры, в которой «Флорида» забросила девять шайб. Бобровский сделал 28 сейвов и, согласно Natural Stat Trick, отразил 6 из 6 опасных бросков «Тампы». Большинство его спасений совершены при уже значительном преимуществе в счете «Пантерз».

January and February were far better months for the team, going 9—4—0 in January and 9—2—2 in February, driving them back into the playoff race. Fourteen games in March were split even, and on March 16, 2007, Vincent Lecavalier broke the franchise record for most points in a season, with 95 finishing with 108. The record was previously held by Martin St. Louis, who had set the record in the 2003—04 Stanley Cup-winning year. Former first-round pick Nikita Alexeev was traded on deadline day to the Chicago Blackhawks. Throughout March, the Lightning had been competing with the Atlanta Thrashers for first place in the Southeast Division. With a chance to overtake the Thrashers one final time and once again become division champions for the third time in team history, on April 6, 2007, in the final week of the regular season, the Lighting suffered a loss to the Florida Panthers , the night before the season finale in Atlanta. That same night, the Thrashers defeated the Carolina Hurricanes and subsequently clinched the division. For the Lightning, this meant having to settle for the seventh seed in the Eastern Conference with a final record of 44—33—5 93 points. However, the Lightning were eliminated from playoff competition on April 22 after a 3—2 home loss to the New Jersey Devils in Game 6 of the Eastern Conference Quarterfinals. Vaclav Prospal with the Lightning in 2007. Following their playoff exit, on August 7, 2007, Absolute Hockey Enterprises, a group led by Doug MacLean , announced it had signed a purchase agreement for the team and the leasehold on the St. Pete Times Forum. MacLean is the former president and general manager of the Columbus Blue Jackets and former head coach for both the Blue Jackets and the Florida Panthers. The group announced it planned to keep the team in Tampa, but the deal collapsed during the 2007—08 season. Decline[ edit ] The Lightning struggled to maintain success during the 2007—08 campaign. Louis and Brad Richards, along with Vaclav Prospal , had performed up to expectations, they had little consistent play from supporting players. At the start of the All-Star Break on January 25, 2008, the Lightning had a 20—25—5 record, and with 45 points, were in last place in both the Southeast Division and the Eastern Conference. Only the Los Angeles Kings had a lower point total at this time of the season, with 40 points. The Lightning were active during the trade deadline, similar to the previous season. After the February 26 trade deadline, the Lightning won only five games. Finishing with a 31—42—9 record, with 71 points, they had the highest chance of winning the top overall pick in the 2008 NHL Entry Draft through the draft lottery, which they eventually won on April 7. The Lightning were the worst team on the road in the NHL, winning only 11 games. In the 2006—07 season, the Lightning had one of the best extra period records, winning 15 games in either overtime or the shootout. However, in the 2007—08 season, they won only three games, losing nine. Vincent Lecavalier suffered a dislocated shoulder as the result of an open-ice hit from Matt Cooke of the Washington Capitals in the game before the season finale in Atlanta. Head coach John Tortorella was fired by the Lightning following their worst season since Tortorella was hired. He stated, "I miss not having a dog in the fight. The next day, the Lightning officially introduced him as their new head coach. On July 4, 2008, Dan Boyle, despite coming off a recent contract extension, was traded along with Brad Lukowich to the San Jose Sharks in exchange for Matt Carle , Ty Wishart , a first-round draft pick in 2009 and a fourth-round pick in 2010. In the fallout from the trade, Boyle would call Lightning ownership "liars" [25] for misrepresenting the aforementioned events to the public, while former coach Tortorella later labeled them as "cowboys" and said he had zero respect for them. Barry Melrose would record his first win as a head coach in over 13 years on October 21, 2008, with a 3—2 victory over the Atlanta Thrashers. However, the Lightning did not get off to a great start as hoped, and Melrose was eventually fired by the Lightning with a 5—7—4 record. Rick Tocchet , who had been hired as assistant coach during the previous off-season, was promoted to interim head coach. Louis with the Lightning during the 2009—10 season. He signed a four-year extension with the team in the 2010 off-season. After the firing of Melrose, the Lightning went 19—33—14 and would finish the season 24—40—18 with 66 points, their lowest point total since the 2000—01 season. With the second overall pick in the 2009 NHL Entry Draft , the Lightning selected Swedish defenseman Victor Hedman , who would also be another major part of the franchise for years to come. In the 2009 off-season, the Lightning removed the interim status of Rick Tocchet, making him the full-time head coach and signing him to a multi-year contract. Despite an overmatched roster on paper, and a team that struggled in the first two periods of many games, the Lightning remained competitive in the playoff race until March, when they went 5—10—1 for the month and fell eight points out of a playoff spot. Unable to make a final push for the playoffs, they were officially eliminated from contention within the first week of April. The Lightning finished the season 34—36—12 for 80 points, fourth in the Southeast Division and 12th in the Eastern Conference. Following the late-season collapse, Vinik cleaned house, firing both head coach Rick Tocchet and GM Brian Lawton on April 12, 2010, one day after the season ended. Yzerman then hired Guy Boucher from the Montreal Canadiens organization to succeed Tocchet as the head coach two weeks later. On July 1, 2010, veteran blueliner Andrej Meszaros was traded to the Philadelphia Flyers in exchange for their second-round pick in 2011. Later that day, the Lightning signed star winger Martin St. With starting goaltender Mike Smith injured, the Lightning called up Cedrick Desjardins , who played with a. The team then acquired veteran Dwayne Roloson from the New York Islanders for further coverage in net. After holding the first place in the Southeast Division for several months, they fell to second after a poor performance in March. However, their record was solid enough for second in the Southeast Division and fifth in the Eastern Conference, and they returned to the playoffs for the first time since the 2006—07 season. Scoring 31 goals and assisting on 68, Martin St. Louis finished second in the NHL in points. Lecavalier scores the game-winning goal in Game 2 of the 2011 Eastern Conference semi-finals. The team went on to sweep the Washington Capitals in the series. After losing Game 4 at home in the second overtime period, they fell behind in the series one game to three. However, the Lightning went on to win the next three games, including a 1—0 Game 7 win on the road, taking their first playoff series since winning the Stanley Cup in 2004. In Game 4 of the series, the Lightning trailed 3—0 at the end of the first period. When Dwayne Roloson was pulled for Mike Smith, the Bruins failed to score again, and the Lightning tied the game in the second period by scoring three goals in 3:58, going on to win the game 5—3 and tying the series at two games apiece. The series went the full seven games, though the Lightning were eliminated by a single goal, as the game was lost 0—1. The Lightning finished the 2011—12 season with a 38—36—8 record. With only 84 points, they fell short of reaching the playoffs, ending the season third in the Southeast Division and tenth in the Eastern Conference. Individually, Steven Stamkos scored a franchise-record 60 goals. He won the Maurice "Rocket" Richard Trophy for the second time in his career. On March 25, 2013, head coach Guy Boucher was dismissed for following a 7—16—1 record. Louis won his second Art Ross Trophy with 60 points in the shortened season, as Stamkos finished runner-up 57. On June 27, 2013, the team announced that they would exercise one of their two " compliance buyouts " on captain Vincent Lecavalier, as permitted by the collective agreement. This move made Lecavalier an unrestricted free agent beginning July 5 of that year. On November 11, 2013, going into the day tied for most goals during the regular season, Steven Stamkos suffered a broken right tibia after crashing into one of the goalposts during play against the Boston Bruins. He would miss 45 games and was not cleared to play again until March 5, 2014. Callahan was acquired by the team in a trade that sent Martin St. Louis to the New York Rangers. After Stamkos was not medically cleared to play in Sochi in early February, Yzerman ultimately named St. Louis to Team Canada as an injury replacement. In late February, it was reported St. Louis had requested a trade from Yzerman the month prior.

Tortorella stripped Lecavalier of the captaincy due to contract negotiations that had made the young center miss the start of the season. Louis and Fredrik Modin , the Lightning were thought to be very close to respectability. However, they arrived somewhat earlier than expected in 2002—03. The young team was led by the goaltending of Nikolai Khabibulin and the scoring efforts of Lecavalier, St. Louis, Modin, Richards and Ruslan Fedotenko. Throughout the season, the Lightning battled the Washington Capitals for first place in the Southeast Division. They finished with a record of 36—25—16 for 93 points, breaking the 90-point barrier for the first time in team history. They won the division by just one point, giving them home-ice advantage in their first-round match-up with the Capitals. In the first round of the playoffs , the Lightning quickly fell two games behind in the series but followed the two losses with four consecutive wins for their first playoff series win in franchise history. However, in the semifinals, they went down in five games to the New Jersey Devils , who went on to win the Stanley Cup. The Lightning lost only 20 man-games to injury. In the first round of the playoffs, the Lightning ousted the New York Islanders in five games, with Khabibulin posting shutouts in games 1, 3, and 4. In the second round, the Lightning faced the Montreal Canadiens ; Lecavalier, Richards, and Khabibulin led the team to a four-game sweep of Montreal. Next, they faced the Philadelphia Flyers in the Conference Finals. After a tightly fought seven-game series in which neither team was able to win consecutive games, Fredrik Modin notched the winning goal of the seventh and deciding game, earning the Eastern Conference championship for the Lightning and their first-ever berth in the Stanley Cup Finals. Their opponent in the final round was the Calgary Flames. The final round also went the full seven games, with the deciding game played in the St. Pete Times Forum on June 7, 2004. This time, Ruslan Fedotenko was the Game 7 hero, scoring both Lightning goals in a 2—1 victory. Brad Richards, who had 26 points in the postseason, won the Conn Smythe Trophy as the most valuable player of the playoffs; the Lightning had won all 31 contests in which he had scored a goal since the opening of the season. Only three years after their last of four consecutive seasons of 50 or more losses, and in only their 12th year of existence, the Lightning became the southernmost team ever to win the Stanley Cup. Louis also won the Lester B. Post-championship successes and disappointments[ edit ] The Lightning had to wait a year to defend their title due to the 2004—05 NHL lockout , but in 2005—06 , they barely made the playoffs with a record of 43—33—6 for 93 points in a conference where six teams notched 100 or more points. They lost to the Ottawa Senators in five games in the first round of the 2006 playoffs. During the 2006—07 season , Vincent Lecavalier broke the then franchise record for most points, and goals in a single season. The first half of 2006—07 was inconsistent for the Lightning, maintaining an 18—19—2 record throughout the first few months. January and February were far better months for the team, going 9—4—0 in January and 9—2—2 in February, driving them back into the playoff race. Fourteen games in March were split even, and on March 16, 2007, Vincent Lecavalier broke the franchise record for most points in a season, with 95 finishing with 108. The record was previously held by Martin St. Louis, who had set the record in the 2003—04 Stanley Cup-winning year. Former first-round pick Nikita Alexeev was traded on deadline day to the Chicago Blackhawks. Throughout March, the Lightning had been competing with the Atlanta Thrashers for first place in the Southeast Division. With a chance to overtake the Thrashers one final time and once again become division champions for the third time in team history, on April 6, 2007, in the final week of the regular season, the Lighting suffered a loss to the Florida Panthers , the night before the season finale in Atlanta. That same night, the Thrashers defeated the Carolina Hurricanes and subsequently clinched the division. For the Lightning, this meant having to settle for the seventh seed in the Eastern Conference with a final record of 44—33—5 93 points. However, the Lightning were eliminated from playoff competition on April 22 after a 3—2 home loss to the New Jersey Devils in Game 6 of the Eastern Conference Quarterfinals. Vaclav Prospal with the Lightning in 2007. Following their playoff exit, on August 7, 2007, Absolute Hockey Enterprises, a group led by Doug MacLean , announced it had signed a purchase agreement for the team and the leasehold on the St. Pete Times Forum. MacLean is the former president and general manager of the Columbus Blue Jackets and former head coach for both the Blue Jackets and the Florida Panthers. The group announced it planned to keep the team in Tampa, but the deal collapsed during the 2007—08 season. Decline[ edit ] The Lightning struggled to maintain success during the 2007—08 campaign. Louis and Brad Richards, along with Vaclav Prospal , had performed up to expectations, they had little consistent play from supporting players. At the start of the All-Star Break on January 25, 2008, the Lightning had a 20—25—5 record, and with 45 points, were in last place in both the Southeast Division and the Eastern Conference. Only the Los Angeles Kings had a lower point total at this time of the season, with 40 points. The Lightning were active during the trade deadline, similar to the previous season. After the February 26 trade deadline, the Lightning won only five games. Finishing with a 31—42—9 record, with 71 points, they had the highest chance of winning the top overall pick in the 2008 NHL Entry Draft through the draft lottery, which they eventually won on April 7. The Lightning were the worst team on the road in the NHL, winning only 11 games. In the 2006—07 season, the Lightning had one of the best extra period records, winning 15 games in either overtime or the shootout. However, in the 2007—08 season, they won only three games, losing nine. Vincent Lecavalier suffered a dislocated shoulder as the result of an open-ice hit from Matt Cooke of the Washington Capitals in the game before the season finale in Atlanta. Head coach John Tortorella was fired by the Lightning following their worst season since Tortorella was hired. He stated, "I miss not having a dog in the fight. The next day, the Lightning officially introduced him as their new head coach. On July 4, 2008, Dan Boyle, despite coming off a recent contract extension, was traded along with Brad Lukowich to the San Jose Sharks in exchange for Matt Carle , Ty Wishart , a first-round draft pick in 2009 and a fourth-round pick in 2010. In the fallout from the trade, Boyle would call Lightning ownership "liars" [25] for misrepresenting the aforementioned events to the public, while former coach Tortorella later labeled them as "cowboys" and said he had zero respect for them. Barry Melrose would record his first win as a head coach in over 13 years on October 21, 2008, with a 3—2 victory over the Atlanta Thrashers. However, the Lightning did not get off to a great start as hoped, and Melrose was eventually fired by the Lightning with a 5—7—4 record. Rick Tocchet , who had been hired as assistant coach during the previous off-season, was promoted to interim head coach. Louis with the Lightning during the 2009—10 season. He signed a four-year extension with the team in the 2010 off-season. After the firing of Melrose, the Lightning went 19—33—14 and would finish the season 24—40—18 with 66 points, their lowest point total since the 2000—01 season. With the second overall pick in the 2009 NHL Entry Draft , the Lightning selected Swedish defenseman Victor Hedman , who would also be another major part of the franchise for years to come. In the 2009 off-season, the Lightning removed the interim status of Rick Tocchet, making him the full-time head coach and signing him to a multi-year contract. Despite an overmatched roster on paper, and a team that struggled in the first two periods of many games, the Lightning remained competitive in the playoff race until March, when they went 5—10—1 for the month and fell eight points out of a playoff spot. Unable to make a final push for the playoffs, they were officially eliminated from contention within the first week of April. The Lightning finished the season 34—36—12 for 80 points, fourth in the Southeast Division and 12th in the Eastern Conference. Following the late-season collapse, Vinik cleaned house, firing both head coach Rick Tocchet and GM Brian Lawton on April 12, 2010, one day after the season ended. Yzerman then hired Guy Boucher from the Montreal Canadiens organization to succeed Tocchet as the head coach two weeks later. On July 1, 2010, veteran blueliner Andrej Meszaros was traded to the Philadelphia Flyers in exchange for their second-round pick in 2011. Later that day, the Lightning signed star winger Martin St. With starting goaltender Mike Smith injured, the Lightning called up Cedrick Desjardins , who played with a. The team then acquired veteran Dwayne Roloson from the New York Islanders for further coverage in net. After holding the first place in the Southeast Division for several months, they fell to second after a poor performance in March.

2023-24 Schedule

Голкипер «Тампы» Василевский признан первой звездой матча с «Сент-Луисом» «Оттава» на выезде обыграла «Тампу» в матче регулярного чемпионата НХЛ. Игра завершилась со счётом 4:2. В составе гостей отличился россиянин Владимир Тарасенко, забросивший одну шайбу.
«Тамп-Бэй Лайтнинг» потерпел поражение от «Флориды Пантерз» » Актуальные новости Сегодня, 20 февраля 2024 года, состоялся хоккейный матч между командой Тампа-Бэй Лайтнинг и командой Оттава Сенаторз, который проходил в рамках чемпионата NHL. Победу одержала команда Оттава Сенаторз, счет матча 2-4.
Tampa Bay Lightning - Wikipedia Full 2023-24 Tampa Bay Lightning schedule. Scores, opponents, and dates of games for the entire season.
Новости по теме тампа-бэй лайтнинг - Аргументы Недели The Tampa Bay Lightning placed D Mikhail Sergachev on the Injured Reserve.

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События и новости 24 часа в сутки по тегу: ТАМПА-БЭЙ ЛАЙТНИНГ. Эксклюзивные расследования, оригинальные фото и видео, «живые» истории, топовые эксперты, онлайн трансляции со всей планеты и горячие тренды соцмедиа и блогов. В Национальной хоккейной лиге состоялся матч регулярного чемпионата между "Тампа-Бэй Лайтнинг" и "Оттавой Сенаторз". Игра проходила на "Амали-Арене" в Тампе и завершилась победой гостей. Get the latest hockey news, scores and analysis for the Tampa Bay Lightning and the NHL from the Tampa Bay Times. События и новости 24 часа в сутки по тегу: ТАМПА-БЭЙ ЛАЙТНИНГ. Эксклюзивные расследования, оригинальные фото и видео, «живые» истории, топовые эксперты, онлайн трансляции со всей планеты и горячие тренды соцмедиа и блогов.

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