Новости класс паладин днд

Выбор пути: способности и специализации паладина Паладин DnD: особенности класса и его роли Основной особенностью паладина является его связь с магией и божественными силами. Каждый D&Dигрок знает, что класс паладина в значительной степени определяется следованием набору правил как законно-добрый персонаж, но это делает ролевую игру скучной с персонажем-адвокатом правил во вселенной. This 5E Paladin optimisation guide covers the latest fighting styles, Oaths and subclasses from the Players Handbook to Xanathar's Guide to Everything. Anti-Paladins are the fanatical zealots serving evil deities as crusaders, commanders, and champions. Corrupted Paladin (Paladin/Warlock 5e multiclass). This build combines the tenacity of the Paladin with the power and versatility of the Warlock for a deadly and fluid combination.

Paladin NPCs & How to Use Them for EVERY Tier of Play

So whether a player wants to transform into a wolf or a bear, the basic stat block would remain the same with bonuses added based on their ability scores. Initially, players will only have access to the Animals of the Land, with the Sky and Sea options available at later levels. That being said, players will eventually have the ability to turn to smaller-sized creatures and customize their animal form, including creating optional hybrid versions which could potentially allow for a druid to transform into something like an owlbear. Later levels will also be able to shift in and out of wildshape without wasting an action.

Finally, the ability is now available to Druids at 1st level, rather than 2nd level. Now, players will be able to infuse elemental magic into their animal form, allowing them to become creatures such as fire-infused wolf or lightning-infused owl.

Паладин претерпел несколько изменений в навыках Кары и нескольких подклассах с новыми и переработанными функциями, чтобы сделать его более грозным святым героем на поле боя. Благодаря множеству способов поддержать союзников и нанести урон противникам, эта новейшая версия Паладина берет основные элементы класса и настраивает их, чтобы выявить некоторые из лучших особенностей класса, а также дать ему несколько новых приемов. Паладин теперь будет иметь доступ к функции «Мастерство владения оружием» и внес несколько изменений в некоторые заклинания и умения. Мастерство владения оружием наделяет оружие, используемое в бою, уникальными эффектами, причем разное оружие имеет разные эффекты, например, наложение помех или рассекание дополнительного врага. Кара паладина заменила Божественную кара и изучается на 2-м уровне. Это дает паладинам список эксклюзивных для класса заклинаний поражения, которые всегда готовы, а новые заклинания открываются по мере повышения их уровня. Их также можно использовать, не расходуя ячейку заклинаний один раз, прежде чем потребуется длительный отдых.

Изученные удары и соответствующие им уровни следующие: 2-й — Божественный удар, Громовой удар 5-й — Сияющий удар 9-й — Ослепляющий удар 13-й — Ошеломляющий удар 17-й — Изгоняющий удар Канал Божественности — эта функция имеет новое правило, касающееся мультиклассирования, и указывает, если вы имеют более одного класса с функцией Божественного Канала, например, Клерик, использование этой функции классом может быть потрачено только на опции Божественного Канала этого класса. Произведение заклинаний претерпело три основных изменения для паладинов, а именно: Подготовка заклинаний больше не привязана к уровню ячеек заклинаний паладина.

Часто служащий на благо всего народа, такой Паладин служит и на благо своего отряда, принимая удары, предназначенные другим, на себя и обращая вспять смерть, идущую по пятам его друзей. Клятва Искупления требует от своих Паладинов умения прибегать не к силе как первому средству в битве, а к подходящим словам, убеждающим обратиться к свету. Однако никого не должна смущать их миролюбивость и готовность принять удар на себя — их внутренняя сила не только восстановит раны, нанесённые теми, кого ещё можно спасти, но и воздаст лучистой энергией жестоким врагам, выбравшим путь зла. Паладины клятвы Покорения насаждают своё добро и причиняют собственную справедливость железными рукавицами. В его присутствии все испытывающие страх испытывают ещё и боль, а все дерзнувшие противиться его принципам также познают настоящую агонию. Апогеем покорения становится несокрушимый воитель, способный принять вдвое больше ударов и сокрушить врагов с удвоенной мощью. Клятва Славы — история о Геракле и его подвигах. Испытания тренируют тело Паладина, а легенды о нём куют его дух.

Рядом с ним каждому хочется поспешить на свершения, однако на поле боя он обычно затмевает своих союзников то атлетическими способностями, то неожиданными выпадами в сторону врагов, то невероятной, скорее потусторонней силой обращать свои неудачи в новые подвиги. Клятва Стражей, как следует из названия, велит Паладинам оставаться бдительными на своём вечном посту. Этот пост находится на границе планов, откуда сыпятся угрозы для мира смертных. Находящиеся под опекой смотрителя могут не страшиться внезапных нападений и сокрушающих психику влияний потусторонних существ. В конце концов, если кто-то и попытается достигнуть разума друга Паладина, его постигнет незамедлительное возмездие, а затем и изгнание в свой родной мир. Клятвопреступник — Паладин, что выбрал не верить. Уставший от догм и тех, кого он когда-то поклялся защищать, этот Паладин обращается к силам, с которыми раньше боролся: некромантия, иссущающие жизнь проклятия и тьма в сердце, пугающая окружающих, но, напротив, наполняющая силами демонов и нежить. В конце пути эта тьма способна вырываться из него, окутывая окружающих или защитной вуалью, или, будь на то воля жуткого лорда, пеленой смерти.

Using this ability, druids will now be able to call animal familiars, summon magical healing blossoms and perform a number of other actions as they progress in levels. So whether a player wants to transform into a wolf or a bear, the basic stat block would remain the same with bonuses added based on their ability scores. Initially, players will only have access to the Animals of the Land, with the Sky and Sea options available at later levels. That being said, players will eventually have the ability to turn to smaller-sized creatures and customize their animal form, including creating optional hybrid versions which could potentially allow for a druid to transform into something like an owlbear. Later levels will also be able to shift in and out of wildshape without wasting an action. Finally, the ability is now available to Druids at 1st level, rather than 2nd level.

D&D 5E Basic Build Series: Paladin

In this Paladin 5E guide, we’ll stick to the core aspects of Paladins, their role, abilities, spells and answer all of your questions about this class. Part of our D&D 5E Basic Build Series, this Paladin uses the Oath of Devotion to add additional party protection in the form of charm immunity. А на восьмом сбросить класс и взять 2 уровня паладина и 6 барда.

Руководство по 5-ой редакции Dungeons & Dragons для начинающих: Часть 4, Классы.

Only invest in one of strength and dexterity usually strength. Innate spellcasting options can work nicely as you can make repeat uses. Races that grant you resistances, increased damage and mobility are also great Think Warforged with their resistances and extra AC or Shadar-Kai with their misty step plus damage ability. Backgrounds Recommended options: City watch, courtier, faceless, faction agent, gambler, smuggler, soldier Options to avoid: Archaeologist, fisher, folk hero, inheritor, ruined Considerations: Primarily, you want your background to beef out your skills you only get 2 skill proficiencies with your class. Skills Recommended options: Athletics, insight, intimidation, persuasion Options to avoid: Medicine, religion Considerations: Persuasion is going to be your most important face skill but intimidation can be great too. Feats Recommended options: Gift of the Chromatic dragon, great weapon master, heavy armor master, inspiring leader, lucky, polearm master, resilient, sentinel, slasher Options to avoid: Grappler, healer, keen mind, martial adept, observant, ritual caster, sharpshooter, skulker Considerations: Any feats that make you tougher like heavy armor master , better in combat like great weapon master , use your charisma like inspiring leader or that keep your enemies engaged in combat with you like sentinel. Considerations: Polearms can be really effective for paladins giving them a greater presence on the battlefield. Combine them with sentinel and polearm master to make it really tough for enemies to bypass you for softer party members. Much will depend on your fighting approach though. Two-handed weapons for damage dealers, one handed for tanks with a shield and if you have gone for a finesse build, consider a rapier.

Javelins use strength though and are one handed so tend to be the best option. Armor Recommended options: Heavy armor for low dexterity builds full plate when you can afford it , light armor studded leather is best for high dexterity builds. Options to avoid: Make sure your armor matches with your dexterity score. Medium armor should not be a good option as you should either be dumping dexterity or going all in on it. Add a shield for extra durability at the sacrifice of some damage output. Generally though, a shield is an excellent option for a paladin. Options to avoid: All options are viable depending on your build and no options are bad. Considerations: Defense is your best option for enhancing your durability. Protector builds will get a decent amount out of interception and protection, but they do rely on more situational circumstances and fighting alongside allies.

Blind fighting is even more situational, but great if you can consistently work with your warlock to use darkness against your enemies. Blessed warrior will rarely give you something superior to do with your action unless you intend to take a ranged or out of combat cantrip but tends to be the weaker option. Multiclassing Recommended options: Bard, Sorceror, Warlock Options to avoid: Barbarian, Rogue Considerations: Bards, sorcerors and warlocks are a great option for getting extra spell slots for casting smites and other paladin spells. All 3 classes all use charisma as their spellcasting ability which works nicely for a paladin. Warlock is probably your best option, especially a hexblade.

Great Weapon Fighting or Dueling. Double down on your burst damage potential. Blind Fighting. General utility in darkness -focused group or setting. Lay on Hands. Your pool of available healing scales with level. Divine Smite. Divine Health. Extra Attack. Aura of Protection. Aura of Courage. Improved Divine Smite. Cleansing Touch. Aura Improvements. Paladin Spells Paladin spells are largely centered around utility, support, healing, and boosting Paladin attacks with various smite effects. Plus, Divine Smite expends spell slots, so Paladin gameplay usually involves always maintaining at least one spell slot in reserve for when you land a critical strike and want to apply big-time Divine Smite damage to it. Without getting into all the various uses, here are some of the best Paladin spells in 5e by level: 1st-level. Blinding Smite, Revivify, Spirit Shroud 4th-level. Death Ward, Find Greater Steed 5th-level. Banishing Smite, Destructive Wave, Holy Weapon Paladin Feats Paladins should usually focus on maxing out their Charisma ability score as fast as possible by spending their Ability Score Increases on it rather than feats. This increases your number of prepared spells and makes Aura of Protection more effective. Some of the best feats for Paladins in 5e include: Polearm Master. A free low-damage bonus action attack and the ability to make an opportunity attack when someone enters your reach. This feat really shines, however, when paired with the Sentinel feat. Good for a tank, and great when paired with Polearm Master — because it prevents an enemy from even getting in range to hit you if you freeze them 10 feet away from you with a reach weapon. Inspiring Leader. Great Weapon Master.

Honor and oaths are significant in dwarven society, and grudges can be carried for centuries or even millennia. Next to that ability score increase, you also get a lot of interesting racial features like Dwarven Resilience advantage throw against poison and Darkvision. The main thing they have going for them is that they have a very easy backstory to work with. In addition, the Aasimar gets ability scores that can benefit paladins. A couple of interesting racial abilities and feats are a boost. Radiant consumption is excellent for cloud control, and Necrotic Shroud works very well on a paladin. A cool thing about having an Aasimar Paladin is that you can fly. You also get a few early-game spellcasting abilities that help you pull your weight as a paladin in the early levels.

Now, players will be able to infuse elemental magic into their animal form, allowing them to become creatures such as fire-infused wolf or lightning-infused owl. Additionally, in this new form they will now deal damage of that elemental type. For example, a fire wolf might shoot flames out of its mouth. Circle of the Moon Druids will also now be able to wildshape as a bonus action, and while in their wildshape form can now cast Adjuration spells or burn a spell slot to heal themselves. Additionally, Paladins will not have access to two Channel Divinity uses per day, with this number increasing as the character levels up. The ability, however, can now only be used once per turn and only if the Paladin has not already cast a spell.

Все изменения класса паладина D&D 5E (2024 г.)

You know the type celestial, fey, or dragon of any being whose presence you sense, but not its identity the dragon Bahamut, for instance. Within the same radius, you also detect the presence of any place or object that has been consecrated or desecrated, as with the Hallow spell. When you finish a long rest, you regain all expended uses. Harming Touch[ edit ] Your cursed touch can wound creatures.

You have a pool of harm power that replenishes when you take a long rest. With that pool, you can cause a total damage equal to your anti-paladin level x 5. As an action, you can make melee spell attack against a creature within reach.

On a hit, you can draw power from the pool to cause damage to that creature, up to the maximum amount remaining in your pool. The damage is necrotic. Alternatively, you can expend 5 points from your pool of harm to inflict the target with poison.

The target is poisoned until the end of your next turn. At 17th level, you can spend 85 points from your pool to cast contagion. This feature has no effect on constructs.

Undead creatures regain hit points with this feature, instead of taking damage.

These key features tell us a lot about who the Paladin is and what its core color would be, a color who is also defined by these same descriptors. Pulling up the card we can that they have chosen White, and this is another case where I wholeheartedly agree. As I said each word used to describe the base of the Paladin describes core aspects of White. We saw White show up in our Cleric video and yet both represent different sides of the color. For the Cleric this color denotes service to a higher power, and whites proclivity to gravitate towards religion. In the case of the Paladin, it keys into ideas of strict morality, resolve, and justice.

White is the color who often works in absolutes, seeing the worlds as black and white. They hold themselves and the world around them to a code of conduct, often through laws or judgment. White is shrewd in its outlook and enacts its ideals as the literal and only law. This can lead to both truly heroic and selfless characters or that of authoritarian and oppressive ones. I believe that the Paladin can be built in both ways, even through oaths which are outwardly facing as good. This absolute mindset and devoted nature is why White matches so well with the Paladin. To start off I want to take our core color and add in Red to see what sort of Paladin is bread from these colors influences.

Coloring their view of the world around them, and vengeance can seem like the only outlet for such emotions. Not just vengeance on those who did them wrong, but against all who act with hate towards others. It is an act of violence against those who do wrong to the weak and judgment handed out is this characters only recourse. What I mean is that there are those are acted upon by ruthless external forces who are unable to stand up to such aggressors and the oath of vengeance paladin is there to fill in that role, by being that act of recourse for those unable to do so, placing fear in the heart of those who bring fear to others. In the case of our White Red character they had felt the hand of an evil force mar their view of the world and vowed that such horrific actions should never go unpunished. They found that the sword, shield and divine magic were tools they could use to enact vengeance on the behalf of others, for those who could not stand up for themselves. They now see themselves as Judge Jury and executioner.

This outlook and life have hardened them with an unquenchable resolve. You see a traumatic experiences at a young age can harden a person and such is the case of this version of the Paladin. One which defines the characters life thereafter.

В целом отличный ресурс с несколькими использованиями, с которым можно будет взаимодействовать через подклассы. Изначально статблок животного земли, на 7ом плаваюзая, на 11ом летающая. Внешний вид на выбор игрока. ХП используются от друида. Бестиарий с животными был очень мусорным, чтобы адекватно превращаться во всё. Так не будет дисбалансных животных и превращения будут унифицированы. Проблема в том, что формы эти бесполезные.

Друид в них теряет по Кд, урон не повышается, хиты свои же, кастовать в них нельзя. Проще тратить на что-то другое. Круг луны: - В дикой форме можно бить бонусным действием безоружной атакой, превращение бонусным действием и можно кастовать заклинания ограждения. И даже если в ограждения добавили хил не спасает ситуацию. Паладин: - Наложение рук теперь не лечит болезни, а только нимает состояние отравление и хилит. Теперь паладинам опасно ходить в бордели. Нет ситуативных модификаторов по нежити и исчадиям.

Unsurprisingly, Great Weapon Fighting should be your pick of fighting style, ensuring any damage dealt is bumped up high. Or opt for Turn of the Tide, if party healing has become your responsibility. At level four, split your ability score improvement between Str and Cha, as both will still be essential. Build accordingly. Or, consider picking the Sentinel Feat, to improve your opportunity and reaction attacks. Aasimar redeemer For times when a Cleric is nowhere to be found, and your party tends to come away from fights looking more like a band of broken stragglers than heroic adventurers, check out this build. Paladin defenders built around the Oath of Redemption specialize less in direct restorative abilities, and more in redirecting damage to themselves, or avoiding fighting altogether. A highly effective class, but also a stressful one, as you see your HP will bob up and down dramatically mid-fight. For weapons, take a battleaxe and shield. Your choice of martial weapon is less important, but the shield will provide an essential AC boon. At third level, pick the Oath of Redemption. Both Channel Divinity options are stellar picks, and your choice between them should be guided by the style of your DM. If they like to throw monster after monster at you, Rebuke the Violent will be essential to mirror the blows dealt to your party. But if creative roleplay better suits your campaign, Emissary of Peace allows you to avoid even the most certain of conflicts. Upon reaching fourth level, take the Tough feat. At level eight, increase your Cha score so you can make better use of your absolutely excellent spell list, and put your Oath spells to maximum use.

Всё о классе Паладина в ДнД!

Restitution: You help those who are harmed by your enemies. What is the Oath of Vengeance spells? The Oath of Vengeance also comes with its own spells. Other Oath of Vengeance abilities As you level up, your Oath of Vengeance will give you special abilities. These are: Channel Divinity: Like the other Sacred Oaths, at the 3rd level, you will be able to channel divinity. If you take the Oath of Vengeance, you gain the following abilities: Abjure Enemy: You choose one enemy within 60ft to frighten, causing it to freeze in fear where it stands. Vow of Enmity: Gain an advantage on your attacks against one nearby enemy. Relentless Avenger: At the 7th level, after attacking an enemy you can also move at half your speed afterward. This helps you stop enemies from fleeing. Soul of Vengeance: At 15th level, if you use your Vow of Enmity on an opponent, you can make an extra attack on that enemy.

Avenging Angel: At 20th level, you can transform into a winged avenger for one hour. You will grow wings and be able to fly and enemies will run in fear from you. What are the Paladin spells in 5e? Paladins have access to many of the same spells as Clerics. Unlike Clerics, however, Paladins use Charisma to cast their spells. This means when a spell refers to your spellcasting ability, you use your Charisma modifiers. Paladins can cast spells from the 2nd level and, like other spellcasters, have a set amount of spell slots per level that are replenished after a long rest. At 2nd level, Paladins have two levels 1 spell slots. This means on any given mission they can bring two level 1 spell.

The best Paladin spells at level 1 are: Bless : Up to three creatures near you can add 1d4 to their next attack roll or saving throw. Cure wounds: Touch a creature to heal them 1d8 plus your Charisma modifier worth of hit points. Protection from evil and good: Touch a creature and they are protected against certain types of creatures. These creatures have disadvantage on attacks and cannot charm, frighten, or possess your target. As Paladins level up, they gain more spell slots and can access higher level spells. A high-level Paladin will be able to cast powerful spells like banishing smite, which gives your weapon 5d10 force damage on your opponent, or even raise the dead, allowing you to bring your companions back to life. Answer: Choosing a race for your Paladin should be linked to any racial stat bonuses that compliment Paladin stats. Dragonborn get a bonus for their Strength and Charisma, so Dragonborns make excellent Paladins. Half-Elves and Humans also work well as Paladins.

Question: What background should I choose for a Paladin? Answer: Paladins have moderate power at 1st level. They have a good number of hit points and a strong attack, though not as strong as a Fighter. Paladins are especially powerful between 2nd and 5th level.

Oathbreaker DMG. Hellish Rebuke and Inflict Wounds spells and the ability to control undead creatures with Channel Divinity at the 3rd level. Crown of Madness and Darkness spells at 5th level and an aura that causes nearby fiends and undead to take extra damage at 7th level. Controlling undead creatures can be cool, but unless your campaign features a lot of them, this subclass is ultimately one of the weaker ones.

Conquest XGtE. Armor of Agathys and Command spells and the ability to frighten creatures in a large area with Channel Divinity at 3rd level. This subclass is all about controlling big crowds of enemies. All four low-level spells that Conquest Paladins get are great and useful to have prepared at all times. Redemption XGtE. Sanctuary and Sleep spells and the ability to either boost your Persuasion checks or use a reaction to deal mirrored damage at an enemy attacker with Channel Divinity at the 3rd level. Calm Emotions and Hold Person spells at 5th level and an aura that transfers damage taken by an ally to you instead at 7th level. Sleep and Hold Person are good spells, and the ability to have both a useful out-of-combat Channel Divinity is nice, even if the rebuke power is ultimately more powerful when used in the right situation. Glory TCoE.

Guiding Bolt and Heroism spells at 5th level and the ability to gain advantage on Athletics and Acrobatics checks or grant temporary hit points to allies after using Divine Smite with Channel Divinity at 3rd level. Enhance Ability and Magic Weapon spells and an aura that increases the movement speed of nearby allies at 7th level. Enhance Ability furthers this even further. Heroism and the Inspiring Smite facet of Channel Divinity both help solidify this subclass as a wonderful support as well. Watchers TCoE. Alarm and Detect Magic spells and the ability to grant advantage on mental saving throws with their Channel Divinity at 3rd-level. Moonbeam and See Invisibility spells at 5th level and an aura that boosts initiative at 7th level. Watchers are dedicated to not being caught off guard, as their extra spells and class features show. Advantage on mental saving throws Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma for a full minute is quite strong, but the extra spells they get are a bit weak.

Crown SCAG. Command and Compelled Duel spells and the ability to prevent enemies from moving away or heal allies with Channel Divinity at 3rd-level. Warding Bond and Zone of Truth spells at 5th level and the ability to transfer damage taken by an ally within 5 feet at 7th level. However, they sadly miss out on a subclass aura. What Race Is Best for Paladin in 5e?

The paladin turns and rushes to him. Dazzling light emits from her hands as she lays them on her wounded friend and moments later he is healed and ready to join the action again. Paladins are devout warriors who use their weapons and their divine magic to defeat the forces of evil. The most important thing to remember about Paladins is that they have a cause. Whilst fighters might be fighting for gold, glory, or simply for the sake of it, Paladins are united by a divine mission to smite their enemies and protect those in need. Paladins have fighting and spellcasting abilities. As fighters, they are often skilled with large, two-handed melee weapons and very protective of their companions. As spellcasters, they meditate, draw on divine inspiration, and use their Charisma to use the same spells as Clerics. How to create a Paladin The first step in creating a Paladin in 5e is to figure out what their holy mission is. Is she a virtuous warrior of light, determined to defend the weak and destroy evil wherever she goes? Or is he a religious fanatic who will act according to his sacred laws no matter the consequence? Most Paladins worship one or more deities. But you could also invent your own. If you want to play a Paladin in 5e, Strength and Charisma should be your highest stats. It also helps if you have a high Constitution. Paladin characteristics How many hit points do Paladins get? At 1st level, your Paladin will get 10 hit points plus their Constitution modifier. What armor can Paladins wear? Paladins can wear any armor and can carry shields. What weapons can Paladins use? Paladins can use simple weapons clubs and maces and martial weapons swords and axes. Paladins are best using melee weapons. Paladins can use ranged weapons, but it is not recommended. What saving throws are Paladins proficient in? Wisdom and Charisma. What skills do Paladins have? When creating a Paladin, you can choose two special skills. For example, a devout and charismatic Paladin might choose Persuasion and Religion as his special skills. What equipment do Paladins start with? What special abilities do Paladins have? In addition to their other skills, Paladins start with two special abilities. Divine Sense What is Divine Sense you ask? Likewise, they can also sense powerful good forces nearby.

Some monsters have resistance or immunity to non-magical weapon attacks, and being able to bypass that resistance with your attacks is important. Level 1 Strategy In combat, we want to be attacking twice with our glaive while wearing our chain mail. Whenever an enemy enters our reach which will be 10 feet at this point , take the free opportunity attack. Save Lay on Hands for between combat healing unless an ally has gone down, in which case you should give them one point of healing. Level 2 Paladin Fighting Style — Dueling. Note: Your reach is now 5 feet. Note that Divine Smite specifically says you deal the damage when you hit a creature, so it will never be wasted on a miss, and if you score a critical hit, you can choose to use a Divine Smite on that hit and double the damage. Spellcasting — Spellcasting is a hugely important piece of the Paladin class, and adds to your versatility and effectiveness beyond the simple damage increase from Divine Smite. Spells Prepared 1st Level: bless, command, shield of faith, wrathful smite. Command — A good control spell that can force an enemy to spend its turn doing something advantageous to you. For example: Command a creature in melee with you to flee to cause it to provoke opportunity attacks from you and any allies in melee with it. This was confirmed to not violate the restrictions for Command in Sage Advice. Command a flying creature to grovel to ground it. Command a creature in melee with you to drop its weapons, and pick them up using your Object Interaction, effectively disarming them. Command a creature to halt to keep it still but not give ranged characters disadvantage.

D&D Paladin Level Up – a step by step guide (5e)

Пройдя долгий путь со времен предыдущих выпусков Dungeons & Dragons, класс паладинов, на самом деле, один из лучших классов в 5-м издании. Тогда, возможно, класс паладин в DnD именно для вас! Каждый D&Dигрок знает, что класс паладина в значительной степени определяется следованием набору правил как законно-добрый персонаж, но это делает ролевую игру скучной с персонажем-адвокатом правил во вселенной. Прежде чем начать создавать персонажа паладин в игре Dungeons & Dragons (DnD), вам нужно определиться с его расой и классом.

Anti-Paladin (5e Class)

Всё о классе Паладина в ДнД! Пожалуй, классы являются самым сложным аспектом DnD 5e, поскольку для полного понимания их механик нужно усвоить огромное количество информации.
Мнение: Что такое Паладин? Выбор пути: способности и специализации паладина Паладин DnD: особенности класса и его роли Основной особенностью паладина является его связь с магией и божественными силами.
[Top 5] D&D Best Paladin Builds ›RULEBOOKS/WC5E/WC5E Paladin.

Paladin 5e Guide: What Are The Paladins in DnD 5E?

To build a dwarf paladin tank in DnD 5e, try this. The Paladin table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your paladin spells. Corrupted Paladin (Paladin/Warlock 5e multiclass). This build combines the tenacity of the Paladin with the power and versatility of the Warlock for a deadly and fluid combination.

[Top 5] D&D Best Paladin Builds

These can also be used without expending a spell slot once before needing to Long Rest. Spellcasting has seen three major changes for Paladins that are as follows: Spell preparation is no longer tied to the level of Paladin spell slots. Paladins can change one prepared spell when finishing a long rest. Paladins no longer have cantrips as in previous playtests. Instead, they receive the Weapon Mastery feature. Lay on Hands is now a Bonus Action, meaning players can use it alongside attacking, healing, using a spell, or any other move that requires an Action. Aura of Protection has returned to 6th-level and will now become inactive if the Paladin is incapacitated. Adjure Foes will now do nothing on a successful save.

In other words, you can now do a melee attack and then instantly use a smite spell as a bonus action to augment the attack. At higher levels, Paladins will be able to spend 5 of their own hit points to remove a number of conditions from another character, including poison, paralyzed and petrified. Changes to Auras: In the current 5e rules there are various Paladin Auras which are available depending on which Oath subclass the players chooses. Additionally, the Sacred Weapon Channel Divinity ability is now a bonus action. Wizards of the Coast has said they will also be releasing future playtest materials in longer periods rather than once ever month or so and users are expecting that the next batch will likely be focused on the Mage or Warrior classes.

Oath of the Ancients Description: Paladins that seek to wage war against darkness for a love of light and life. Good for: Paladins that want to be a bit more like a ranger. Good for: Paladins that want to exact as much damage as possible, as quickly as possible. Good for: Paladins that have broken their oaths. Good for: Paladins that want to go big on protecting their allies. Oath of Conquest Description: A paladin sworn to conquer and bring about victory. Good for: Paladins that want to deal more damage and handle crowds better. Oath of Redemption Description: Paladins that believe anyone can be redeemed and will inflict death only as a last resort. Good for: Paladins that prefer to talk first and punch later. Oath of Glory Description: A paladin that has made an oath to win at all costs and have their name etched into legends. Good for: Paladins that like to throw themselves into combat. Oath of the Watchers Description: A paladin that watches for and protects from the unnatural and alien forces of the universe. Good for: Paladins that want to deal with extra-planar threats. How to optimise a paladin Optimising a character properly can be tricky. Options to avoid: Intelligence and wisdom. Only invest in one of strength and dexterity usually strength. Innate spellcasting options can work nicely as you can make repeat uses. Races that grant you resistances, increased damage and mobility are also great Think Warforged with their resistances and extra AC or Shadar-Kai with their misty step plus damage ability. Backgrounds Recommended options: City watch, courtier, faceless, faction agent, gambler, smuggler, soldier Options to avoid: Archaeologist, fisher, folk hero, inheritor, ruined Considerations: Primarily, you want your background to beef out your skills you only get 2 skill proficiencies with your class. Skills Recommended options: Athletics, insight, intimidation, persuasion Options to avoid: Medicine, religion Considerations: Persuasion is going to be your most important face skill but intimidation can be great too. Feats Recommended options: Gift of the Chromatic dragon, great weapon master, heavy armor master, inspiring leader, lucky, polearm master, resilient, sentinel, slasher Options to avoid: Grappler, healer, keen mind, martial adept, observant, ritual caster, sharpshooter, skulker Considerations: Any feats that make you tougher like heavy armor master , better in combat like great weapon master , use your charisma like inspiring leader or that keep your enemies engaged in combat with you like sentinel. Considerations: Polearms can be really effective for paladins giving them a greater presence on the battlefield. Combine them with sentinel and polearm master to make it really tough for enemies to bypass you for softer party members. Much will depend on your fighting approach though.

Overall, a solid subclass with an easy-to-parse set of tenets. Protection from Evil and Good and Sanctuary spells and the ability to add damage and a light effect to your weapon with Channel Divinity at 3rd level. Lesser Restoration and Zone of Truth spells at 5th level and an aura that protects against charm at 7th level. This is a balanced Paladin archetype that focuses somewhat on damage and utility. Paladins already have access to the Protection and Truth spells, and the other bonus spells are okay. Protecting against charm can be big against a spell like Hypnotic Pattern , but this aura is definitely on the weaker side. Hold Person and Misty Step spells at 5th level and the ability to instantly chase an enemy after hitting them with an opportunity attack. This subclass is all about control, mobility, and pursuit. Misty Step is great, and Hold Person sets you up for big damage critical strikes. The chase effect is situationally nice, but this subclass does miss out on the utility of a party-wide aura. Oathbreaker DMG. Hellish Rebuke and Inflict Wounds spells and the ability to control undead creatures with Channel Divinity at the 3rd level. Crown of Madness and Darkness spells at 5th level and an aura that causes nearby fiends and undead to take extra damage at 7th level. Controlling undead creatures can be cool, but unless your campaign features a lot of them, this subclass is ultimately one of the weaker ones. Conquest XGtE. Armor of Agathys and Command spells and the ability to frighten creatures in a large area with Channel Divinity at 3rd level. This subclass is all about controlling big crowds of enemies. All four low-level spells that Conquest Paladins get are great and useful to have prepared at all times. Redemption XGtE. Sanctuary and Sleep spells and the ability to either boost your Persuasion checks or use a reaction to deal mirrored damage at an enemy attacker with Channel Divinity at the 3rd level. Calm Emotions and Hold Person spells at 5th level and an aura that transfers damage taken by an ally to you instead at 7th level. Sleep and Hold Person are good spells, and the ability to have both a useful out-of-combat Channel Divinity is nice, even if the rebuke power is ultimately more powerful when used in the right situation. Glory TCoE. Guiding Bolt and Heroism spells at 5th level and the ability to gain advantage on Athletics and Acrobatics checks or grant temporary hit points to allies after using Divine Smite with Channel Divinity at 3rd level. Enhance Ability and Magic Weapon spells and an aura that increases the movement speed of nearby allies at 7th level. Enhance Ability furthers this even further. Heroism and the Inspiring Smite facet of Channel Divinity both help solidify this subclass as a wonderful support as well.

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