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Hey, We are Gametimeprime and this guide is about Lissandra Build s14 in League of Legends.


Осколки проходят сквозь цель и наносят такой же урон другим пораженным врагам. W Лиссандра сковывает льдом окружающих врагов, обездвиживая их и нанося им урон.

Dark ice then emanates from the target dealing magic damage to enemies and slowing Movement Speed. You can also duck out of vision and make the enemy wonder where you are. Or you can run into the enemy jungle to place a ward or even recall and buy items! Try to think of your roam targets in advance rather than on the fly.

This ability can do wonders in setting up fights and saving yourself from harm. It is crucial though to know when and who to ult. This can decide the outcome of the fight. Using your ultimate on the wrong person could spell doom for your team, so you must be wise when it comes to how you use your ultimate ability. She excels in teamfights, setting them up with her Ring of Frost and her Frozen Tomb. Her passive too comes in handy during fights, as the threat of extra damage and slow from the Frozen Thralls will likely deter any risky counterattack. Even if she falls behind, she makes up for it in her CC abilities. She is always useful in a fight because of those perks. She denies them a chance to snowball because of her CC if they get too close and will then be forced to leave the lane to find kills, they need to get ahead, which gives Lissandra free time to push the lane and get turret gold. However, when placed against her fellow mages is where her weaknesses truly shine their face.

Her short range abilities makes it difficult for her to trade among the likes of Orianna, Cassiopeia, Syndra, and other mages. Also, she is not necessarily made to be a snowball champion. She is built to be a primarily teamfighting mage, setting up not only herself, but her teammates for success. She can get ahead, but she can never be a single carry, as her short-range kit makes it to where she has to be in the front of a fight, where she can be quickly burst down. Best and Worst Matchups Lissandra is at her best when facing off against melee champions. Assassins in particular, because her kit is made to prevent them from snowballing. They need to get in up close to deal damage with her and her abilities are made to prevent that from happening. She can out poke because they have to be in her close range to farm and therefore, are vulnerable to her short-range abilities most other champions can easily avoid. Furthermore, her ultimate can full on stop all-ins from happening, as they make her invulnerable and unable to target, making life difficult for Talon and Zed players, as they rely heavily on getting ahead early and snowballing in the early to mid game. She is at her worst against her fellow mages however.

When she has to go against poke mages like Lux, Cassiopeia, and Syndra, it can be very difficult for her, since her kit is made to deal with melee champions and short range mages. Because of her short range, it is very difficult for her to trade effectively.

Her passive too comes in handy during fights, as the threat of extra damage and slow from the Frozen Thralls will likely deter any risky counterattack. Even if she falls behind, she makes up for it in her CC abilities.

She is always useful in a fight because of those perks. She denies them a chance to snowball because of her CC if they get too close and will then be forced to leave the lane to find kills, they need to get ahead, which gives Lissandra free time to push the lane and get turret gold. However, when placed against her fellow mages is where her weaknesses truly shine their face. Her short range abilities makes it difficult for her to trade among the likes of Orianna, Cassiopeia, Syndra, and other mages.

Also, she is not necessarily made to be a snowball champion. She is built to be a primarily teamfighting mage, setting up not only herself, but her teammates for success. She can get ahead, but she can never be a single carry, as her short-range kit makes it to where she has to be in the front of a fight, where she can be quickly burst down. Best and Worst Matchups Lissandra is at her best when facing off against melee champions.

Assassins in particular, because her kit is made to prevent them from snowballing. They need to get in up close to deal damage with her and her abilities are made to prevent that from happening. She can out poke because they have to be in her close range to farm and therefore, are vulnerable to her short-range abilities most other champions can easily avoid. Furthermore, her ultimate can full on stop all-ins from happening, as they make her invulnerable and unable to target, making life difficult for Talon and Zed players, as they rely heavily on getting ahead early and snowballing in the early to mid game.

She is at her worst against her fellow mages however. When she has to go against poke mages like Lux, Cassiopeia, and Syndra, it can be very difficult for her, since her kit is made to deal with melee champions and short range mages. Because of her short range, it is very difficult for her to trade effectively. The best way to deal with this, is to let the wave push to you and hope that your jungle can help you out, because without some help, laning against long range mages can put you back hard.

Laning Phase and Combos The laning phase for Lissandra is perhaps her weakest point in the game. The best thing to do with her during the laning phase is to play it safe. Let the wave push to you so your jungle can have an avenue to gank and help better trade with your lane opponent, especially if that lane opponent is a mage. Try to use your abilities only against your lane opponent and not your minions.


Повзрослев, Лиссандра решила посвятить свои силы искусству восстановления и обучалась у целителей Аравии. лучший гайд на героя, советы по шмоту и талантам. Сборки PRO для Ледяная ведьма: последние игры Solo Queue для Лиссандра во всех регионах. This ability is Lissandra’s way to close the gap and to get into range for fights, also for needing a quick escape if things begin to go south in a fight. View TFT Set 5 Lissandra champion guide covering item build, stats, abilities, and synergies here. League of Legends Lissandra Build for Patch 14.7, Best Runes, Item Builds, Skill Order for Lissandra.

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TFT Lissandra

RAID: Shadow Legends — 15 лучших героев разной редкости Tier on the LoL Tierlist.
Гайд Лиссандра (Lyssandra) Raid Shadow Legends Новости организаций.
ProBuilds - LoL Pro Champion Stats, Teams, Builds, Runes, Masteries, Counters and Matchups! Lissandra’s R: Frozen Tomb. Middle Lissandra build with the highest win rate. Runes, items, and skill build recommendations and guides for Emerald + in Patch 14.08.
Лиссандра (Lyssandra) - Гайд, Таланты, Советы, Шмот Если Лиссандра применяет ульт на себя, то на 2.5 секунды она превращается в ледяную статую и становится неуязвимой для атак врага.
Steam Community :: Guide :: Полный гайд на Серис Сборки PRO для Ледяная ведьма: последние игры Solo Queue для Лиссандра во всех регионах.

Lissandra Build, Runes & Counters for middle Lissandra

Magical footwearМагическая обувь Вы получаете бесплатные Ботинки с капелькой магии на 12 минуте, но не можете купить ботинки до этого момента. Каждое добивание сокращает время до получения ботинок на 45 секунд. Кроме того, они получают 3 постоянного здоровья. PredatorХищник Зачаровывает ваши ботинки активным эффектом Хищник.

Если дополнительный урон Хищника вызван умением, действующим по площади, он в первую очередь наносится целям с самым низким уровнем здоровья. Перезарядка: От 150 до 100 секунд в зависимости от уровня. В начале игры эффект находится на перезарядке, кроме того, он уходит на перезарядку, если во время подготовки вас прервали.

Sudden impactВнезапный удар При нанесении любого урона чемпиону после прыжка, рывка, телепортации или выхода из скрытности показатель вашей смертоносности увеличивается на 7, а магическое пробивание — на 6 на 5 секунд. Перезарядка: 4 секунды. DemolishСнос Вы готовите мощную атаку на башню в течение 3 секунд, когда находитесь в пределах 600 единиц от нее.

Каждый процент избыточного сокращения перезарядки превращается в 1,2 силы атаки или 2 силы умений адаптивно. Summon aeryПризыв пушинки Ваши автоатаки и умения направляют Пушинку к цели: она наносит урон врагам или накладывает щит на союзников. Пушинку нельзя снова отправить в бой, пока она не вернется к вам.

WaterwalkingХождение по воде При нахождении на реке ваша скорость передвижения увеличивается на 25, и вы получаете 18 силы атаки или 30 силы умений адаптивно, в зависимости от уровня. Arcane cometМагическая комета Когда вы наносите урон умением чемпиону, туда, где он находится, падает комета. Если при нанесении урона Магическая комета находится на перезарядке, оставшееся время перезарядки сокращается.

Перезарядка: 20-8 секунд в зависимости от уровня. За каждые 25 очков дает 1 заряд Легенды максимум 10. Вы получаете очки за добивание чемпионов 20 очков , добивание эпических монстров 20 очков , убийство больших монстров 5 очков и убийство миньонов 1 очко.

Manaflow bandПоток маны Поражение вражеского чемпиона умением навсегда увеличивает ваш максимальный запас маны на 25 вплоть до 250. GuardianСтраж В течение 2,5 секунды вы защищаете союзников в радиусе 175 единиц от вас, а также тех, к которым вы применяете умения. Когда любой из вас получает урон во время действия защиты, вы оба получаете щит и ускоряетесь на 1,5 секунды.

Перезарядка: 70-40 на уровнях 1-18 секунд. При обнаружении вражескими чемпионами, призрачный Поро пугается и убегает. Дополнительно дает 2 единицы адаптивной силы, когда Призрачный поро замечает врага не может превысить максимальный бонус.

После призыва 10 Поро дополнительно даёт 10 адаптивной силы.

But wait until you hear those sound effects — because they are incredibly punchy and very satisfying. I say that because there are nine of them in total and each one changes the color scheme of almost all of your abilities and even your backing animation. Needless to say, this skin is worth a look!

Named in yellow are changed from the last preview. In the late stages of the game, this will amount to a total of 108 bonus health she gains essentially for free. While it may not seem like much, for a control mage like Lissandra, the bonus health can make the difference between living or dying.

Whether she will become an S-tier pick, though, will depend more on which other mid lane champions are meta. If melee mids like Akali, Sylas, and Zed are going to remain popular, then Lissandra will become a primary choice to counter them.

Осколки проходят сквозь цель и наносят такой же урон другим пораженным врагам. W Лиссандра сковывает льдом окружающих врагов, обездвиживая их и нанося им урон.

Лиссандра гайд, обзор легенды в Raid Shadow Legends — Video

Лиссандра гайд, обзор легенды в Raid Shadow Legends — Video | VK Best Lissandra ARAM Builds, including Runes, Items, Summoner Spells, Skill Order and alternative builds on ARAM Zone, the top website for ARAM players.
Lissandra Build Лиссандра с Трандлом являются хорошей боевой парой из-за того, что получают мало урона.
- Лиссандра Сборки PRO - патч 14.8 Соблазненная шепотом Бездны, Лиссандра заключила сделку для себя и своих сестер, чтобы получить бессмертие и еще большую силу.

Баффы Лиссандры в патче 13.1

Новости организаций. Сборки PRO для Ледяная ведьма: последние игры Solo Queue для Лиссандра во всех регионах. Билд на Лиссандру Выбор заклинаний: Если высчитаете, что огонь в конкретной ситуации вам не понадобится и вы хотите больше помогать своей команде.

Lissandra Pro Builds - How to Play Lissandra in Season 14

Lissandra is a Swain who tries to keep control of the board in the early rounds before switching to a strong end-to-middle game Swain Leviathan. If cast on Lissandra, she encases herself in dark ice, healing herself while becoming untargetable and invulnerable. A statistical breakdown of the Lissandra vs Zed matchup in the Middle Lane. See which champion is the better pick with our Zed vs Lissandra matchup statistics. лучший гайд на героя, советы по шмоту и талантам. Lyssandra is a Legendary Spirit Support champion in the High Elves faction in Raid Shadow Legends. Full guide, recommended masteries and artifacts. Подходящие артефакты и предметы для героя Лиссандра (Lyssandra) на ПВЕ.

Лиссандра гайд, обзор легенды в Raid Shadow Legends

5 рекомендаций по колодам с Лиссандрой — Legends of Runeterra League of Legends Champion Lissandra Lissandra is in the b tier of champions.
Лиссандра LoL Pro Builds О сервисе Прессе Авторские права Связаться с нами Авторам Рекламодателям Разработчикам.
Lissandra Pro Builds - League of Legends Champions - Build Guide Items Builds for LISSANDRA: Spells, Runes, Abilities, Skills Leveling, Counter pick and much more.
Лиссандра гайд, обзор легенды в Raid Shadow Legends | jester 5500 | Дзен Новости организаций.
Лиссандра гайд, обзор легенды в Raid Shadow Legends лучший гайд на героя, советы по шмоту и талантам.

Lissandra Build Path

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  • Lissandra Build S14 :: Runes, Items, Matchups [League of Legends] - Gametimeprime

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