Новости речь гитлера на немецком текст

Berlin, May 17, 1933. Deputies, Ladies and Gentlemen of the German Reichstag! In the name of the Reich Government I have asked the Reichstag President to convene the Reichstag so that I may take a stand before this forum on the questions which today affect not only our Volk but the entire world.

Полный текст обращения Гитлера к немецкому народу 22 июня 1941 года

Я должен заявить определённо: Германия соблюдает свои обязательства; нацменьшинства, которые проживают в Германии, не преследуются. The speeches, letters, and proclamations of Adolph Hitler. Die große Zeit ist jetzt angebrochen. Deutschland ist nun erwacht. Die Macht haben wir nun in Deutschland gewonnen, nun gilt es das deutsche Volk zu gewinnen. Ich weiß, obwohl die hundert tausenden von euch die ihr jetzt zuhört in ganz Deutschland das in hundertausenden von euch in. Adolph Hitler outlines the German victory over Poland in a Reichstag speech, October 6th 1939. English translation. Речь гитлера текст на немецком с переводом.

Речь гитлера на немецком текст

Последние добавленные тексты песен. Гитлеровские речи на немецком. Речь Гитлера текст. Adolph Hitler outlines the German victory over Poland in a Reichstag speech, October 6th 1939. English translation. Лайфхаки. Музыка. Новости и СМИ. Обучение. Подкасты. СТАЛИН СЛУШАЕТ РЕЧЬ ГИТЛЕРА Мельников рассказывал в 1965 году в Переделкино.9 ноября 1941 года в день очередной годовщины мюнхенского пивного путча немецкое радио передавало речь Гитлера.

Речь Гитлера на съезде НСДАП 1934

Adolf Hitler: Rede vor dem Reichstag am 1. September 1939 Речь Гитлера в бункере перед генералами. Оригинальные немецкие субтитры без изменений, как говорят в фильме, и дословный перевод субтитров на русский язык.
Полный текст обращения Гитлера к немецкому народу 22 июня 1941 года: d_34 — LiveJournal Полный текст заявления Гитлера от 22 июня 1941 года, в котором он разъяснил причины нападения Германии на СССР.
Полный текст обращения Гитлера к немецкому народу 22 июня 1941 года September 1, 1939, justifying the German invasion of Poland. Short video clip excerpt.
Речь гитлера на немецком языке текст - Научные работы на Hitler's 1 September 1939 Reichstag speech is a speech made by Adolf Hitler at an Extraordinary Session of the German Reichstag on 1 September 1939, the day of the German invasion of Poland. The speech served as public declaration of war against Poland and thus of the commencement of.
Речь гитлера на немецком языке текст text of Hitler s.

"Why We Are Antisemites" - Text of Adolf Hitler's 1920 speech at the Hofbräuhaus

Это делается быстро, беспощадно и всё глупее, так что всё больше людей всё скорее мигают и с удивлением видит: оппа, вот так обстоят дела, которые до сих пор были вне моей оптики… Нет, я в этом больше не буду участвовать. Направляю свою благодарность Адольфу Гитлеру и немецкому народу. Миллионы немцев тогда участвовали в борьбе, в которой тогда ещё невозможно было победить. Но бойцами авангарда они были. Они пробивали бреши.

С тех пор те были затушёвываны и замазаны… и в наше новое время опять выстпают наружу, на поверхность. Томрам, 08.

Ich sende meinen Dank an Adolf Hitler und an das deutsche Volk. Millionen Deutsche haben damals einen Kampf aufgenommen, der damals noch nicht zu gewinnen war. Sie haben Breschen geschlagen. Die wurden seither vertuscht und verwischt…und treten in dieser unserer neuen Zeit zutage. Россия передала гласности речь Адольфа Гитлера, с переводом на русский язык. Может быть это печально, но это факт. Да по всему миру это имеет место.

Германия показательный пример.

Все эти предложения, как вы знаете, были отклонены — предложения об ограничении вооружений и, если необходимо, разоружении, предложения об ограничении военного производства, предложения о запрещении некоторых видов современного вооружения. Вы знаете о предложениях, которые я делал для восстановления германского суверенитета над немецкими территориями. Вы знаете о моих бесконечных попытках, которые я предпринимал для мирного урегулирования вопросов с Австрией, потом с Судетской областью, Богемией и Моравией. Все они оказались напрасны. Польша обрушила нападки на свободный город Данциг. Более того, Польша не была готова уладить проблему Коридора разумным способом, с равноправным отношениям к обеим сторонам, и она не думала о соблюдении её обязательств по отношению к нацменьшинствам. Я должен заявить определённо: Германия соблюдает свои обязательства; нацменьшинства, которые проживают в Германии, не преследуются. Ни один француз не может встать и сказать, что какой-нибудь француз, живущий в Сааре, угнетён, замучен, или лишен своих прав.

What more is wanted?

I have solemnly assured them, and I repeat it, that we ask nothing of those Western States and never will ask anything. I have declared that the frontier between France and Germany is a final one. I have repeatedly offered friendship and, if necessary, the closest co-operation to Britain, but this cannot be offered from one side only. It must find response on the other side. Germany has no interests in the West, and our western wall is for all time the frontier of the Reich on the west. Moreover, we have no aims of any kind there for the future. With this assurance we are in solemn earnest, and as long as others do not violate their neutrality we will likewise take every care to respect it. I am determined to solve 1 the Sudeten question and 2 to see to it that a change is made in the relationship between Germany and Czechoslovakia that shall ensure a peaceful co-existence. In this I am resolved to continue to fight until either the present Czechoslovak government is willing to continue to bring about this change or until another Czechoslovak Government is ready to do so. I am resolved to remove from the German frontiers the element of uncertainty, the everlasting atmosphere of conditions resembling civil war.

I will see to it that in the East there is, on the frontier, a peace precisely similar to that on our other frontiers. In this I will take the necessary measures to se that they do not contradict the proposals I have already made known in the Reichstag itself to the rest of the world, that is to say, I will not war against women and children. I have ordered my air force to restrict itself to attacks on military objectives. If, however, the enemy thinks he can form that draw carte blanche on his side to fight by the other methods he will receive an answer that will deprive him of hearing and sight. This night for the first time Czech regular soldiers fired on our territory. Three German soldiers and five Sudeten Germans were killed by Czech soldiers at Egerteich without provocation. Since 6. Whoever fight with poison gas will be fought with poison gas. Whoever departs from the rules of humane warfare can only expect that we shall do the same. I will continue this struggle, no matter against whom, until the safety of the Reich and its rights are secured.

For five years now I have been working on the building up of the German defences. Over 90 millions have in that time been spent on the building up of these defence forces. They are now the best equipped and are above all comparison with what they were in 1914. My trust in them is unshakable. When I called up these forces and when I now ask sacrifices of the German people and if necessary every sacrifice, then I have a right to do so, for I also am to-day absolutely ready, just as we were formerly, to make every possible sacrifice. I am asking of no German man more than I myself was ready throughout four years at any time to do. There will be no hardships for Germans to which I myself will not submit. My whole life henceforth belongs more than ever to my people. I am from now on just first soldier of the German Reich. I have once more put on that coat that was the most sacred and dear to me.

Полный текст обращения Гитлера к немецкому народу 22 июня 1941 года

Полный текст обращения Гитлера от 22 июня 1941 года, в котором он разъяснял для немецкого народа причины нападения Германии на СССР. причем в оригинале, русский перевод с купюрами я уже. The speeches, letters, and proclamations of Adolph Hitler. Мартин Вютке Речь Гитлера из фильма. Главная» Новости» Выступление гитлера на немецком кричит.

Речь гитлера текст на немецком с переводом

Речь Гитлера 22 июня 1941. Выступление Гитлера текст. Речь фюрера текст. Речь перед войной.

Выступление Гитлера 22 июня 1941 года. Текст речи Гитлера 22 июня 1941 года. Воззвание фюрера к немецкому народу 22 июня 1941.

Немецкая речь текст на немецком. Выступление Гитлера на немецком текст. Выступление Гитлера 31 июля 1940 года.

Речь Гитлера перед атакой на Польшу. Памятка немецкого солдата. Памятка немецкого солдата 1941.

Памятка советскому солдату в Германии. Памятка солдата вермахта. Обращение Гитлера к немецкому народу 22 июня 1941.

Обращение Гитлера к немецкому народу 22. Обращение гиьрела на немецком. Речь Гитлера о большевизме.

Из речи Гитлера в Мюнхене 9 ноября 1942 ответы на вопросы кратко. Адольф Гитлер плакаты. Адольф Гитлер плакаты третий Рейх.

Адольф Гитлер пропаганда. Адольф Гитлер Постер. Цитаты Гитлера.

Фашистские высказывания. Стихи про фашизм. The New York times Адольф Окс.

New York times about Gitler propaganda 1941. Советские газеты 1939 года. Советские газеты о войне в Польше.

Советская газета 1939. Газета 1939 года. Поздравление Сталина Гитлеру.

Слова Гитлера. Гитлер начал вторую мировую войну. Высказывания Гитлера о войне.

Цитата Гитлера про войну. Звуки Гитлера. Мюнхенский пивной путч 1923.

Пивной путч в Германии в 1923. Пивной путч в Мюнхене 1923 Гитлер. Пивной путч в Мюнхене 1923 года презентация.

Немецкая речь. Речь русских немцев. Быстрая речь на немецком.

Правда 1939. Газета правда 1939. Газета 1939.

After the death of the victim, the vampire dies sooner or later. Mein Kampf, 1925, Volume 1, p. Was there any excrement, any shamelessness in any form, above all in cultural life, in which at least one Jew would not have been involved? As soon as one even carefully cut into such an abscess, one found, like maggots in a decaying body, often blinded by the sudden light, a kike. Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf: Quote regarding "The Big Lie" All this was inspired by the principle--which is quite true in itself--that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily, and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they are more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort truth so infamously.

Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in tha art of lying.

Мой ответ: Германская гарантия имеет общий характер и безусловно накладывает на нас обязанности. Советская Россия, однако, никогда не объявляла нам, что имеет и другие интересы в Румынии за пределами Бессарабии. Уже свершившаяся оккупация советскими войсками Северной Буковины уже вышла за пределы советских уверений, поэтому я не думаю, что Россия на данный момент имеет ещё более далеко идущие намерения против Румынии. Второй пункт Молотова: Советская Россия опять чувствует угрозу Финляндии. Кремль определённо не может терпеть этого. Готова ли Германия не оказывать помощь Финляндии и, более того, немедленно отозвать германские войска уже находящиеся в Киркенесе? Но новая война СССР против маленького финского народа уже не может рассматриваться германским правительством как нормальное явление; равно как мы никогда и не поверим, что Финляндия каким-то образом может угрожать СССР.

Ни при каких обстоятельствах мы не желаем нового театра войны на Балтике. Третий пункт Молотова: Готова ли Германия согласиться на то, что Советская Россия может предоставить гарантии Болгарии в виде посылки туда своих войск, в связи с чем он — Молотов, готов заверить Германию, что Кремль не будет низлагать короля Болгарии? Мой ответ: Болгария — это суверенное государство. И я не имею информации, что Болгария когда либо запрашивала Советскую Россию о гарантиях, подобных тем, которые Румыния запросила от Германии. Более того, я не готов ответить на этот вопрос без консультаций со своими союзниками. Германия согласна или нет? Мой ответ: Германия была всегда готова согласиться на изменение 1936 года Конвенции Монтро в пользу государств Чёрного моря. Германия не готова, чтобы дать согласие Советской России на создание военных баз вдоль проливов. Национал-социалисты, здесь я был обязан в полном осознании своей ответственности проявить свою позицию как ответственный лидер не только Германии, но и как представитель европейской культуры и цивилизации.

Последствием всего этого было возрастание активности Советской России направленной прямо против Германии, и сразу, конкретно, начались новые попытки подрыва румынского государства и попытки посредством пропаганды устранить болгарскую монархию. С помощью запутанных и незрелых лидеров Румынского Легиона прим. И тем не менее, я всё ещё верил, что самое лучшее, — продолжать молчать. Немедленно после неудачной попытки государственного переворота в Румынии, Советская Россия предприняла новую переброску войск на восточные границы Германии. Советские танковые подразделения и парашютисты во всё возрастающих количествах перебрасывались в опасную близость от германской границы. Германские вооружённые силы и германский народ знают, что вплоть до нескольких недель назад ни одной механизированной дивизии или даже единственного танка не было дислоцировано на наших восточных границах. Если, несмотря на все разуверения и камуфляж, и требовалось какое-либо окончательное доказательство формирующегося союза между Англией и Советской Россией, то Югославский конфликт предоставил его. Когда я предпринимал любые усилия, направленные на создание мира на Балканах, и из-за симпатетической кооперации с Муссолини, пригласил Югославию присоединиться к «Трёхстороннему Пакту», Англия и Советская Россия в объединённом сговоре организовали государственный переворот, который за одну ночь устранил тогдашнее правительство Югославии, которое тогда было готово подписать соглашение. И сегодня мы можем проинформировать германскую нацию, что югославский путч против Германии не был только английским, но в основном под Советским руководством!

Поскольку мы молчали и тут, советские вожди тут же сделали шаг дальше. Они не только организовали Путч, но и через несколько дней, в своём стремлении воспротивиться установлению мира на Балканах, заключили Договор о дружбе и взаимопомощи с Югославией и восстановили её против Германии. И это отнюдь не было платонической дружбой. Москва потребовала мобилизации югославской армии. И поскольку даже тогда я предпочёл лучше ничего не говорить, те, кто во власти в Кремле, пошли ещё дальше. Германское правительство сегодня обладает документальным свидетельством, которое показывает, что правительство Советской России, для того чтобы втянуть в войну Югославию, дало ей обещание снабжать её через порт Салоники Греция оружием, самолётами, амуницией и другим военным материалом против Германии www. И это случилось именно в тот самый момент, когда я лично, в моей всегдашней надеже служить делу мира, дал совет японскому министру иностранных дел Yosike Matsuoka, который уменьшил трения России с Японией. Только быстрое продвижение наших несравненных дивизий к Скопле в Македонии - подробнее здесь www.

Wherever they step they remain somewhere again, among enemies. On the whole they have been in the cold too long. They have already spoken of the breaking up of the German Reich by next September, and with the help of this advance prophesy, and we say that the war will not end as the Jews imagine it will, namely, with the uprooting of the Aryans, but the result of this war will be the complete annihilation of the Jews. And the further this war spreads, the farther will spread this fight against the world of the... I was more fortunate with the second state, with which I found some relationship. That is actually no wonder. However, it would be a real wonder, if it were otherwise. Because, already-as I said today in a... A hundred years ago, Germany fought its way to a renaissance as a state, and its independence as a state, and Italy was fighting for its national united... Then these two states separated, and both nations fought without success and then came the... Both Revolutions had about the same course; each one had severe setbacks, but finally won the fight. Both nations brought about... Both nations concerned people who could not find their daily bread on their own soil. Both nations found themselves one day standing opposite the same people, without wanting to, against the same international union, as already had occurred in 1935, when England suddenly turned against Italy, without any sort of preliminary warning; Italy had taken nothing from England, therefore it was for the reason that: "We do not wish Italy to have its free right to life," just as it was, with Germany, for the reason that: "We do not wish Germany to have its free right to life. What do we want from England? I offered each of them peace, more, I want to offer friendship. On the other side an old freemason, who only believes in a war, to be able to salvage his bankrupt economy, perhaps, or at least to gain time. Thus both states again stand face to face with the same foe... And then, in addition, there is still a third thing-I have mentioned it today also: in both cases they are men, two men, who have come from the people... In the last few weeks... I have read about the history of the Italian Fascist Revolution, and it seemed to me as if I had the history of my own party before me, so similar, so identical, that... And now finally the third state has joined us, another state with which we have always wanted to have good relations for the past many years. You all know it from "Mein Kampf"-Japan. Now the three great Have-Nots are united, and now we shall see who... For, what does England want to gain? What does America want to gain? What do they want to gain? They have so much that they do not know what to do with what they have. A few persons per square kilometer need much more for all the cares which we are not the ones to have. A single poor harvest means for our national decades plundered, exploited, crushed, and in spite of that they could not eliminate their own economic need. They have raw materials, as much as they are willing to use, and they do not complete it, with their problems actually to found something reasonable in society, to the one who has everything and the one who wants to take from the other fellow who has hardly anything practically the last thing he owns, or to the one who defends that which he honors as his last possession. Pray to God that he must send Bolshevism over Europe as a scourge. We wish only to say, "It will not come over Germany but whether it will come over England is another story. We have never done anything to England, France, we have never done anything to America. Nevertheless there follows now in the year 1939 the declaration of war, and now it has gone further. Now you must however out of my whole history understand me rightly. One sentence unintelligible. I said: "If the war is inevitable, then I should rather be the one to conduct it not because I thirst after this fame; on the contrary, I here gladly renounce that fame, which is in my eyes no fame at all. My fame, if Providence preserves my life, will consist in... But I think that if Providence has already disposed that I can do what must be done according to the inscrutable will of the Providence, then I can at least just ask Providence to entrust to me the burden of this war, to load it on me. I will beat it! I will shrink from no responsibility; in every hour which... I will take this burden upon me. I will bear every responsibility, just as I have always borne them. It knows that I had endless plans in those years before the war. It sees everywhere the signs of works begun, and sometimes also the documents of completion. I know that this people trusts me. I am happy to know it. But the German people may be persuaded also of one thing, that the year 1918, as long as I live, will never return. I am glad that so many allies have joined our soldiers: in Sweden, Italy, then in the north, Finland and the many other nations which are sending their sons here to the east, too,... Rumanians and Hungarians, Slovaks, Spaniards,... Already today, a European war, and finally in the East, as a new Ally, who has already... Cripps assured us a few days ago, in his loquacious manner, has been preparing itself for a fight with Germany. I knew that. As soon as I had become certain that there was false play going on here, in the instant that I became aware that Mr. Churchill in his secret meetings was already considering this ally, within the hour in which Molotov left Berlin, and took his leave because he had been able to come to a shrewd agreement, at that moment, it became clear to me, that this conflict was inevitable. For this, too, I thank fate, that it placed me at the head of the Reich, so that I was in a position to strike the first blow. If one must fight, then I take the stand that the first blow is the decisive one. We can only wish Japan good luck, because instead of playing around for a long time with this lying nation, it started to fight immediately. Now, our soldiers have been fighting in the East since June 22, a battle which will some day go into the chronicles of history as a hero-song of our people. He meant to drive the German U-boats out of the oceans gradually, by making new decrees of the American spheres of influence, and to limit them to a very small territory, which the British would then take care of with their naval forces. And, my fellow country-men, that is also the reason for the regression of the number of U-boat sinkings, but not at all the number of damages or sinkings by our U-boats. On the contrary, the latter has risen greatly. Also not the lack of our occupational forces, nor the impossibility of... You will understand that it has been a vindication for myself to decide whether one should finally conclude with the whole pack of lies for the sake of peace, and to bind oneself to the new limitations... Japan has finally eliminated this necessity. Now there are U-boats on all the oceans of the world, now you will see how our submarines carry out their work, and however they may look, we are armed for everything, from North to South, from East to West. But about one thing they may be assured; as I have said before, today they are up against a different German people; now they are again up against Fredrichian people; we will fight where we stand, give no foot of ground, immediately push forward again. And we are, in fact, happy to know since yesterday that our General Rommel with his brave Italian and German panzers and men at the moment when they... That will continue to happen to them until the war has ended with our victory. With these two forces stands a third, our air-force. Its fame is immortal. What they have accomplished in their efforts in the Arctic cold of the Far North, in the East, or in the heat of the desert, or in the West, is everywhere the same, a heroism that honors cannot glorify. There is just one thing which I must emphasize again and again; that is our infantry. And behind these forces stands a gigantic communications organization with tens of thousands of motor vehicles and railroads, and they are all going to work and will master even the hardest problems. For it is self-evident that the conversion from advance to defense in the East is not easy. It was not Russia that forced us to defense, but only 38 and 40 and 42 and sometimes 45 degrees below zero that did it. And in this cold, there, troops which are not accustomed to it cannot fight as in the red heat of the desert... But at this time, when the difficult transition was necessary, I again looked upon it as my task to take upon my shoulders the responsibility for that, too. I wanted thereby to save my soldiers from something worse. And I want to assure them at this point, insofar as those who are on that icy front can hear me today: "I know the work you are doing. And I know also that the hardest lies behind us. Today is January 30. The winter is the big hope of the Eastern enemy. It will not fulfill this hope for him. In four months we had fought almost to Moscow and Leningrad. Four months of Northern winter are now past. They have advanced a few kilometers at individual points and have made great sacrifices in blood and human lives there. They may be indifferent to that; but in a few weeks in the South the winter is going to break, and then the spring will move farther north, the ice will melt, and then the hour will come when the ground is again hard and firm, and when the new weapons will again flow there from our homeland, and when we shall beat them, and revenge those who now have fallen such lonely victims of the cold. For I can tell you that the soldiers at the front have the feeling of... To compare him with them would be an insult. The decisive thing now is that this transition from attack to defense be successful, and I may say that it has been. These fronts, as you shall see, where a few individual Russians break through, and where they sometimes even believe that they are occupying localities, there are no localities, there are only ruins. What does this mean, in comparison to what we have occupied, what we are bringing in order, and what the next spring and from then on, will bring into order? Behind this front there is today a dignified German homeland. I have recently, the other day, in view of this cold weather, appealed to the German people, for everything which had been prepared for protection against the frost has not sufficed. I wanted to express gratitude to the people themselves. This appeal then was also a plebiscite. While the others talk of democracy, this is true democracy. It has shown itself these days, when an entire people voluntarily sacrifices, and I know that so many small people, but this time also, many, many people, for whom this was difficult, and perhaps, formerly, seemed to find it impossible to part with a precious piece of fur, have today given it, with the knowledge that the most humble infantryman is of greater importance than the most costly fur. Whoever makes profits on the war in the Third Reich dies. It is not a question of the hidden clothes, the poor infantryman who, perhaps, saves his hands by having warm gloves, or could be kept from freezing by a warm vest, which some one takes from home for him. I will here stand up for the interests of the soldiers, and I know that all the German nation stands behind me in this. And this January 30th. Whether or not the war will end this year I do not know; but I do know one thing. Wherever the foe may appear, he will this year be fought as before. It will again be a year of great victories; and even as I held the flag high before this, a all times, so I will hold it high even now; because,? My German countrymen, my soldiers. We have a full of fame and glory behind us. One likes so much to draw analogies from it. In this fight German heroes have fought in similar situations, which also seemed hopeless. We should not draw any comparisons with former times, at all. We have no right to do so. We have the strongest army in the world. We have the strongest air-force in the world. Frederick the Great had to fight against a preponderance of power, which was just as choking in his time. As he waged the first Silesian war, he had 2,700,000 Prussians in the state of 15 million people. A man with all his willpower stood up in spite of all reverses so that he never despaired of his success, and when he despaired, he wished to pull himself together again and then take the flag in his strong hands. How do we wish to speak of that to-day? We have an opponent in front of us, who may have an immense numerical superiority, but we will rival him at least in the birthrate by spring and also in regard to weapons. And so it will be in all things, and above all we have Allies today. It is also no more the time of the World War. What Japan is accomplishing in the East alone, is, for us, beyond evaluation. No other way remains, but the way of battle and the way of success.

Речь гитлера текст на немецком с переводом

(русский текст внизу) Russland hat eine Rede Adolf Hitlers freigegeben, nota bene mit russischen Untertiteln versehen. Die Botschaft an die Machthaber weltweit und an die "Elite" in Amerika kann deutlicher nicht sein: Was AH damals sagte, es trifft exakt auf heute zu. Es mag traurig sein, es ist wahr. Berlin, May 17, 1933. Deputies, Ladies and Gentlemen of the German Reichstag! In the name of the Reich Government I have asked the Reichstag President to convene the Reichstag so that I may take a stand before this forum on the questions which today affect not only our Volk but the entire world. Речи гитлера Речи гитлера на немецком языке. Тэги: гитлер, речь, 1933, берлин Канцлер Германии Адольф Гитлер в своем рабочем кабинете. причем в оригинале, русский перевод с купюрами я уже. The first shots of the invasion had been fired at around 4:48 am of September 1, by the battleship Schleswig-Holstein. At 5:40 am Hitler issued a declaration to the armed forces: "The Polish state has refused the peaceful settlement of relations which I desired, and appealed to arms In order to put an. 30 января 1945 г.

Речь Гитлера на съезде НСДАП 1934

речь гитлера на немецком скачать mp3 или слушать онлайн бесплатно на The first shots of the invasion had been fired at around 4:48 am of September 1, by the battleship Schleswig-Holstein. At 5:40 am Hitler issued a declaration to the armed forces: "The Polish state has refused the peaceful settlement of relations which I desired, and appealed to arms In order to put an. Главная» Новости» Выступление гитлера на немецком кричит. Речи гитлера Речи гитлера на немецком языке. Тэги: гитлер, речь, 1933, берлин Канцлер Германии Адольф Гитлер в своем рабочем кабинете.

Последняя речь Гитлера в бункере перед смертью. Почему её так долго скрывали от народа

We want our old filth... Eventually you will even demand of me that I should add one... To me also it is obvious, we want... All that was thus not so simple, slowly to draw one thing after another out of this people, and how many have quite simply run away from it. It was not, indeed, my national comrades, as if every one who came to me at that time, on that account also remained with me. Many a time I had to bring fifty or sixty somewhere... All the others were gone again. And one had to begin again. I made a calculation at that time.

If I win a hundred over, and have only ten remain to me, and the other ninety always leave me, then gradually they will become a hundred if I win a thousand. If I win ten thousand, they will be a thousand, and gradually the number of those who remain will grow ever larger. And if one had departed for the second or third time, perhaps, then perhaps he will be embarrassed to go the fifth time, and then he too will remain. And thus, with unbelievable patience and with perseverance and persistence I will slowly build up a group that is a majority in the German Reich itself. The others may laugh or mock as much as they wish. It does not matter. They may go against us. That does not matter; then we will defend ourselves.

We will not capitulate. We will not get off the street, we will not give up our places until we... The feeling of the National Socialist is today obvious to us. However at that time, these were new ideas, new learnings, which were neither understood, nor of course, accepted by many. And another thing was added to this, a cursed tradition, in which every single... It was a fight against traditions, and also, naturally, against the elements of cultural up-bringing. Some said,... One is studied, taught, hammered in, in God knows how many homework hours, and the other is innate born and will always come to the fore, and will know how to find a following among his natural and necessary talents of leadership.

It was a struggle against almost all of the things which we were accustomed to in life. Besides this, there was a fight against certain natural interests. For some, because. I do not know what is more evil, a bodily threat rather than a spiritual suppression which can perhaps break down a person even faster than a physical threat. There have been heroes who have come forward at that time. And I should like to explain something about that: These heroes have in reality continued the war of 1914-1918. One sees them yet so displayed as if they were soldiers in my eyes and their party, no, that the soldiers have been once, and indeed the best soldiers. They were the best soldiers that have ever been, who would not and could not bear the acquiescence, thus we recognize it today, that a really good National Socialist will also be always the best soldier.

And now came the organized opponents also. They were first of all approximately 46 or 47 parties, who hesitated accordingly to unite together the bicyclists, or the small gardeners, or cottagers, or other people. But there were some 48 parties. An Allied Opposition. And here above all the party secretaries, their functionaries,. For where, after all, was a... You are fighting here for something that can be of no use to anyone. You will both have to get off your high horse.

In the long run you cannot do without each other. And as an example he says, or he makes rejoinders, which... Where, then, do the trade-union secretaries and the syndics get? And most of all, where then do the dear Jews get, who had, indeed, their interests so much in both camps, who on the one hand directed capital, even, and on the other hand led the anti-capitalists, and often, indeed, as one family with two brothers in both camps. My dear national comrades! When at that time I began this fight, I knew very well that it was a fight against an entire condition of things, and how hard it was only my fellow-fighters can know, who realized that for me the last war had offered clear... I continued to fight when I could speak again, and I have gone up and down the country, and from city to city, and have spoken and labored again and again, always with the single thought to loose the German people from this bond, to deliver them from their lethargy, and voice is fading. Not only have I found comrades in arms, but also countless people in the course of these years, who have now helped us, women and men, who have given all, for whom the Party, in particular, was everything.

The other wretched bourgeois, especially, cannot understand that. Only those can understand who belong to National Socialism, for whom the movement means everything, so that they have thought of their movement the whole day, so that they have risked all, and have offered every sacrifice. Now the whole nation understands it; what was then counted not even a thousand, today totals millions of fellow countrymen, who are going to the gathering places, and are giving, for the National Socialist Union, their last fur and pullover. This good fortune, to be able to give... How great the good fortune was only those can measure, apparently, who today can say of themselves: "I am doing everything for my people, everything for our soldiers, so that they may stand fast. Slowly, it is true, but it was well so; it needed time, but it came into existence. This movement exists today; it was not an uninterrupted growth, but there were then again also days of the most severe distress and of doubt, dark days. I need only remember the year 1923.

The enemy stood in the Ruhr district, Germany was in inflation, the whole German people ruined, and seemed to be going under in unparalleled misery, several words unintelligible and they profited by our misfortune. And then I tried at that time to get in my hand the power to bring misfortune to a stop. And at the moment when I might believe that I would get the power, then fate struck me down, and I came, instead of into power, into prison. And then, at this time, then the movement had to be on guard, and of course, I myself, also. And I may now say that at this moment, when I had yet scarcely come to my senses, I did not lose my head for a minute, but had soon recovered my faith. One sentence unintelligible one needed to have no further hesitation about it, one no longer needed even to choose, National Socialism fading. After 13 months I came back again and began again from the beginning. And then Providence freed the whole volume?

Years of waiting. Then after the first hard blow I got great increases in the movement. What that cost in work is known only to those who were there then. But I kept then also my boundless faith, faith in my own person, too, Remainder of sentence unintelligible-Hitler is screaming. I took to heart then the saying of a German philosopher: "The blow of an old. At this time the rest of the world took no notice at all of us. These diplomats sent wonderful reports to their governments, in which they depicted the... They treated the Germany of that day as though there never would exist, or never had existed a National Socialism.

And how they treated this Germany! Their Germany, their democratic Germany. The child which they had... This freak of parliamentary democracy, constitution of Weimar and body of laws from Versailles! How they mishandled this monster-child, oppressed it, wrung it out. If today they act as though they are against us National Socialists, or turn against National Socialist Germany, still, did they not... Only there is one difference: they cannot... To us it makes no difference what their opinion of us is: I have never, even to the slightest degree, counted on having foreign countries...

If it should come to pass that my enemies should praise me, then the German nation can send me to the devil. They were refused every human right, but they should have had the right, now and then, to participate in an international conference, or even to preside there. The disarmament: If today it is said, that our Germany, this National Socialist Germany, forced us to arm, putting aside the fact that... There was once a Germany which had no arms at all. They could have done it, or does anyone believe that perhaps Stresemann or Marx, or any one of these men, Wirth, Bauer, Eberth, Scheidemann, would have declared the might of war? Well, that cannot be told anyone. That is when they should have disarmed. Some of them got themselves well-fixed in one place, some in another.

They knew very well why Germany had to be disarmed. They added all of this to the name Democracy. And then the terrible unemployment. Where was all the economic...? Where were the wonder-workers magicians? If today they can lie so in the newspapers, so that President Roosevelt declares that America will give the world a new economic order. It may very well be a new order, but a very miserable one. Such is the system, a system with which he has himself gone bankrupt, so that he now believes that only through a war can he preserve the justice of nations.

Politico-economically, the German people has not received what was promised it before the days of the Versailles Treaty. On the contrary, as the other world went to pieces progressively, unemployment grew and continued to grow greater. The years 1913 to 1930 are years of continuous experimentation, continuous economic ruin, an uninterrupted prostitution of the political sovereignty of the German people; also an abandonment of economic materials. And we had to witness all this. At that time I fought, but during those years, my countrymen, there were many setbacks for forbidden parties, one sentence... Then again local groups were dissolved, then again, over all of German states the movement was forbidden. In short, there was a continuous fight against uninterrupted setbacks. Then, finally, came September, 1930, and we walked into the Reichstag with our 106 mandates-another was added-107 mandates.

Then we should have been given part in the government, but that was when the real opposition sidetracking came, and it grew greater uninterruptedly. It was a continuous battle, which eventually... How many party members did we lose at the time? Then came the year 1932. The first presidential election, again a setback. The second presidential election, the party saw... It was a fight in which all was at stake. Many persons again had to pay with their lives that year.

Many persons went to prison. And then came July, with a... Then everyone cried: "This is the hour in which to take over power," and again the hour passed by, it had to go by. And then came another reversal. And then-a final battle. And finally the day, the memory of which we are celebrating. Now, my compatriots countrymen , I have related this to you only very briefly, in order to show you above all else that: the victory which we are celebrating today, did not come to us at that time as an easy gift, which fell into our laps. This victory was bound up with great efforts, with sacrifices, with deprivations, with unceasing labors, and also with setbacks.

And if you had asked anyone on January 15, "Do you believe that this person"-that was I at that time-"will get into power? And now I must mention something else. I told you what I found conditions to be in the year 1919 to 1920, when I brought the party into existence; I have depicted for you the situation, after my first great defeat.

These 15 billion of industry capital is invested in creative values, while this 500 billion loan capital, which we always get in spoonful rates of 6 and 7 billion and which we use in periods of 1 to 2 months to supplement our rations a little, these 6 to 7 billion today which are decreed almost worthless scraps of paper, at a later date, should we ever recover, will have to be repaid in high quality money i. This is not only the destruction of a state, but already the application of a chain, of a neck collar for later times. National purity as a source of strength The second pillar against which the Jew as a parasite turns, and must turn, is the national purity as a source of the strength of a nation. The Jew, who is himself a nationalist more than any other nation, who through millennia did not mix with any other race, uses intermingling just for others to degenerate them in the best case; this same Jew preaches every day with thousands of tongues, from 19,000 papers in Germany alone, that all nations on Earth are equal, that international solidarity should bind all the peoples, that no people can lay a claim to a special status etc.

What a nation means, he, who himself never dreams of climbing down to those to whom he preaches internationalism, knows well. First a race must be denationalized. First it must unlearn that its power is in its blood, and when it has reached the level where it has no more pride, the result is a product, a second race, which is lower than the previous one and the Jew needs the lower one in order to organize his final world domination. In order to build it and keep it, he lowers the racial level of the other peoples, so that only he is racially pure and able to eventually rule over all the others. We know that the Hindus in India are a mixed people, stemming from the high Aryan immigrants and from the dark aborigines. And this nation bears the consequences, for it is a slave nation of a race that may seem in many ways almost as a second Jewry. Another problem is the problem of physical decomposition of races.

The Jew is trying to eliminate all of which he knows that is somehow strengthening, muscle-steeling, and eliminate above all everything of that which he knows may keep a race so healthy that it will remain determined not to tolerate among themselves national criminals, pests to the national community, but under some circumstances, punish them with death. And that is his great fear and worry; for even the heaviest latches of the safest prison are not so tough, and the prison is not so safe that a few million could not open it eventually. Only one lock is permanent, and that is death, and in front of it he has the most awe. And therefore he seeks to abolish this barbaric punishment everywhere where he lives as a parasite. But wherever he already is, Lord, it is used ruthlessly. Loud applause And, for the breaking of physical strength, he has excellent means at hand. First of all, he has the trade that should be nothing more than distribution of foodstuffs and other necessary items for daily use.

He uses it to withdraw these articles of daily life, when necessary, in order to raise the price on the one hand, but also to withdraw in order to create the conditions for physical weakening which have always worked best: hunger. Everywhere, what we see behind these organizations is not the desire to make a shining organization for food supply, but through them gradually to create hunger. We know that as a politician he never had reason and cause to shun the hunger, on the contrary, wherever the Jew appeared in political parties, hunger and misery was the only soil in which he could grow. He desires it, and therefore he does not even think of easing social misery. He was a leading proponent of a policy of assimilation for German Jews ] Hand in hand with this goes a battle against the health of the people. He knows how to turn all the healthy normal manners, the obvious hygienic rules of a race on its head, from night he makes day; he creates the notorious nightlife and knows exactly that it works slowly but surely, gradually destroying the healthy strength of a race, making it soft; the one is destroyed physically, the other spiritually, and into the heart of the third it puts the hatred as he has to see the others feast. And finally, as a last resort, he destroys the productive capacity, and if necessary, in connection with it, the productive resources of a nation.

That is the great mystery of Russia. They have destroyed factories, not because they knew they would no longer be needed, but because they knew that the people would be forced, with enormous hardships, to replace what had been destroyed. So the Jew succeeds in harnessing the people, instead of the former 9 and 10 hours, for 12 hours. For at the moment when the Jew becomes Lord, he knows no 8-hour day, he recognizes his Sabbath for his cattle, but not for the Goyim, for the Akum [words for non-Jews]. The destruction of culture Finally, he reaches for the last method: The destruction of all culture, of all that we consider as belonging in a state which we consider civilized. Here is his work perhaps most difficult to recognize, but here the actual effect is the most terrible. This is true inner experience, unlike the other ones, which are only superficial swindle Applause , set in the world with an intent to gradually destroy in the people any healthy idea and to whip the people into a state in which no one can understand whether the times are crazy, or whether he himself is mad.

Big laughter and applause. Just as he works in painting, sculpture and music, so he does in poetry and especially in literature. Here he has a great advantage. What has become of it? A place which today you are ashamed to enter unless someone might notice you the moment you go in. And if theater has become a hotbed of vice and shamelessness, then a thousand times more so that new invention which perhaps comes from genial inspiration, but which the Jew understood right away to remodel into the filthiest business that you can imagine: the cinema. Thunderous applause and clapping.

At first people attached greatest hopes to this brilliant invention. It could become an easy mediator of profound knowledge for the entire people of the world. And what has become of it? It became the mediator of the greatest and the most shameless filth. The Jew works on. For him there is no spiritual sensitivity, and just as his forefather Abraham was selling his wife, he finds nothing special about the fact that today he sells girls, and through the centuries we find him everywhere, in North America as in Germany, Austria-Hungary and all over the East, as the merchant of the human commodity and it can not be denied away; even the greatest Jew defender cannot deny that all of these girl-dealers are Hebrews. This subject is atrocious.

According to Germanic sentiment there would be only one punishment for this: death. For people that play fast and loose, regarding as a business, as a commodity, what for millions of others means greatest happiness or greatest misfortune. For them love is nothing more than business in which they make money. They are always ready to tear apart the happiness of any marriage, if only 30 pieces of silver can be made. It was played up by the Jews and became very popular. So we should not be surprised when he also attacks what many people even today are not indifferent to, and what to many at least can give inner peace — religion. Also here we see the same Jew who himself has enough religious customs which others could easily mock, but no one does, as we, in principle, never ridicule religion because it is sacred to us.

But he tries to destroy everything without offering a substitute. Who today, in this age of the vilest deceit and swindle, is detached from it; for him there are just two more possibilities, either he hangs himself in despair or becomes a crook. Instead of the authority of reason, there enters the authority of the great spongy majority led by the Jew, because the Jew is always going through three periods. First, autocratically-minded, ready to serve any prince, he then descends to the people, fighting for democracy, of which he knows that it will be in his hand, and steered by him; he owns it, he becomes a dictator. Hear, hear And we see this today in Russia, where a Lenin has just assured that the councils are already outlived, and that now it is not absolutely necessary that a proletarian state be led through one council or parliament, that it is sufficient that 2 or 3 proletarian-minded people govern this country. These proletarian-minded persons are some Jewish billionaires, and we know very well that behind 2 or 3 proletarians ultimately stands another organization which is outside of the state: the Alliance Israelite and their grandiose propaganda organization and the organization of Freemasonry. Loud applause and clapping of hands And in all these things we must understand that there are no good or evil Jews.

Here everyone works exactly according to the instincts of his race, because the race, or should we say, the nation and its character, as the Jew himself explains, lies in blood, and this blood is forcing everyone to act according to these principles, whether he is the leading mind in a party that calls itself democratic, or calls itself socialist, or a man of science, literature, or just an ordinary exploiter. The political organization And when we see, for example, in these Jewish magazines, that it is specified that every Jew everywhere is obligated to fight against any antisemite, wherever and whoever he is, then it follows by deduction that every German, wherever and whoever he is, will become an antisemite. Because it seems inseparable from the social idea and we do not believe that there could ever exist a state with lasting inner health if it is not built on internal social justice, and so we have joined forces with this knowledge and when we finally united, there was only one big question: How should we actually baptize ourselves? A party? A bad name! When I hear that word I go mad. Economic organizing only — here lies the salvation and the future.

Stormy applause Since it is clear that scientific knowledge is worthless as long as this knowledge is not a basis for an organization of the masses for the implementation of what we consider necessary, and it is further clear that for this organization only the broad masses of our people can be considered. Loud applaus. The salvation can never come from above, it can and will only come from the masses, from the bottom up. Applause And as we came to this realization and decided to form a party, a political party that wants to enter into the ruthless political struggle for the future, then we heard a voice: Do you believe that you few can do it, do you really believe that a couple of guys can do it? Because we understood that we had an immense battle ahead of us but also that anything created by men can be destroyed by other men. And another conviction has arisen within us, that this can not be a matter of whether we think we can do it, but only a question of whether we believe that it is right and that it is necessary, and if it is right and necessary, then it is no longer a question of whether we want to, but rather it is our duty to do what we feel is necessary. We did not ask after money and supporters, but we decided to go forth.

And while others are working a whole generation, perhaps in order to get a small house or to have a carefree retirement, we put our lives at stake and have begun this difficult struggle. If we win, and we are convinced we will, though we may die penniless we will have helped create the biggest movement which will now extend over all Europe and the whole world. Loud applause The first three principles were clear, and they are inseparable from each other. And we were aware that in this fight we can rely on no one but our own people. We are convinced that socialism in the right sense will only be possible in nations and races that are Aryan, and there in the first place we hope for our own people and are convinced that socialism is inseparable from nationalism. Loud applause To be nationalist does not mean for us to belong to one party or another, but to show with every action that one benefits the people; it means love for all the people without exception. From this point of view we will realize that it is necessary to preserve the most precious thing a people has, the sum of all active creative powers of its workers, to keep it healthy in body and soul.

Cheers And this view of nationalism compels us to immediately form a front against its opposite, the Semitic conception of the idea of people Volk , and especially against the Semitic concept of work. Since we are socialists, we must necessarily also be antisemites because we want to fight against the very opposite: materialism and mammonism. And when today the Jew still runs into our factories and says: How can you be a socialist antisemite? Are not you ashamed? Hear, hear There comes a time when it will be obvious that socialism can only be carried out accompanied by nationalism and antisemitism. The three concepts are inseparably connected. They are the foundations of our program and therefore we call ourselves National Socialists.

Cheers How to proceed Finally, we know how great the social reforms must be so that Germany may recover. We know that one will have to cut deep. We will not be able to come around the national problem and the issue of land reform, and the problem of care for all those who, day after day, are working for the community and in their old age this care must not be a pittance, but they have a right to have their old days be still worth living. If we wish to make these social reforms, this must go hand in hand with the fight against the enemy of every social institution: Jewry. Here too we know that scientific knowledge can only be the groundwork, but that behind this knowledge must stand an organization which one day will be able to go over into action.

Среди них было 160 тысяч граждан Германии. И на всё это я должен был закрыть глаза. Я был обязан молчать. В конце концов, это я сам захотел достигнуть разрядки напряжённости и, если возможно, то и полного мира с этим государством. Однако во время нашего общего вступления в Польшу, кремлёвские правители внезапно и в противоречии с договором также затребовали и Литву. Германия никогда не имела намерений оккупировать Литву. И Германия не только оказалась не способной предъявить такой же ультиматум литовскому правительству, но и отвергла запрос Литвы прислать германские войска, потому что это требование было не в соответствии с целями германской политики. Но несмотря на это, я подчинился и этому новому требованию Кремля. Однако это было только началом шантажа и всё новых и новых вымогательств. Победа в Польше, которая была достигнута исключительно германскими войсками, предоставила мне возможность ещё раз обратиться к западным странам с предложением мира. Это предложение мира в очередной раз было отвергнуто, как и всегда, благодаря интернациональным усилиям еврейских поджигателей войны. В это время причиной такого отказа был тот факт, что Англия ещё надеялась мобилизовать против Германии коалицию европейских стран, включавшую Балканские страны и Советскую Россию. Поэтому Лондон решил послать Mr. Cripps посланником в Москву. Криппс получил чёткие инструкции любыми средствами втянуть Советскую Россию в проанглийскую коалицию. Английская пресса сообщала об этой миссии, поскольку её никак нельзя было скрыть. Осенью 1939 года и весной 1940 года первые результаты этой миссии Криппса дали себя знать. В то время как Советская Россия предприняла попытку подчинить военной силой не только Финляндию, но и Балтийские страны, она вдруг начала обосновывать свои действия настолько же смехотворными, насколько они были и фальшивыми утверждениями, что, дескать, она должна «защитить эти страны от внешней угрозы». Эта «внешняя угроза» означала только Германию; никакая другая страна не имела доступа в балтийский бассейн и не могла там угрожать. Но я вынужден был молчать. Но те, кто был у власти в Кремле, немедленно пошли ещё дальше. В то время как весной 1940 года Германия, в соответствии с так называемым «Пактом о Ненападении», отозвала свои войска с восточной границы и на самом деле, большая часть восточной границы была тотально очищена от немецких войск , концентрация российских войск на западной границе уже началась, что уже можно было рассматривать как целенаправленную угрозу Германии. В соответствии с заявлением советского министра иностранных дел, а затем премьер-министра Вячеслава Молотова, персонально сделанным в то время, у Советов было уже весной 1940 года 22 дивизии только в одной Прибалтике. И в то время как само советское правительство всегда утверждало, что войска, дескать, были введены по просьбе местного населения Прибалтики, цель их продолжающегося присутствия была демонстрация своей силы Германии. В то время как наши солдаты с 5 мая 1940 года уничтожали англо-французские силы на западе, концентрация советских войск и их манёвры на нашей восточной границе приобретали всё более и более угрожающие размеры. Поэтому, в интересах Германии, я с августа 1940 года уже не мог более позволить нашими восточным провинциям, тем более что они к этому времени вообще зачастую были пустыми, оставаться незащищёнными ввиду беспрецедентного нарастания числа большевистских дивизий. Это всё был результат англо-советской кооперации, направленной на создание на востоке такой мощной армейской группировки, чтобы Германское Командование не смогло бы закончить блицкриг на западе полным разгромом, особенно, что касается в части военно-воздушных сил. И всё это было в соответствии не только с английской, но и советской политикой; поскольку и Англия, и Советская Россия имели ввиду затягивать войну как можно дольше, чтобы постепенно ослаблять и ослаблять всю Европу и сделать её совсем неспособной. Анализируя, атака СССР на Румынию была также направлена на овладение важной материальной базой не только Германии, но и всеевропейской экономики и, по меньшей мере, имела ввиду разрушить её. Германия, особенно с 1933 года, с непрерывным терпением искала возможности наладить торговлю со странами юго-восточной Европы. Поэтому мы всегда были заинтересованы во внутреннем спокойствии и внутренней организации этих стран. Советское нападение на Румынию и связка Греции с Англией грозили в короткое время превратить этот регион в театр войны. Прямо противоположно своим принципам и срочной просьбе румынского правительства, которое само несло ответственность именно за такое развитие событий, я советовал им принятие советских требований ради мира и уступку Бессарабии Молдавии.

Was Sie da sagen, ist ungeheuerlich. Sie ist ohne Ehre! У них нет чести! Es hat mir jeden erdenklichen Widerstand in den Weg gelegt! Ich war nie auf einer Akademie.

Adolf Hitler: Rede vor dem Reichstag am 1. September 1939

Полный текст заявления Гитлера от 22 июня 1941 года Выступление гитлера на немецком текст.
Знаменитый фрагмент из фильма “Der Untergang” (рус. “Бункер”) — Речь Гитлера в бункере III Рейх (200) Советский Союз в политико-экономических планах Германии, конец 1920-1930-х гг. (13).

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