Новости наказание на английском

Статья подается в оригинале (на английском) и переводе (перевод не дословный). 43-летняя супермодель проявила эмоции на публике в Майами. Жизель Бюндхен не смогла сдержать слез, получив штраф от полицейского.

The Times & The Sunday Times Homepage

НАКАЗАНИЕ — НАКАЗАНИЕ, наказания, ср. 1. Взыскание, налагаемое имеющим право, власть или силу, на того, кто совершил преступление или проступок; кара. Русско-английский и англо-русский юридический онлайн-словарь. Примеры использования наказание в предложениях и их переводы. Любому лицу, финансирующему террористические акты, назначается наказание в виде лишения свободы сроком до 10 лет. Во время судебного разбирательства (court proceeding) выносят приговор (to pass verdict on smb) и назначают наказание (to mete out punishment to smb).

Наказание — перевод на английский

Согласно новой формулировке, распространение фейков наказывается лишением свободы на срок не менее трех месяцев и крупным штрафом. Греческие журналисты назвали данное решение Парламента попыткой ограничить свободу слова и контролировать личное мнение, так как обновленная статья УК касается любой информации, являющейся предметом общественного обсуждения. Таким образом, выражение персональных мнений публично или в Интернете также может быть классифицировано как ложные новости или слухи.

This rate is highest for queer women and trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming individuals Buist, 2020; Donohue et al.

This known pathway clearly depicts a systemic issue—one that warrants attention and remediation.

Professor Deirdre Golash, author of The Case against Punishment: Retribution, Crime Prevention, and the Law, says: We ought not to impose such harm on anyone unless we have a very good reason for doing so. This remark may seem trivially true, but the history of humankind is littered with examples of the deliberate infliction of harm by well-intentioned persons in the vain pursuit of ends which that harm did not further, or in the successful pursuit of questionable ends. These benefactors of humanity sacrificed their fellows to appease mythical gods and tortured them to save their souls from a mythical hell, broke and bound the feet of children to promote their eventual marriageability, beat slow schoolchildren to promote learning and respect for teachers, subjected the sick to leeches to rid them of excess blood, and put suspects to the rack and the thumbscrew in the service of truth. They schooled themselves to feel no pity—to renounce human compassion in the service of a higher end. The deliberate doing of harm in the mistaken belief that it promotes some greater good is the essence of tragedy. We would do well to ask whether the goods we seek in harming offenders are worthwhile, and whether the means we choose will indeed secure them.

But these are only the minimum harms, suffered by the least vulnerable inmates in the best-run prisons. Most prisons are run badly, and in some, conditions are more squalid than in the worst of slums. In the District of Columbia jail, for example, inmates must wash their clothes and sheets in cell toilets because the laundry machines are broken. But even inmates in prisons where conditions are sanitary must still face the numbing boredom and emptiness of prison life—a vast desert of wasted days in which little in the way of meaningful activity is possible. Advocates of this viewpoint argue that such suppression of intention causes the harmful behaviors to remain, making punishment counterproductive.

The book was written in 1865 — 1866.

Читайте лучшие произведения русской и мировой литературы полностью онлайн бесплатно и без регистрации, без сокращений. Бесплатное чтение книг. Книги — корабли мысли, странствующие по волнам времени и бережно несущие свой драгоценный груз от поколения к поколению.

Стала известна возможная мера наказания английскому вандалу

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Наказание - перевод с русского на английский

Найдено 30 результатов перевода перевода фразы "наказание" с русского на английский. Значение, Синонимы, Антонимы. Top stories in the U.S. and world news, politics, health, science, business, music, arts and culture. Nonprofit journalism with a mission. This is NPR. Английский перевод штраф или наказание – Русский-Английский Словарь и поисковая система, английский перевод.

Russian Politics & Diplomacy

Греция вводит уголовное наказание за распространение ложной информации о коронавирусе 13 ноября 2021, 13:57 Смотри новости и проекты телеканала ОНТ на YouTube Парламент Греции одобрил введение уголовного наказания за распространение фейковых новостей о коронавирусе, передает РИА «Новости». В поправках к существующей в УК Греции статье уточняется, что уголовное преследование предусмотрено за публикацию ложных новостей «способных вызвать беспокойство или страх у граждан или поколебать доверие общества к национальной экономике, обороноспособности страны или общественному здравоохранению». Согласно новой формулировке, распространение фейков наказывается лишением свободы на срок не менее трех месяцев и крупным штрафом.

Бесплатное чтение книг. Книги — корабли мысли, странствующие по волнам времени и бережно несущие свой драгоценный груз от поколения к поколению. Фрэнсис Бэкон Без чтения нет настоящего образования, нет и не может быть ни вкуса, ни слова, ни многосторонней шири понимания; Гёте и Шекспир равняются целому университету. Чтением человек переживает века.

В соответствии с этим соглашением врачи будут иметь возможность сообщать о нарушениях со стороны торговых представителей Pfizer. Чиновники также сказали, что Pfizer должна будет делать «подробные раскрытия» на своем интернет-сайте.

В феврале Pfizer объявила о своем плане публичного раскрытия своих финансовых отношений с врачами, медицинскими организациями и группами пациентов. Однако, это не первое соглашение компании с государством о корпоративной этике. К настоящему времени Pfizer оштрафована за незаконные продажи четыре раза с 2002 года. Прописывание лекарств представляет собой только одну десятую часть затрат на медицинское обслуживание в Соединенных Штатах. Но быстро растущий спрос и цены сделали их частью дебатов по реформе здравоохранения. Видеоролик с субтитрами и четким медленным американским произношением можно просмотреть в формате mp4 или скачать в формате rar. Ролик загружается для просмотра в течение 30 — 60 секунд. It also includes the largest criminal fine ever in any case in the United States, more than one billion dollars.

Pfizer agreed to pay another billion dollars for violations of a civil law, the False Claims Act. Pfizer, based in New York, had sales last year of forty-eight billion dollars. Pfizer pushed sales of Bextra for several uses unapproved by the government because of safety concerns.

Он разработан для защиты людей с эпилепсией, которые часто сталкиваются в сети с троллями, отправляющими мерцающие изображения. Подобные файлы могут спровоцировать эпилептические припадки и наносят людям серьезный физический и психологический ущерб. Закон получил такое название благодаря мальчику Заку, который в восьмилетнем возрасте в социальной сети X ранее Twitter начал кампанию по сбору средств для благотворительной организации Epilepsy Society. В комментариях к сообщениям некоторые люди начали оставлять фото и GIF-файлы с мерцающим эффектом, в результате чего несколько человек сообщили о возникновении припадков.

Legal Punishment

Of course, Russia has a written and of course, America, the UK does not have a written constitution. Oh, right. Which is really interesting. This is old historical structure. Maybe it does exist.

I believe there is a Bill of Rights, or at least there is discussion about introducing it in the UK. So our founding fathers knew this. So they put very general things. And so, of course, as time changes and people change, conditions change.

You have to interpret it or misinterpret it. And do they still wear the wigs? They do, they do. I love these wigs.

So actually like in the movies and everithing? I mean, it is so crazy to watch the British in court fighting each other or not in court, in the parliament, I should say. In the parliament. Not in America.

The House of Parliament is a very rowdy parliament. Yeah, rowdy is a great word. It is fun to watch. And very noisy.

They insult each other. They get emotional. And they boo and make noise. A lot of parliaments do have...

But some parliaments people get physical. Well, of course, you have the famous video of Жириновский throwing water at people. That was so fun. Did you see that video?

He had a disagreement with another person and he threw water. Yeah, it was probably over the retaking of Alaska. Yeah, but that was funny. It was quite the scene.

So why do people commit crimes? Oh, for many reasons. Out of. Well, I do not know.

Out of spite, out of hatred. Some people do it out of. Out of addiction sometimes. So when people steal because they need, they want a dose of something like that.

There is so, so, so, so, so many reasons. Well, this is a really big general question about to throw down here. You spoke about addictions. I mean, some people would do it because of their mental health, you know, mental illness, maybe especially, you know, if you look at the history of all those like serial killers and everything, they knew what they were doing.

But why? This is a big question still. Like what was driving them? And some of them wanted to be studied here.

But another reason is gangs that would be a part of their initiation, being part of it. Would you like to be part of a gang? Thank you. Humans have a tribal instinct.

Like you want to belong. Then, yeah, you need to have a family. Well, I was going to ask the big question, I was going to throw down is, do you think that drugs should be legalized or made illegal? Because they cause so many crimes?

Well, addictions lead to many crimes. I believe, yes. So but... Go on.

I was I was going to ask you, what are your feelings about the way that they legalized some drugs in the US? And so I just. And it kind of concerns me a little bit that they post like, Oh, how to find out if this is a good drug and how to help a person who has overdosed and everything? And not only was like not only about marijuana but about meth, about fentanyl.

The two most common penalties that Appeals may remove abate are penalties that can have a reasonable cause: Failure to file Failure to pay Reasonable cause is relief IRS may grant when a taxpayer exercises ordinary business care and prudence in determining their tax obligations but is unable to comply with those obligations due to circumstances beyond their control. The IRS can also remove abate penalties because of certain statutory exceptions and administrative waivers.

It is cruel and inhumane. People have been sentenced to death and later it was discovered that they were completely innocent. The poor and defenceless are more likely to be executed than the rich and powerful. And what do you think about it? From Speak Out 4, 1998 Смертная казнь В демократических странах существуют споры: как общество должно наказывать убийц? Или террористов?

Или похитителей? В некоторых странах смертная казнь была отменена. Но она все еще используется в других. В США, 39 штатов имеют смертную казнь, а 11 нет. Различные государства используют различные методы исполнения приговоров: электрический стул, газовая камера, инъекции яда.

Thank you. Humans have a tribal instinct. Like you want to belong. Then, yeah, you need to have a family.

Well, I was going to ask the big question, I was going to throw down is, do you think that drugs should be legalized or made illegal? Because they cause so many crimes? Well, addictions lead to many crimes. I believe, yes. So but... Go on. I was I was going to ask you, what are your feelings about the way that they legalized some drugs in the US? And so I just. And it kind of concerns me a little bit that they post like, Oh, how to find out if this is a good drug and how to help a person who has overdosed and everything?

And not only was like not only about marijuana but about meth, about fentanyl. England and America. You do this, this and this. Like you said. A definitely England and America with many, many, many drug addicts in both our countries. Yeah, and in Russia, like obviously they have stricter laws with regards to drugs. Well, Portugal has completely decriminalized all drugs, heroin, crack, everything. And this has been the case since the year 2000. And then we have our so-called war on drugs.

And that has been people are really against this thing that has not worked. So, you know. They put in a lot more money in the prison system than the education at one point. Do we really want to fill up our prisons with these, you know, low level drug crimes? And I can really see that point. I can understand that. But and at one point, I was definitely for it. What are you going to say? I mean, but how...

Is the law morality or is the law something else... Ancient that have been discussed... Yes, for centuries and centuries. Is it the morality of it or the actual law? What should we do? And then we end up doing this or that. Yeah, well, in the Philippines, for instance, they take a really strict approach to the drugs, like, I believe the president himself physically went and and chase down the drug dealers. You kind of never know what exactly is going to happen with this or that action. Yet if we look back in history, Mexico was controlled by the drug cartels for a very, very long time.

I just do not know whether it is. I would say that it is. Absolutely controlled by the cartels. And, yeah, the cartels basically are the Mexican government. And I guess Thailand has just legalized the medical marijuana and recreational. Yeah, yeah. Thailand has. Only marijuana. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

And Turkey. Does Turkey take a rigid, strict approach to drugs? But Turkey is like a geopolitical kind of pathway from Middle East to Europe. So you can find anything you want. But if you get caught, all right, you get life, in a way. What would happen to you if the police stopped you? If you get caught, you need to pay a fine and you can face a prison sentence like six months to three years. I guess so, yeah. If you have control on something you can all right, you can stop or reduce the negative effects related to that thing.

So it can be kind of a restrictive thing. But of course, you can get whatever you want, anytime you want. So you can, you can do that way, but you take the risk, of course. Another aspect of law is how has dealt with poor people compared to rich people. And so in America, we will have people of color and poor people filling up the prisons much more than anyone who could buy their way out or have influence. But what do you think about drinking and driving? Because different countries have kind of different approaches to this.

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