Новости драфт нхл 2024 рейтинг проспектов

Рейтинг драфта НХЛ — 2024 игроков остального мира возглавляет финский нападающий Конста Хелениус. Журналист The Athletic поставил Левшунова на второе место в рейтинга драфта-2024 НХЛ. An early look at the 2024 NHL Draft class with the top 12 ranked prospects, including Macklin Celebrini, Cole Eiserman, Ivan Demidov, and more. Защитник нижегородского «Торпедо» Антон Силаев занял первое место в международном рейтинге драфта НХЛ в 2024 году, сообщает Центральное скаутское бюро лиги.

NHL Scoring Leaders 2023‑2024

Промежуточный рейтинг возглавил форвард финского «Юкурита» Конста Хелениус. Он выпустил свой предварительный рейтинг десяти лучших проспектов для драфта НХЛ следующего года. Первая десятка рейтинга лучших проспектов драфта-2024 НХЛ по версии Sportsnet выглядит следующим образом. Белорусский защитник Артем Левшунов занимает шестую позицию в рейтинге лучших проспектов драфта НХЛ-2024 по версии портала Elite Prospects. With the 2024 NHL Draft just 2 months away, it's time to take a look at the top 100 prospects available in this year's draft class.

Looking ahead at the 2024 NHL Draft’s top 12 prospects

2024 NHL Draft Rankings – Horn’s Top 100 for April Четверо россиян вошли в топ-10 международного рейтинга драфта 2024 года по версии центрального скаутского бюро Национальной хоккейной лиги (НХЛ) по итогам половины сезона.
2024 NHL Mock Draft | NHL Projected Lines Main navigation.
2024 NHL Draft rankings: Mid-November top 40 62-й драфт НХЛ пройдёт с 28 по 29 июня 2024 года в Парадайсе, штат Невада, США. Ожидается, что драфт пройдёт на музыкально-развлекательной арене «Сфера».
Два игрока из КХЛ вошли в топ-5 лучших проспектов на драфте НХЛ 2024 Защитник нижегородского «Торпедо» Антон Силаев занял первое место в финальной версии международного рейтинга драфта 2024 года по версии центрального скаутского бюро НХЛ.
Россиянин возглавил международный рейтинг драфта НХЛ 2024 года :: Хоккей :: РБК Спорт Американское издание Sportsnet опубликовало ноябрьский рейтинг игроков, которых клубы НХЛ могут выбрать на драфте 2024 года.


Main navigation. Четверо россиян вошли в десятку международного рейтинга драфта 2024 года по версии центрального скаутского бюро Национальной хоккейной лиги (НХЛ), сообщается на странице пресс-службы НХЛ в соцсети X. Тегибелорусы на драфте нхл, драфт нхл белорусы. Main navigation. The 2024 NHL draft will be held at The Sphere in Las Vegas on Friday, June 28th, and Saturday, June 29th.

Хоккеист «Торпедо» возглавил рейтинг игроков не из Северной Америки перед драфтом НХЛ

Первые две — за нападающими Макклином Селебрини и Коулом Эйзерманом. На восьмом месте — защитник «Торпедо» Антон Силаев. Нападающий «Динамо» Антон Чернышов занял 18-е место.

Clarke Caswell, C, Swift Current Broncos — Continues to slide down our board after an initial impressive World Under-17 Hockey Challenge performance for Canada even though he flashes some strong playmaking. Justin Poirier, RW, Baie-Comeau Drakkar — The small but highly skilled forward can take over a game but only when he wants to and so far there have been too many lazy looking shifts to start the season. He takes many useless shots and he lacks some hockey IQ with awareness. Still a good prospect, just not as high as we once were on him. So, stick around as we promise to offer you plenty of educated and honest draft related content this season, including our 2024 Draft Preview Magazine coming in time for Christmas.

Это показывает, насколько некоторые специалисты уверены в перспективах этого защитника, выступающего в главной юниорской лиге США. В последнем сезоне он набрал 42 очка, что является впечатляющим показателем для игрока, которому на драфт выходить только через год.

Левшунов отлично действует в атаке и обороне, у него хорошие руки и высокий хоккейный IQ.

Демидов хочет выиграть Кубок Гагарина Нападающий СКА Иван Демидов идет на третьем месте в списке, 17-летний форвард известен своим универсализмом, культурой паса и броском. В межсезонье он наигрывался в звено к выбранному седьмым на драфте-2023 "Филадельфией" Матвею Мичкову. Тот пробовался в тройке в качестве центрфорварда, но в начале чемпионата Фонбет - Континентальной хоккейной лиги не закрепился в основе армейцев и был отправлен в аренду в "Сочи". Демидов также пока не имеет твердого места в составе, свой последний матч за СКА он провел против "Спартака" 12 сентября. Несмотря на это, по мнению Баттона, Демидов по своему потенциалу выглядит сильнее Мичкова, эксперт сравнил его с форвардом "Тампы" Никитой Кучеровым. В своем рейтинге Баттон, как и Маккензи, поставил Демидова на третье место. Контракт Демидова со СКА действует еще два сезона. Несмотря на такие лестные оценки, уроженцу подмосковного Сергиева Посада как минимум в течение двух лет нужно постараться пробиться в основной состав СКА, чтобы реализовать свой талант. Главный тренер команды Молодежной хоккейной лиги МХЛ "СКА-1946", в составе которой Демидов побил рекорд по результативности Кучерова в лиге среди игроков в возрасте до 17 лет, Александр Титов по технике и мысли сравнил хоккеиста с двукратным обладателем Кубка Стэнли Павлом Дацюком.

По словам тренера, Демидову ни в коем случае нельзя останавливаться в своем развитии. Надо работать на тренировках. Для того, чтобы играть в первой команде, а не в фарм-клубах". Сам Демидов уже давал понять, что пока не думает о драфте.

Два российских игрока вошли в топ-5 лучших проспектов драфта-2024 НХЛ по версии Sportsnet

The highest a Norweigan has been picked was Marius Holtet, who went 42nd overall in 2002. The Oslo native has everything to be a top NHLer. The things that make him stand out? His release is fantastic, he gets the puck off crisply, quickly, and with a high level of accuracy even if it is away from his body or in his feet. His hockey IQ is impressive, he is virtually never out of position and seemingly knows where everyone is on ice at all times. He is also a legitimate power-forward, who likes to throw his weight around and get to the net-front. On the boards he regularly dominates men 15 years his senior. Defensively he is also impressive, with an active stick and the ability to win most 1-v-1 battles. His skating is solid, but will need to get more explosive. Additionally, while his vision is fantastic, he does not always connect on pass attempts, and will likely never be a high-end play-maker. But make no mistake, he has the potential to be one of the premier two-way wingers in the NHL.

He uses the threat of his shot very effectively to create passing lanes for his teammates to move into. He plays a very intelligent game which sees him attack the middle often and quite successfully as he leverages a combination of his high-level stickhandling and physical tools. The knock on his game thus far has been his quirky staking style, but it seems to be improving with each game, and he still has good speed in-spite of his mechanics. Additionally, he has proven to be quite the effective penalty killer for Windsor, and this is a result of his excellent stick movement, often eliminating passing lanes in the defensive zone and helping create passing options in the offensive zone. Similarly to Misa, he looks to pray on the vulnerable and does a great job of stick lifting and poke checking to cause disruption in puck possession. Iginla does well at feathering passes in tight and does a good job with puck security when being pursued by multiple attackers at close proximity. Iginla has second line upside and could be deployed at center or wing without losing a step. But make no mistake, the Nizhnekamsk native has been one of the best three Russian forwards amongst his age-group for the last couple of years. This year however? He has taken a giant leap, and is playing at a level in the KHL that very few draft eligibles ever achieve.

Artamonov belies the outdated stereotype of the skilled, Russian winger who only plays in the offensive zone. He is an energiser bunny. Voracious on the fore-check, diligent in the defensive zone, with an active stick that constantly disrupts lanes. Furthermore, while no-one would mistake him for a physical player, he is more than happy to go to the corners or net-front. He is a great skater and a fantastic passer, alongside this his ability to get free ice in the offensive zone is exceptional. The downsides? He has extremely good speed for his size especially his lateral speed that allows him to shift positioning when he is slighly further away from where he needs to be when defending against the rush. Silyaev uses his reach and size to take up space. While this ranking might seem relatively low to where others have Silayev, the offensive upside of Artamonov, Iginla, Misa, Greentree and others in the 10-20 range made it a challenge for the Smaht team to push Silayev up higher. Josh Tessler 18 — Trevor Connelly, F, Tri-City Trevor Connelly does a good job of not forcing the puck into danger and will pivot away from pressure to get the separation that he needs to complete a pass to the interior.

When driving the cycle to find a lane to the slot, he does a good job of navigating the puck around pressure with his reach and great handling. He will work the puck along the boards and scan for passing lanes to get the puck to an open teammate in the slot. If he has the puck and a teammate is close by with an attacker looking on, he will delay, draw the attacker to him and then pass to his teammate who is now open with a clear lane to the crease. Hemming has them all. He can be a juggernaut even against men in Liiga, able to use his speed, edge-work, pick-handling and size in conjunction to drop a shoulder and get past anyone. Even at 17 years old against men, Hemming has an incredible transition game. His wrist-shot is lethal to boot, and he is able to pick a corner from anywhere on ice. While he has the size he rarely uses it, and plays on the perimeter. Defensively he gets lost far too often, and his consistency is also worrying, as even against his own age-group he can go missing for long stretches. There is the upside for him to be a 30 goal scorer in the NHL if he can iron out these kinks.

Boisvert will toe drag to get separation and then quickly make use of a passing lane. He has a great shot off of the rush and has found success sniping far side top shelf goals from low danger. His dangling and toe drags have helped light the lamp in Muskegon regularly. Is this simply a case of the spotlight being so strong, for so long, that his weaknesses have been magnified? The answer is probably no.

His 13 goals also lead his team and have him tied for fourth in the WHL. He could very well end up as a solid second line centre.

Kiviharju is excellent in transition, given his incredible hockey IQ and high-level skating and puck skills. He has one goal and two points through seven games in the Liiga this season, which is a goal more and a point less than he managed through 22 games in his rookie season last year. Kiviharju has the potential to be a top-pair, top power play defenceman, but it is also possible he settles in as a top-four power play quarterback. Either way, I see him running a top power play unit. He has excellent hockey IQ and a high-level vision and playmaking allow him to find open teammates and rack up assists while still being a threat to score. Helenius has five goals and 10 points in 17 games this season, which is just a point shy of his total through 33 games last season. So, what does this mean for Adam?

Absolutely nothing! Remember Fedor Fedorov? Joel Lundqvist? Steve Kariya?

That should probably be turning more heads than it has.

He is a fantastic transition player and drives play as a result. His passing is crisp, accurate and deceptive, and while he might primarily be a play-maker he has a good shot, especially his one-timer from the left half-wall on the power-play. He is not the fastest, but is extremely shifty and agile. Helenius also has an exceptional compete level, and is more than solid defensively. Alex Appleyard 12 — Luke Misa, C, Mississauga Luke Misa plays a very high-tempo game, prays on the vulnerable when on the forecheck, can drive the rush and create chances off of the rush regularly.

Misa will feather passes in tight lanes in all three zones as he looks to push play up ice. In the offensive zone when off puck, he does a great job of finding open ice down low to create an intriguing passing option for his teammates. He will also look to jump onto loose pucks at the crease and capitalize with a quick goal before the goaltender can react. Misa has tremendous upside and could see a bump up in our next set of rankings. The highest a Norweigan has been picked was Marius Holtet, who went 42nd overall in 2002.

The Oslo native has everything to be a top NHLer. The things that make him stand out? His release is fantastic, he gets the puck off crisply, quickly, and with a high level of accuracy even if it is away from his body or in his feet. His hockey IQ is impressive, he is virtually never out of position and seemingly knows where everyone is on ice at all times. He is also a legitimate power-forward, who likes to throw his weight around and get to the net-front.

On the boards he regularly dominates men 15 years his senior. Defensively he is also impressive, with an active stick and the ability to win most 1-v-1 battles. His skating is solid, but will need to get more explosive. Additionally, while his vision is fantastic, he does not always connect on pass attempts, and will likely never be a high-end play-maker. But make no mistake, he has the potential to be one of the premier two-way wingers in the NHL.

He uses the threat of his shot very effectively to create passing lanes for his teammates to move into. He plays a very intelligent game which sees him attack the middle often and quite successfully as he leverages a combination of his high-level stickhandling and physical tools. The knock on his game thus far has been his quirky staking style, but it seems to be improving with each game, and he still has good speed in-spite of his mechanics. Additionally, he has proven to be quite the effective penalty killer for Windsor, and this is a result of his excellent stick movement, often eliminating passing lanes in the defensive zone and helping create passing options in the offensive zone. Similarly to Misa, he looks to pray on the vulnerable and does a great job of stick lifting and poke checking to cause disruption in puck possession.

Iginla does well at feathering passes in tight and does a good job with puck security when being pursued by multiple attackers at close proximity. Iginla has second line upside and could be deployed at center or wing without losing a step. But make no mistake, the Nizhnekamsk native has been one of the best three Russian forwards amongst his age-group for the last couple of years. This year however? He has taken a giant leap, and is playing at a level in the KHL that very few draft eligibles ever achieve.

Artamonov belies the outdated stereotype of the skilled, Russian winger who only plays in the offensive zone. He is an energiser bunny. Voracious on the fore-check, diligent in the defensive zone, with an active stick that constantly disrupts lanes. Furthermore, while no-one would mistake him for a physical player, he is more than happy to go to the corners or net-front. He is a great skater and a fantastic passer, alongside this his ability to get free ice in the offensive zone is exceptional.

The downsides? He has extremely good speed for his size especially his lateral speed that allows him to shift positioning when he is slighly further away from where he needs to be when defending against the rush. Silyaev uses his reach and size to take up space. While this ranking might seem relatively low to where others have Silayev, the offensive upside of Artamonov, Iginla, Misa, Greentree and others in the 10-20 range made it a challenge for the Smaht team to push Silayev up higher. Josh Tessler 18 — Trevor Connelly, F, Tri-City Trevor Connelly does a good job of not forcing the puck into danger and will pivot away from pressure to get the separation that he needs to complete a pass to the interior.

When driving the cycle to find a lane to the slot, he does a good job of navigating the puck around pressure with his reach and great handling. He will work the puck along the boards and scan for passing lanes to get the puck to an open teammate in the slot. If he has the puck and a teammate is close by with an attacker looking on, he will delay, draw the attacker to him and then pass to his teammate who is now open with a clear lane to the crease. Hemming has them all. He can be a juggernaut even against men in Liiga, able to use his speed, edge-work, pick-handling and size in conjunction to drop a shoulder and get past anyone.

Хотя он был немного «зеленым» в оборонительном плане, когда приехал в USHL, он быстро прогрессировал и действительно разобрался с этим в этом году. Он умело пасует и владеет шайбой, может с комфортом руководить выходами из своей зоны и входами в чужую зону. Он умело ходит по линии и хорошо контролирует игру. И хотя я бы не сказал, что он пока динамичен в нападении, он хорошо находит пространство и играет уверенно и спокойно.

В топ-10 европейского рейтинга драфта НХЛ 2024 года оказались четверо россиян

With the 2024 NHL Draft just 2 months away, it's time to take a look at the top 100 prospects available in this year's draft class. Промежуточный рейтинг возглавил форвард финского «Юкурита» Конста Хелениус. Защитник нижегородского «Торпедо» Антон Силаев возглавил рейтинг игроков не из Северной Америки перед драфтом НХЛ 2024 года. Недавно был опубликован первоначальный рейтинг драфта НХЛ 2024 года.

2024 NHL Draft Rankings – Horn’s Top 100 for April

However, in a league where top pairing defensemen are at a premium, if Kiviharju falls outside the first? There is the potential for one of the bigger draft steals in recent history. While there are concerns about his game the upside is inarguable. His hockey IQ would be the envy of most NHLers, he is almost always two-steps ahead and rarely makes bad decisions. This, combined with fantastic vision, great passing and silky hands means he is great in transition, and controls play when set-up in the OZ. Defensively he has an active stick, good gap control, and thrives on breaking up plays before they develop. He is also strong down low, even against players 15 years older and 50lbs heavier. His upside is still a 1 defenseman despite the concerns. Mews has excellent handling that he can ulitize to navigate through tight pressure to get separation before completing an outlet feed.

While he has had productive shifts where he pushed pace, there are shifts in which I see Mews will encounter pressure and pass into traffic instead of using his handling to open up an uncontested passing lane. Defensively, Mews will struggle with gap control from time to time and his defensive work could use further refinement, but when you to balance that with his distribution with the puck you are looking at a mid-to-late first round prospect. Although there may be something to this, Ritchie is still doing a lot of things very well. I have a tough time seeing him falling out of round 1 as the season goes along. His feet and hands are ultra quick making him an exceptional puck carrier. If you give Ritchie time to pickup speed and attack defenders downhill, you will be sorry after he beats you, and secures middle ice. Since the new year of this past season, Yakemchuk has really started to take strides, and his game continues to round itself out. Yakemchuk has a nice blend of size, skill, and aggressiveness that allow him to be a force all over the ice.

His instincts are great, and he joins the rush when he feels he can contribute to the play. He holds his own in the defensive zone with his size and ability to separate puck carriers from the puck to quick start offense the other way for his side. He plays a gritty grame and works the boards with great pressure shift in shift out. He is defensively responsible in transition and will put up a tough fight at open ice. In the defensive zone, he will fall back to the low slot and provide support to his defensemen down low. Most of his MHL primary 5v5 points have come off of odd man rushes. His puck movement in transition is excellent. His handling and distribution is excellent.

He is shifty, mobile, agile and has tremendous speed. Basha does a good job of utilizing tight passing lanes to the slot. He will grab possession of loose pucks off the boards, drive to the trapezoid and look to feather passes to the low slot. I could see Basha being a riser in the next of rankings. Josh Tessler 27 — Tanner Howe, F, Regina Tanner Howe plays a high-energy skilled game with a dogged off-puck game that allows him to play bigger than he is. I expect him to rise as the year goes on, but if his microstat profile stays the same, his size will see him slip in the draft. Whenever he has the puck outside of the slot and pressure intensifies, he looks for the tighest gaps and uses them to get pucks to the slot. He has great handling and will implement shot fakes and toe drags to net the separation that he needs to get a pass off.

When shooting from range, he has a very quick shot release and will look to target glove side. He also tallied quite a few backdoor goals at 5v5 this season by being in the right space at the right time. Defensively, he plays more of a support role, but always looks to cement himself in open ice towards the blue line so he can provide an outlet lane for his defensemen. Marques has middle six upside. On the flip side, he will use pivots to shake free of pressure when he has the puck. From a transition perspective, Ustinkov looks to usually make an outlet pass from the backend to a teammate further up in the defensive zone and let his forwards push play up ice. But, there are some shifts in which he looks to be a bit more of a driver in transition. He will skate up the offensive zone blue line to be a passing option for his teammates in the neutral zone, facilitate a controlled zone entry once he has the puck on his stick, push the puck up the boards and try to find a gap to get a pass off to a teammate down in the zone.

When off puck and the oppositional breakout is about to kick off, he will skate up to the backside of an attacker off of the boards to make it a challenge for that attacker to grab control of the puck off of a pass from a the defenseman looking to complete a breakout pass. His distribution from deep in his own zone has been great. He can wire quick stretch passes to the neutral zone and does a good job of identifying tight passing lanes while pushing the puck up in the defensive zone and seeing that he could potentially get the puck in the hands of a teammate further up in the zone. Is he an exciting player? Not really.

Среди вратарей Илья Набоков из магнитогорского «Металлурга» занимает второе место.

Набоков является основным голкипером «Металлурга», который вышел в финал Кубка Гагарина, где сыграет с ярославским «Локомотивом».

Россиянин возглавил международный рейтинг драфта НХЛ 2024 года Россиянин Силаев возглавил международный рейтинг перед драфтом НХЛ 2024 года Защитник нижегородского «Торпедо» Антон Силаев занял первое место среди полевых игроков не из Северной Америки. Об этом сообщается на сайте НХЛ.

Левшунов соответствует всем параметрам, которые команды ищут в защитниках высокого класса. Он правша с профессиональным телосложением. Он хорошо катается, обладает хорошей подвижностью в четырех направлениях.

Хотя он был немного «зеленым» в оборонительном плане, когда приехал в USHL, он быстро прогрессировал и действительно разобрался с этим в этом году.

NHL Draft 2024 Top Prospects

  • Россияне Силаев и Демидов возглавили рейтинг драфта НХЛ-2024
  • MapMakers - Россиянин возглавил международный рейтинг драфта НХЛ 2024 года от 16.04.2024
  • Белорус и два россиянина в топ-5 проспектов драфта-2024 в НХЛ
  • 1. Macklin Celebrini, C (Boston University, NCAA)
  • 2024 NHL entry draft - Wikipedia

Sportsnet: Демидов – 3-й в рейтинге проспектов на драфте НХЛ-2024, Силаев – 8-й, Чернышов – 18-й

Тегибелорусы на драфте нхл, драфт нхл белорусы. Промежуточный рейтинг возглавил форвард финского «Юкурита» Конста Хелениус. Колумнист авторитетного портала The Athletic Кори Пронман опубликовал свои собственные предварительные рейтинги лучших проспектов для ярмарок талантов 2024 и 2025 годов. Prospect rankings for the top college, junior, and international players in the 2024 NHL Draft. Upside Hockey's 2024 NHL Draft Rankings: Spring Edition. We're two months away from the 2024 NHL Draft, and the class is starting to come into shape.

1. Macklin Celebrini, C (Boston University, NCAA)

  • #1 Macklin Celebrini, F, Boston University (NCAA)
  • Силаев возглавил финальный рейтинг драфта НХЛ-2024
  • Белорус и два россиянина в топ-5 рейтинга драфта-2024 в НХЛ
  • DobberProspects’ November Top 32 for the 2024 NHL Draft – DobberProspects

Два игрока из КХЛ вошли в топ-5 лучших проспектов на драфте НХЛ 2024

Автор издания Daily Faceoff Стивен Эллис составил рейтинг проспектов, которых команды Национальной хоккейной лиги смогут выбрать следующим летом. В топ-10 списка оказались белорусский защитник Артем Левшунов и российский нападающий Иван Демидов, занявшие третье и четвертое места соответственно. Это показывает, насколько некоторые специалисты уверены в перспективах этого защитника, выступающего в главной юниорской лиге США.

Hockey moves quickly. So much can change in an instant. One game, one weekend, one month. Some who looked destined to go in the top 10 are now teetering on being first-round picks at all at this point. You can talk to scouts from NHL, Europe, college, major junior, you name it, and get completely wildly different opinions on the same players. Macklin Celebrini, C Boston University, NCAA After dealing with shoulder surgery over the offseason, it would have made sense if Celebrini had a slow start to his freshman college season as a 17-year-old.

He was one of the most dominant players in the Russian junior league last year and looked solid during the KHL preseason. Despite limited KHL ice time, nobody is as creative as Demidov, who features a good mix of high hockey IQ, strong skating and tremendous vision. You can build a core around Demidov. At 6-foot-3, Dickinson has good speed, a great first stride and makes smart decisions with the puck. He has an NHL-caliber shot, but his bread and butter is being a dominant shutdown threat every single shift. From watching him a few times this year, I feel like he deserves more than the 0. The Medicine Hat Tigers forward seems to get better with every game, and he has tremendous speed for his frame. From talking to a few WHL defenders, Lindstrom might be the most feared player in a 1-on-1 situation due to his combination of speed, skill and pure mass.

The upside here is enormous — literally. The big draw is his mobility, which allows him to move more like someone five inches shorter.

Третьим в списке стал финн Конста Хелениус. Об этом пишет пресс-служба лиги. Также сообщается, что российский вратарь Михаил Егоров, выступающий за «Омаху», возглавил рейтинг голкиперов, выступающих в Северной Америке.

Он правша с профессиональным телосложением. Он хорошо катается, обладает хорошей подвижностью в четырех направлениях.

Хотя он был немного «зеленым» в оборонительном плане, когда приехал в USHL, он быстро прогрессировал и действительно разобрался с этим в этом году. Он умело пасует и владеет шайбой, может с комфортом руководить выходами из своей зоны и входами в чужую зону.

Четыре российских хоккеиста вошли в топ‑10 рейтинга драфта НХЛ 2024 года

Вторым в рейтинге стоит крайний нападающий Коул Эйзерман, который, как и многие американские игроки, является участником программы Ассоциации хоккея США по развитию игроков до 18 лет. Эксперты отмечают его бросок, из-за которого канадский аналитик, специализирующийся на выявлении хоккейных талантов, Крэйг Баттон сравнил Эйзермана с нападающим "Вашингтона" Александром Овечкиным. Демидов хочет выиграть Кубок Гагарина Нападающий СКА Иван Демидов идет на третьем месте в списке, 17-летний форвард известен своим универсализмом, культурой паса и броском. В межсезонье он наигрывался в звено к выбранному седьмым на драфте-2023 "Филадельфией" Матвею Мичкову. Тот пробовался в тройке в качестве центрфорварда, но в начале чемпионата Фонбет - Континентальной хоккейной лиги не закрепился в основе армейцев и был отправлен в аренду в "Сочи". Четырех россиян выбрали в первом раунде. Несмотря на это, по мнению Баттона, Демидов по своему потенциалу выглядит сильнее Мичкова, эксперт сравнил его с форвардом "Тампы" Никитой Кучеровым. В своем рейтинге Баттон, как и Маккензи, поставил Демидова на третье место.

Контракт Демидова со СКА действует еще два сезона. Несмотря на такие лестные оценки, уроженцу подмосковного Сергиева Посада как минимум в течение двух лет нужно постараться пробиться в основной состав СКА, чтобы реализовать свой талант. Главный тренер команды Молодежной хоккейной лиги МХЛ "СКА-1946", в составе которой Демидов побил рекорд по результативности Кучерова в лиге среди игроков в возрасте до 17 лет, Александр Титов по технике и мысли сравнил хоккеиста с двукратным обладателем Кубка Стэнли Павлом Дацюком. По словам тренера, Демидову ни в коем случае нельзя останавливаться в своем развитии. Надо работать на тренировках. Для того, чтобы играть в первой команде, а не в фарм-клубах".

Об этом пишет пресс-служба лиги. Также сообщается, что российский вратарь Михаил Егоров, выступающий за «Омаху», возглавил рейтинг голкиперов, выступающих в Северной Америке. Добавим, что лучшим среди полевых игроков, выступающих в Северной Америки, стал канадец Маклин Селебрини.

Louis Blues as the result of a trade December 8, 2023, that sent Robert Bortuzzo to New York in exchange for this pick. They are listed below with round, teams, condition itself and further notes, e.

На 20-м месте оказался нападающий системы московского «Динамо» Игорь Чернышов. Первая десятка рейтинга лучших проспектов драфта-2024 НХЛ по версии Sportsnet выглядит следующим образом: 1.

How the prospect model works

  • 1. Macklin Celebrini, C (Boston University, NCAA)
  • Affiliated Rankings
  • Содержание
  • Два российских игрока вошли в топ-5 лучших проспектов драфта-2024 НХЛ по версии Sportsnet
  • 25. Matvei Shuravin, LD — Krasnaya Armiya Moscow (MHL)

The Athletic: Силаев и Демидов в топ-10 рейтинга драфта НХЛ — 2024

Защитник нижегородского «Торпедо» Антон Силаев занял первое место в финальной версии международного рейтинга драфта 2024 года по версии центрального скаутского бюро НХЛ. Первая десятка рейтинга лучших проспектов драфта-2024 НХЛ по версии Sportsnet выглядит следующим образом. Четверо россиян вошли в десятку международного рейтинга драфта 2024 года по версии центрального скаутского бюро Национальной хоккейной лиги (НХЛ), сообщается на странице пресс-службы НХЛ в соцсети X. Журналисты Sportsnet составили рейтинг 30 лучших хоккеистов грядущего драфта НХЛ. Хоккеисты СКА и «Торпедо» — в списке лучших проспектов на драфте НХЛ 2024.

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