Новости фанфики томми и дрим

Он рассказывает о путешествии Томми к самопринятию и исцелению, используя при этом выпечку в качестве отдушины. Bottom Dream, Top tyDreamnotfound angstKarlNapity angstFather Dream, son Tommy AUDream and Tubbo brother AU. Арты с Томми Dream smp.

Dream And Tommy

Найтмер подошел к Дриму и грозно посмотрел ему в глаза — ты знал об этом. Read popular tommy x dream books in Webnovel. We provide tommy x dream novels, fan-fiction, comics for you to select. Tommy, sixteen, lives with Tubbo in an orphanage, the two of them running around in the cold streets of their town.

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22 Авиан Томми такой. Dream smp Томми арт. Главная» Vip» Фанфики дрим и джордж. Фанфики дрим и джордж. Просмотрите доску «Дрим/Томми» пользователя Иннокентий Радужный в Pinterest. После того, как Томми сжигает только что построенный дом Джорджа, Дрим в отместку возводит вокруг нового Л'Манберга обсидиановую стену.

Tommy Dream Fanfic Food

It turned out Dream did not care about his dead horse and went back to demanding that Tommy be exiled — which he eventually was. Tommy tries to kill Dream to get rid of the knowledge of the revive-book. It goes well, until Tommy gets too eager and pulls out the Axe of Peace too soon, causing Sam to spot him. Quackity is "Big Q", which is the only nickname Tommy has given that actually stuck. Wilbur is "Wil" or "Big Dubs". Tubbo is "Small T" or "Tubzo".

Technoblade is "The Blade". Dream is "Big D". Not Used to Freedom : After Exile, Tommy struggles to take matters into his own hands, to the point where Techno remarks that he has "no free will whatsoever". While Tommy improves a lot after Dream gets locked up, he sometimes states that it was a lot easier when he had someone else to make decisions for him which was his initial motivation for trying to get close to Wilbur again. He even tells Eryn that he missed Exile sometimes, likely for this reason.

When Wilbur underwent his Pogtopian mental health spiral, however, Tommy was dead serious and extremely concerned. Tommy is mostly known for being very loud and confident. However, when Tubbo exiled him, Tommy was stunned into horrified silence. Tommy had always been a Determinator , becoming extremely attached to anything and anyone and fighting tooth and nail to keep them. During his stay with Techno, Tommy often kept a full stack of golden apples on him, and would start cramming them into his mouth as soon as he noticed even the slightest hint of a possible threat.

This even extended to him eating a golden apple while Dream was in the room looking for him, leading to Techno scolding him for his inability to stay silent. It works. Tommy came out as bicurious during the 2024 Tubbathon... This is... Because the thing is, in Exile, I thought you had all the power.

Beat , deep breath [... It was me that reorganized your beach party, it was me that blew up the Community House! I see an insecure, sad little man. So fuck off. It happens again in early Season 3 in a much more twisted way.

The twist is that Tommy was killed by Dream but got resurrected, and no one knew that he came Back from the Dead until he returned from the prison. He also appeared to suffer from Sensory Overload after being stuck in a dark, soundless void for what felt like months, screaming in agony when Dream so much as pinched him, completely amazed at the fact that he felt hungry, and startling hard every time the Elder Guardian made a noise, saying that the sounds were more "pure" this was also reflected on a meta-level, as Tommy turned up his game volume to max after being revived. Safety in Indifference : He showed shades of this mindset after his resurrection. He eventually breaks out of this mindset and adopts a spider as a pet, naming him Shroud after a Twitch streamer of the same name. This likely stemmed from a combination of his own self-hatred and general impression that no one cared when he was dead, and his experience during the Disc War Finale, where Tubbo was moments away from accepting his own death so that Tommy could retrieve his discs.

The second iteration involved Ghostbur visiting the prison and Tommy sneaking inside with him while invisible, which went... Sent Into Hiding : Due to being mistaken for dead , Techno was forced to keep Tommy hidden to avoid anyone knowing that he was still alive. Seriously Scruffy : When he lived alone in Logstedshire, his hair and clothes became very unkempt. Around BadBoyHalo , Tommy makes an effort to swear as much as possible. As a big Anti-Drug Guy, this is really just fucked up to me.

Canon Tommy would never smoke, or even second hand smoke. I hold my breath whenever canon Wilbur chooses to smoke. Stepford Smiler : His bright personality had returned quickly after moving in with Technoblade, but a closer look makes it quite obvious that it was a front, and that Tommy was actively repressing his trauma instead of dealing with it in a healthy way. He prefers living in a dirt hut over an actual house, and likes building materials that are both easy to get and easy to replace cobblestone and oak wood being his favorites. When he needs items, he usually resorts to stealing or begging from others, and what items he does manage to get, he clings to, hiding them away in secret chests he buries under the floor.

When asked about his parents, Tommy answered that he raised himself, and at one point even claimed to have been created in a lab though whether this is true remains to be seen. Lastly, Wilbur is implied to have taken Tommy in, as Wilbur acted like a Big Brother Mentor before his mental health started to decline, and Ghostbur even claims that Wilbur named Tommy. Supporting Protagonist : Zig-zagged throughout Season 1. Talking Down the Suicidal : Tommy does this twice, though with some twists regarding both times. What qualifies it for this trope is that Wilbur intended to blow himself up with Manburg by going down with the country he built but was taken over by Schlatt.

In Season 2, he manages to do this with himself during the end of the Exile Arc, as he realizes that Dream was trying to keep him from fighting back against him. This eventually ends with Tommy jumping down to safety into a pool of water and escaping Logstedshire. However, his short-sighted focus on his discs leads him to make decisions or actions detrimental to everyone else around him, driving away the people he cares about and making him look extremely selfish for prioritizing objects over other people. Third Wheel : Tommy comments that he felt like one during his first visit to Las Nevadas with Wilbur, who was having Belligerent Sexual Tension with Quackity for half the stream. This Is for Emphasis, Bitch!

Those Two Guys : With Tubbo, to the point they have been referred to as brothers. Too Unhappy to Be Hungry : During his time in Logstedshire, there were several instances where Tommy actively refused to eat despite his hunger meter becoming dangerously low, likely demonstrating that this is the case. Locations that remind him of past traumatic events, like Logstedshire where he gets incredibly anxious and the Final Control Room which caused him to have a full-on panic attack, hyperventilating and scrambling for an exit , and things that remind him of his time in exile cause him to become incredibly panicked. Tubbo: Plains biomes, especially. Let me think, let me think.

The hole-stuff really gets me, the um... Seeing [Dream] being nice to us, seeing him all cocky and laughing at us, that... After dying and being revived, Tommy has flashbacks and flies into a screaming panic whenever he takes damage of any kind, no matter how minor, and any reminders of what happened trigger new panic attacks, to the point where he starts begging people to stop asking him to talk about it.

Дрим пытается помочь, говоря ему: «Он такого же цвета, как и я». Многие фанаты Dream Team сочли это коротким милым моментом.

В итоге они выиграли чемпионат, и Дрим «поцеловал» Джорджа во время празднования. Dream SMP Во время первых стримов Дрима и Джорджа на Twitch они решили создать многопользовательский мир выживания, чтобы вместе построить дом. С тех пор в этом SMP приняли участие десятки других стримеров, что привело к созданию фракций, стран и войн. Первоначальный дом, который построили Дрим и Джордж, стал известен как «Дом сообщества». Когда они работали, Джордж прочитал донат от кого-то, чьё имя пользователя было «baby», поэтому, когда Джордж поблагодарил их, используя их имя, Дрим заревновал и спросил, с кем он разговаривает.

В конце концов, Дом сообщества был разрушен, и когда это произошло, Дрим был искренне расстроен. Хотя он говорит, что это произошло потому, что это было историческое здание, как первое на сервере, некоторые фанаты предполагают, что это было потому, что это был совместный дом Дрима и Джорджа. По канонам они лучшие друзья, и Дрим заметно очень опекает Джорджа. Хотя Дрим является «настоящим злодеем» СМП Дрима, неизвестно, что он действительно чувствует к Джорджу, так как некоторые фанаты ставят под сомнение его решение сделать Джорджа новым королём СМП Дрима, решение, которое привело к тому, что Джордж потерял жизнь, несмотря на усилия Дрима защитить его. Love or Host Во время прослушивания «Love or Host Auditions» для Джорджа, Дрим не был приглашён, но из-за давления со стороны зрителей и самого Дрима, он был добавлен в звонок.

Во время прослушивания он говорит, что будет тем, кто «завоюет сердце Джорджа» и «отведёт его к верстаку». Последнее является грязной или наводящей на размышления внутренней шуткой в фэндоме. Он также говорит, что если бы он был кандидатом, у девушек не было бы шансов против него, когда дело дошло бы до завоевания сердца Джорджа. На том же прослушивании Дрим говорит, что единственный мужчина, который ему нравится, это Джордж, и говорит Сапнапу «отвали» после того, как Сапнап прерывает его признание в любви своим собственным. В итоге победила JustaMinx и выбрала «любовь», что привело к тому, что она и Джордж устроили свидание в Minecraft.

Несмотря на его предыдущий твит, Дрим и Минкс были дружелюбны друг к другу и даже вместе посмеялись над Джорджем, потому что он думал, что Минкс выберет «хост». Однако их свидание срывается ближе к концу, и Минкс уходит, оставляя Дрима и Джорджа наедине. Джордж пытается подарить Дриму цветок мака, но тот не замечает его. Among Us Они склонны защищать друг друга во время собраний, но Дрим известен тем, что защищает Джорджа, даже если знает, что тот — предатель. На одном из собраний BadBoyHalo Among Us Дрим защищает Джорджа от остальных членов команды, говоря, что они с Джорджем «буквально держались за руки в коридоре».

После этого Джордж сказал, что рука Дрима тёплая. Во время этой трансляции BadBoyHalo замечает поведение Дрима и говорит: «Дрим знает, что это Джордж, он просто притворяется», когда команда почти не смогла проголосовать за Джорджа из-за того, что Дрим намеренно вёл себя подозрительно, пытаясь заставить команду разделить голоса. Дрим: «Мы с Джорджем буквально держались за руки в коридоре и увидели тебя» Джордж: «Я держала его за руку… она была такой тёплой» В ожидании начала игры Дрим прячется за одним из ящиков в дропшипе и просит Джорджа спрятаться вместе с ним. Джордж присоединяется к нему, а скриншот, на котором изображены эти двое за ящиком, в итоге стал небольшим мемом в Twitter. Также, когда Карл присоединяется к двоим за ящиком, Дрим перестаёт смеяться вместе с Джорджем и говорит: «Нет, не ты [Карл]».

Jackbox Games Во время раунда рэп-баттла Jackbox, где Дрим выступал против Джорджа, Дрим написал несколько чрезвычайно сексуальных и наводящих на размышления текстов, которые Джордж счёл забавными и в шутку спросил Дрима, что с ним не так. Дрим: «When I think of you I think of cum. Джордж ответил: «Куда ты меня ведёшь? Очевидно, что это была шутка, но многие всё равно сочли её милой. В конце 2019 года Джордж опубликовал сомнительный тест микрофона, в котором он кричит: «Не трогай меня там, Дрим!

В качестве первоапрельской шутки Джордж написал в Твиттере: «Счастлив сообщить, что DreamWasTaken и я поженимся в 2021 году! Позже, во время первого Twitch-стрима Дрима, Джордж действительно построил для них свадебный алтарь, со священником-селянином и рядами сидений. Однако после ссоры с Дримом Джордж позже написал в Твиттере, что свадьба отменяется. Дрим ретвитнул это. Важно учесть, что всё это было шуткой, и что ни одна из сторон на самом деле не была расстроена.

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Ghostbur Art. Ghostbur арт. Томми MCYT. Томми Dream smp. Фанди майнкрафт. Вилбур Dream smp. Дрим, Томми и Уилбур. Dream smp Дрим. Дрим СМП арт. Дрим СМП арты. Фуллиш Дрим СМП. Дрим и Вилбур арты. Fundy and Wilbur. Dream smp Томми арт. Фанфики Техно и Дрим. Фанфики про Техно и Дрима. Рейнбоу Дрим СМП. Каллахан Дрим СМП. Ranboo and tubbo. Арты Ranboo and tubbo. Dream Team Ranboo. Дрим и Джордж шип. Дрим и Джордж шип арт. Бенч трио Дрим СМП. Dream and Tommy Love. Дрим СМП фанарты. Drista Art. Drista Dream. Drista Dream smp. Dream x drista. Karl sapnap George Dream. Фанди Dream smp. Дрим СМП Чиби. Fundy Fan Art. Джордж арт Дрим тим. Дрим тим Фандом. Dream фанфики. Сестра Дрима. Сестра Дрима майнкрафт. Дрим Фанарт.

- Дрим передает книгу Томми, и Томми зачитывает ее. - Уилбур | Всё о DreamSMP (Дрим СМП)

Дрим СМП такой 22 Авиан Томми такой. Dream y Tommy accidentalmente se convierten en niños pequeños cuando están escondidos en la casa de Techno. Дрим СМП такой 22 Авиан Томми такой. Смотрите видео на тему «Tommy X Dream Fanart Ship» в TikTok. Томми Дрим СМП. Арты с Томми Dream smp.

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Where Tommy seems to be compensating for a lack of confidence with bluster , Techno is secure in his status as the best PVPer on the server. Where Tommy wants to redeem Wilbur, Techno seeks to drive him further into madness. Most of the internal conflict in Pogtopia came from Technoblade and Tommy antagonizing each other, with Tommy believing in hope for a better future while Techno is jaded and only sees the potential for tyranny. To Quackity as well. While both of them are determined to achieve their goals, share a hatred towards Dream, and have broadly good intentions for the server, Quackity is power-hungry in that he wants the knowledge of resurrection for himself, while Tommy believes having the knowledge to resurrect others gives people too much power and thus wants to have the knowledge destroyed. It also helps that both of them were frequently placed in powerless positions on the server, but developed contrasting opinions on power because of their history.

Freudian Excuse : Downplayed. George is called "GeorgeNotFound". Jack is called Jack Manifold, despite both of them interacting with each other before Jack changed his account name from Thunder1408 to JackManifoldTV. Functional Addict : Sometime during the course of Season 4, Tommy has taken to substance abuse in the form of invisibility potions, most likely as a coping mechanism. Good Is Not Nice : Tommy is a very honest and blunt person to put it simply, though he does become more friendly once he warms up to people.

Alongside Wilbur, he continually preaches for unity, and while he enjoys messing with his friends, he always backs them up if they get into serious trouble. Ashamed, he tells Tubbo to hand over the discs to Dream. Tommy: This is our turnaround. No more of this shit. I tried it, and I was not very good at it.

Hidden Depths : As loud and rude to others as he is, Tommy has a soft spot for animals. Hypocrite : During the Doomsday War, he confronts Technoblade and calls him selfish and a traitor. Though Techno quickly calls Tommy out on his hypocrisy, it should be noted that hypocrisy is, ironically, something that Techno himself is regularly seen engaging in. Hypocritical Heartwarming : Tommy will more often than not pounce on an opportunity to make fun of Ranboo, but for the entire time Wilbur was speaking to Ranboo, Tommy was protective of him and coming to his defense. When forced to write an essay on what he did that day as part of his probation, Tommy decided to sign it with all of his aliases.

His signature takes up about three pages. I Have This Friend : He attempts to do a variation of this as "Trousers" while visiting Las Nevadas once, to talk about his issues in third person and using various epithets, e. Quackity sees through it, but plays along and tries to help him anyway. I Just Want to Be Normal : Despite what a lot of the other characters seem to think, Tommy does not want to be a hero. After being revived, people react to him showing up on the server again — quite understandably — with complete shock, and repeatedly ask him for answers.

Tommy hates this, saying that he just wanted to be treated as normal, and that he felt like nobody actually cared about him, just the fact that he came back from the dead. After finding out that Ranboo married Tubbo , Tommy is initially somewhat hostile towards Ranboo due to a fear of being replaced, but he becomes much more civil and amicable about it after learning that Ranboo makes Tubbo happy. Iconic Item : Naturally, Tommy is most often associated with his discs. The Immune : Tommy is one of the few people who are immune to the Crimson. This was most obvious during the Exile arc where, in his correspondence with Ranboo, Tommy would often word-vomit his thoughts onto the page.

This only got worse after his exile, as evidenced by the massive bags under his eyes, to the point where he claimed to have stopped sleeping altogether. Jerk with a Heart of Gold : On the surface, Tommy is loud, rude and selfish, swears like a sailor and makes a hobby of riling people up , especially during Season 1. However, Tommy is also fiercely loyal, willing to sacrifice his most prized possessions, his safety, and even his life for those he cares about, and has zero qualms about standing up to those stronger than him to protect the ones he loves. Keet : Initially played straight but later subverted. Early in the SMP, Tommy was a very loud, energetic, and enthusiastic bratty teen, however, his personality became more cynical and somber over time, following the decline of his mental health.

Dream takes a liking to the cat, and tries to protect it from Tommy. Tommy, who hates cats and was trying to piss Dream off as much as possible at that point, hits it repeatedly, tries to bait it into the lava, and eventually kills it. Killed Off for Real : When Tommy makes it clear that he was never going to let himself be intimidated or manipulated by Dream ever again, to the point of denying that the revival book was real, Dream snaps and beats him to death, taking his final life. This is subverted when Dream brings him Back from the Dead a few days later. Leeroy Jenkins : Tommy is very prone to leaping before he looks, causing many instances where he does something in the moment that he either instantly regrets or grows to regret.

Tommy decided that this meant he should just shout random words at anyone coming to antagonize them. Major Injury Underreaction : Played for Drama. Motor Mouth : Tommy speaks very quickly, which, combined with his tendency to just say everything that comes to mind, means he can spend ages just talking. Nice Job Breaking It, Hero : The meeting with Dream was going well and Tubbo was able to appease Dream by putting Tommy on an extended probation instead of exiling him. It turned out Dream did not care about his dead horse and went back to demanding that Tommy be exiled — which he eventually was.

Tommy tries to kill Dream to get rid of the knowledge of the revive-book. It goes well, until Tommy gets too eager and pulls out the Axe of Peace too soon, causing Sam to spot him. Quackity is "Big Q", which is the only nickname Tommy has given that actually stuck. Wilbur is "Wil" or "Big Dubs". Tubbo is "Small T" or "Tubzo".

Technoblade is "The Blade". Dream is "Big D". Not Used to Freedom : After Exile, Tommy struggles to take matters into his own hands, to the point where Techno remarks that he has "no free will whatsoever". While Tommy improves a lot after Dream gets locked up, he sometimes states that it was a lot easier when he had someone else to make decisions for him which was his initial motivation for trying to get close to Wilbur again. He even tells Eryn that he missed Exile sometimes, likely for this reason.

When Wilbur underwent his Pogtopian mental health spiral, however, Tommy was dead serious and extremely concerned. Tommy is mostly known for being very loud and confident. However, when Tubbo exiled him, Tommy was stunned into horrified silence.

Честно, Найтмер — в испуге сказал Дрим. Если еще кто-то прийдет, позвони. Хотя, я не думаю, что кто-то придет. Найтмер развернулся и пошел гулять. Он шел по другой стороне деревни, так, где было мало людей.

По дороге он думал о разрушенном Дримтейле с красным небом и пнем, который только и остался от Древа, затем он подумал о красивом и процветающем Дримтейле. Вспомнил, как они с Дримом в детстве любили есть конфеты: леденцы на палочке. Поэтому Найт решил зайти в магазин и купить их. Выйдя из магазины, он держа в руке два леденца — желтую звезду и фиолетовый круг. Он пошел дальше, но наткнулся на тех ребят, которые ненавидели его. Как мило. Так и хочется забрать у ребенка леденец. Остальные рассмеялись.

В их команде было два пацана и одна девка. Найтмер ничего не сказал и просто пошел дальше, подумав, что потом убьет их. Найт остановился. Он опустил руку, в которой держал конфеты. Он был в полутемной форме, то есть по глазу пптекла черная жидкость, рот был таким, как будто его разорвали. Те ребята испугались и удивились одновременно. За спиной Найтмера появились щупальца, одна из которых прижала девушку к земле, пробив ее насквозь, вторая подняла парня в воздух, пробив его насквозь, а третяя свалила второго парня за горло и тоже подняла в воздух.

Можете быть собой и ничего не стесняться. Самовыражайтесь как Вам хочется. Стройте лор между участниками, ведь каждый из них с радостью откликнется на интересующее предложение. Так же, наши участники всегда готовы помочь новичкам с проектами или на начальной стадии игры. Версия: 1.

You have to step off the trail to find your path. Even worse. Tommy had been betrayed once again. These are real people, and some are minors. Badboyhalo Quackity Slimecicle c! Now him and his brother go out and get revenge on all the people that have hurt,killed them and definitely the man who killed Dream. But little do they know that that person was right in front of them 1. What will happen to Olivia and Ricky when the secret finally comes out? Content Warning: This story is a depiction of real life.

Последняя переписка Томми и Дрима яой 18+ 🥵

Current track: dream x tommy fanficdream x tommy fanfic. Turn your dreams into reality. фанфики с пейрингом Томми/Дрим (недоперевод). Загружено от: Myvideo. Dream blames Tommy for attachment because while before people cared about each other Dream only realized attachments and their use from Tommy. Dream blames Tommy for attachment because while before people cared about each other Dream only realized attachments and their use from Tommy. Tommy Dream Fanfic Food with ingredients,nutritions,instructions and related recipes.

Tommy himself

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  • Последняя переписка Томми и Дрима яой 18+ 🥵
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Tommy, sixteen, lives with Tubbo in an orphanage, the two of them running around in the cold streets of their town. Дрим и Томми фанфики. Dream blames Tommy for attachment because while before people cared about each other Dream only realized attachments and their use from Tommy. Dream blames Tommy for attachment because while before people cared about each other Dream only realized attachments and their use from Tommy.

Дрим и Томми:)

Вилбур smp Art. Wilbur Soot x Schlatt. Рейнбоу Дрим СМП. Каллахан Дрим СМП.

Dream smp Дрим. Дрим СМП арт. Дрим СМП фанарты.

Дрим СМП арты. Dream smp icon Dream and Tommy. Шлатт и Квакити.

Джей Шлатт. Шлатт ДСМП. Шлатт smp.

Джордж арт Дрим тим. Дрим тим Фандом. Dream фанфики.

Dream smp Джордж и Дрим. Ранбу Дрим СМП. Ранбу и таббо.

Ранбу арт Дрим СМП. Ранбу Dream smp. Sad-ist Art.

Sad ist Ranboo. Дрим СМП арты дриста и Дрим. Фуллиш Дрим СМП.

Дрим и Джордж шип. Дрим и Джордж 18. Дрим и Джордж шип арт.

Турбо Дрим СМП. Туббо ДСМП. Таббо арт Дрим СМП.

МСЮТ Фандом. Dream smp Technoblade. Dream Technoblade шипы.

Dream x Technoblade шип. Ranboo and tubbo. Арты Ranboo and tubbo.

Dream Team Ranboo. Karl sapnap George Dream. Фанди Dream smp.

Стройте лор между участниками, ведь каждый из них с радостью откликнется на интересующее предложение. Так же, наши участники всегда готовы помочь новичкам с проектами или на начальной стадии игры. Версия: 1. Связаться с нами можно через: Глав.

Philza and Technoblade. Вилбур и Томми арт. Томми и Вилбур шип.

Fundy MCYT. Дрим и Вилбур арты. Уилбур Дрим СМП. Fundy and Wilbur. Technoblade x Philza. Филза Дрим СМП. MCYT Вилбур. Вилбур smp Art.

Wilbur Soot x Schlatt. Рейнбоу Дрим СМП. Каллахан Дрим СМП. Dream smp Дрим. Дрим СМП арт. Дрим СМП фанарты. Дрим СМП арты. Dream smp icon Dream and Tommy.

Шлатт и Квакити. Джей Шлатт. Шлатт ДСМП. Шлатт smp. Джордж арт Дрим тим. Дрим тим Фандом. Dream фанфики. Dream smp Джордж и Дрим.

Ранбу Дрим СМП. Ранбу и таббо. Ранбу арт Дрим СМП. Ранбу Dream smp. Sad-ist Art. Sad ist Ranboo. Дрим СМП арты дриста и Дрим. Фуллиш Дрим СМП.

Дрим и Джордж шип. Дрим и Джордж 18. Дрим и Джордж шип арт. Турбо Дрим СМП. Туббо ДСМП.

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